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arentoine edited this page May 16, 2020 · 21 revisions


GoSync is an open source Google Drive client for Linux written in python.

It synchronizes all your files between your local drive and your Google Drive except for Google Documents. Changes to your local drive are immediately uploaded to your Google Drive.

GoSync checks every 10 minutes for any changes to your Google Drive to update your local drive.

Installation or Upgrade GoSync

YouTube Video - Howto Install GoSync

This YouTube video describes the steps to have GoSync working on Python 2.7 (Ubuntu 18.04) :

For Ubuntu 20.04 on Python 3 :

To install GoSync, follow below steps.

If you upgrade, go directly to the last section "Install or Upgrade GoSync from the sources".

New Installation

  1. Install the prerequisites

    For Python 2.7 (ubuntu 18.04) Open a console then:

    • Install Python :
      sudo apt-get install python
    • Install wxPython :
      sudo apt-get install python-wxgtk3.0
    • Install Package Installer for Python (pip) :
      sudo apt-get install python-pip

    For Python 3 (ubuntu 20.04) Open a console then:

    • Install Python :
      sudo apt-get install python3 (must already be installed)
    • Install wxPython :
      sudo apt-get install python3-wxgtk4.0
    • Install Package Installer for Python (pip) :
      sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  2. Retrieve the file "Crendentials.json" (Enable Google Drive API)

    • Goto to the Google Drive API (
    • In the section “Step 1: Turn on the Drive API” : Click on the button “Enable the Drive API”.
    • In the window “Configure you OAuth client” : keep selection “Desktop app” then click on “Create
    • In the window “You're all set!” : click on “Download Client Configuration
    • Save the file “Credentials.json” to a location of your choise.
  3. Install or Upgrade GoSync from the sources

    • Go to (

    • Download the zip file

    • Extract to the directory of your choice (ex : Donwload) : You should have a new directory called “gosync-0.4”.

      Open a console to type below commands (extract directory used is “Downloads”):

    • go to the “gosync-0.4” directory

      cd ~/Downloads/gosync-0.4
    • Install GoSync

      For Python 2.7 (ubuntu 18.04)

      sudo pip install --upgrade .

      For Python 3 (ubuntu 20.04)

      sudo pip3 install --upgrade .
    • (Optional) you can remove the directory you just downloaded

      rm -r ~/Downloads/gosync-0.4
    • Start GoSync, from the console, simply type:

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