The exit plugin stops the LogStash agent.
git clone git://
cd logstash-exit-plugin
%LOGSTASH_HOME%\bin\logstash agent --pluginpath .\plugins -f exit-example.conf
Stop a LogStash agent from a LogStash configuration file.
This plugin is usefull for testing or batch.
No configuration is required. The default exit code is 0 (normal exit).
A pause could be add in order LogStash may flushes its last outputs.
To stop a LogStash agent, one option would be to put a line at the end of the log such as:
You can then use the exit plugin which is executed by LogStash when it hits that line.
The exit-example.conf configuration file provides an example.
Here an overview:
exit {
pause_second => 10
exit_code => 99