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Do you need to process CSV files like a PRO!?

This NPM provides the best way to convert from simple CSV file to JSON and giving you some valuable and useful metadata for querying the results and functions that allows modify, filter, and sort data.

Currently available

  • Modify data using custom functions colum-row pair .setVal('b4', 'hello');
  • Formulas .applyFormula('B3', function)
  • Filter data by column .filterVal('B', function)
  • Sort data .sort('B', 'ASC')

Coming soon functionalities

  • Apply formulas to row sets
  • Save csv file
  • Transform to excel datasheet

How to install?.

see package on

npm i easy-csv2json

Simple use of the package


import { EasyCSV2JSON, EasyCSV2JSONInput } from 'easy-csv2json/lib';

// ...

const fs = require('fs');
const filePath = join(documents, 'myFile.csv');
const ab = fs.readFileSync(filePath);
const eCsv = new EasyCSV2JSON();
await eCsv.init({
  file: ab,
  charSep: ',',
  headers: false,
  metadata: false,
} as EasyCSV2JSONInput);

const data = await eCsv.convert();
const filteredData: EasyCSV2JSON = await eCsv.filterFn('B', (value) =>
  new RegExp(/onion/i).test(value),

console.log(await filteredData.convert());

Result json

  ["id", "name", "price", "stock"],
  [0, "YAM 1000g", 1.22, 1],
  [2, "GARLIC MESH 500g", 0.97, 1],
  [3, "BROCOLI 1000 g", 1.64, 1],
  [4, "SWEET POTATO 1000g", 1.47, 1],
  [5, "WHITE ONION 1000g", 1.16, 1],
  [6, "RED ONION 1000g", 3.01, 1],
  [7, "GINGER 1000g", 3.81, 1],
  [8, "CUCUMBER 1000 g", 0.49, 1]

More output samples here

Parameter options

Parameter type description
file ArrayBuffer CSV file BufferArray
charSep string Char separator
headers boolean The file contains headers true / false
metadata boolean Show metadata in the output JSON


When you use headers, if a header name is repeated the second one is renamed using a numeric postfix. Eg: if there are two columns called price the second one becomes into price1

Metadata provided.

Meta Type value
value string, number or date Typed value of the cell
type string Type of the value, string, number or date
column string Excel styled columns, eg: A, B, C
row number Reference to the number of row, eg: 1,2,3


EasyCSV2JSON used as a instanced class provide the following methods.

const eCsv = new EasyCSV2JSON();
await eCsv.init(options):
await eCsv.getTable();
await eCsv.convert();
await eCsv.val('B8');
await eCsv.setVal('b4', 'hello');
await eCsv.cell('a1');
await eCsv.applyFormula('B3', fn: (value: any, $this: EasyCSV2JSON) => Promise<any>)
await eCsv.filterVal('B', 'BROCOLI 1000 g', <options>)
await eCsv.filterFn('B', value => new RegExp(/A/i).test(value), <options>),


Project: in progress Thank you for using this NPM

Stay in touch


This software is licensed under MIT License

November 2020


This NPM provides a way to convert from simple CSV file to JSON with/without metadata







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