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Ethical Reinforcement Learning (ERL)

ERL is a Python library for generating standard RL baselines, training agents with ethical constraints, and evaluating agent performance.

This repo is implemented on top of OpenAI gym and is based heavily on gym-minigrid.


This repo is available as a PyPi package and can be installed using pip install ethical-rl

However, I make no guarantees that the package on PyPi is up to date so if you want the code you see here: Clone the repo and pip install .


Library dependencies are listed in

NOTE: The gym-minigrid package may not be up to date in the pip package manager. It may be necessary to clone the gym-minigrid repo, navigate into the directory, and pip install ..


This library can be used in two ways.

1.) Configuration Driven

Create an entry in config.json of the form that has an arbitrary test name as the key and values corresponding to the test to run. Any value that is not specified is defaulted from values in default_config.json.

A test can be run by:

python --test_name your_test_name

If at run time, you wish to override an argument from config.json, simply pass it as a command line argument:

python --test_name your_test_name --number_of_episodes 1000

For a description of available configurations, see the "Configurations" section below.

2.) Roll Your Own

The main elements of a RL problem are an environment, a model, a policy, and an algorithm. These items, along with their necessary configuration parameters (see "Configurations" below), are all that are needed to train an agent.

import json, gym

from ethical_rl.models.sequential.perceptron import Model
from ethical_rl.policies.epsilon_greedy import Policy
from ethical_rl.algorithms.dqn.double_dqn import Algorithm

config = json.loads(open("./default_config.json").read())

environment = gym.make("CartPole-v0")
model = Model(environment=environment).model
policy = Policy(environment=environment)
algorithm = Algorithm(environment=environment, model=model, policy=policy, **config)



Adjustable parameters defaults that can be specified in config.json or from the command line are:

     "max_replay_buffer_length" : 2000,
    "batch_size" : 32,
    "discount_factor" : 0.95,
    "optimizer" : "Adam",
    "learning_rate" : 1e-3,
    "loss_function" : "mean_squared_error",
    "number_of_episodes" : 600,
    "maximum_step_size" : 200,
    "buffer_wait_steps" : 50,
    "model_module" : "ethical_rl.models.sequential.perceptron",
    "fully_connected_model_size" : [32, 32],
    "policy_module": "ethical_rl.policies.epsilon_greedy",
    "algorithm_module" : "ethical_rl.algorithms.dqn.double_dqn",
    "reward_module" : "ethical_rl.environments.rewards.negative_step",
    "termination_reward" : 30,
    "step_reward" : -1,
    "epsilon_schedule_module" : "ethical_rl.common.schedules.linear",
    "epsilon_start" : 1.0,
    "epsilon_end" : 0.01,
    "epsilon_anneal_percent" : 0.10,
    "environment_wrapper" : {
      "modules" : ["ethical_rl.wrappers.symbolic_observations"], 
      "classes" : ["SymbolicObservationsOneHotWrapper"]
    "environment_name" : "MiniGrid-Ethical5x5-v0",
    "replay_buffer_module": "ethical_rl.algorithms.dqn.replay_buffer.simple",
    "replay_buffer_prioritization" : 0.5,
    "target_sync_frequency" : 50,
    "clip_norm": null,
    "max_steps_per_episode" : 100,
    "render_training_steps" : null,
    "random_start_position" : false,
    "constraint_violation_penalty": -1,
    "include_environment_config": true,
    "reward_model_path" : "",
    "results_destination": "",
    "constraint_color": null,
    "constraint_location": null,
    "clip_ratio": 0.0,
    "rollout_length": 128,
    "target_kl": null,
    "evaluate_steps": 25,
    "td_lambda_value": 1,
    "loss_steps": null,
    "render_steps": null,
    "num_epochs": 1,
    "alpha": 1.0,
    "initial_lambda_value": 1.0,
    "lambda_learning_rate": 0.001,
    "classifier_training_steps": 1,
    "policy_training_steps": 1


Boilerplate code for common uses is available in the examples folder.

  • - visual rendering of a single episode
  • - generate labels from human/synthetic feedback to be used in reward function approximation
  • - create a neural network for reward function approximation
  • - deploy code and configuration to run on a remote host

Repo Organization

As noted above, the main components of an RL problem are an environment, a model, a policy, and an algorithm. This repository is organized in such a way that each of these components have a common interface and can be easily modified or created and used in whatever combination is desired.


Available environments can be found in ./environments. Environments must inherit from gym.Env and required override methods are: reset() and step(). For more information see the OpenAI Gym environment docs

Currently, we have 5 environments - 4 different grid worlds and 1 for news article recommendation.

Alt text

To create a new environment, simply create a new file with an Environment class, register it with a unique ID, and pass the ID in via the environment_name argument.


OpenAI Gym supports the concept of "wrappers". Wrappers allow environment transformations to be done in a modular fashion. For example, when states are represented as RGB images, often pixels are represented by values between 0 and 255. However, sometimes learning can be done faster if pixel values are rescaled to take values between 0 and 1. This is where a wrapper can be used. There are several wrappers provided by OpenAI Gym (see here). Also, this write-up provides an in depth explanation of wrappers and how to create your own.

Custom wrappers in this repo can be placed in ./wrappers and passed in via the environment_wrapper configuration where you reference the module path and the class name.


A key component of an RL environment is a reward function. In our tests here we are concerned with evaluating agent behavior when constraints are explicitly modeled in the reward functions against behavior when constraint information is provided by other means such as labeled trajectories or demonstrations.

Custom Reward classes can be created by adding a new file in ./environments/rewards and then referencing the new object with the reward_module path.

Algorithms, Models, and Policies

These items all follow the exact same pattern as rewards. To create a new implementation, simply add a file to either ./algorithms, ./models, or ./policies with a class name of Algorithm, Model, or Policy. Then, reference your new object with the appropriate configuration argument (either algorithm_module, model_module, or policy_module).

Each of these has an associated BASE class that can be inherited from to streamline common attribute instantiation (e.g. batch_size or learning_rate for models) that helps keep new class files relatively light weight.

Current implementations are:

  • Algorithms
    • Deep Q-Network (DQN)
    • Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO)
  • Models
    • Dueling DQN
    • Simple Perceptron
    • Value Network (for PPO)
  • Policies
    • Epsilon Greedy
    • Actor Network (for PPO)


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.




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