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Heroku app link for the landing page:

Link to the documentation:

Getting Started


Static Download

Download the following source code files to your project's directory:


Include the following scripts on your webpage (in the same order):

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="[path to the directory in which you put the library CSS source code]/lyrichord.css">
<script defer src=""></script>
<script defer type="text/javascript" src='[path to the directory in which you put the library JavaScript source code]/lyrichord.js'></script>

How To Use

// Create a general song info instance
const song_info = new GeneralSongInfo('Knockin On Heaven\'s Door', 'Bob Dylan', 'The Essential Bob Dylan');
// Create the DOM element you want the song sheet to be displayed in
const song_container = document.createElement('div');
// Make the chords of the song.
const G = new Chord('G', [3, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3]);
G.add_shape([3, 5, 5, 4, 3, 3], {3: [1, 6]});
const D = new Chord('D', [-1, -1, 0, 2, 3, 2]);
const Am7 = new Chord('Am7', [-1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0]);
const C = new Chord('Am7', [-1, 3, 2, 0, 1, 0]);
// Create a chord group
// ** Note that in each LyricChordPair instance, the chord is to be played together with the text counterpart.
const verse = new LyricChordGroup(
    [new LyricChordLine(
        [new LyricChordPair('Mama take', G),
         new LyricChordPair('this badge off', D),
         new LyricChordPair('of me', Am7)]),
     new LyricChordLine(
        [new LyricChordPair('I can\'t', G),
        new LyricChordPair('use it', D),
        new LyricChordPair('anymore...', D)])
// Create a song content instance
const content = new SongContent([verse]);
// Create the song sheet instance
const song = new SongSheet(song_info, content);
// Display the song sheet inside the container created above
// Optional: add the container to the body of DOM
const body = document.querySelector('body');

Link to the documentation:



Class representing the general song info.


Class representing a Chord object.


Class representing the lyric-chord pair objects of the song sheet. In terms of representation, the chord part in the pair is to be played together with the text part.


Class representing a line of lyric-chord pairs.


Class representing a group of lyric-chord lines.


Class representing the song content portion of the song sheet (lyrics and chords).


Class representing the song sheet object.


Class representing the general song info.

Kind: global class

new GeneralSongInfo([name], [artist], [album], [tuning], [capo], [key], [instrument])

Create a general song info section.

Param Type Default Description
[name] String The name of the song.
[artist] String The name of the song.
[album] String The album name of the song.
[tuning] String 'eadgbe' The tuning of the song.
[capo] Number 0 The fret number to put the capo on.
[key] String The key of the song.
[instrument] String 'Guitar' The string instrument name of the music sheet chords (e.g. 'Guitar', 'Bass', 'Ukulele').


Display general song info on DOM.

Kind: instance method of GeneralSongInfo

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.


Class representing a Chord object.

Kind: global class

new Chord([name], fret_nums, [barres], [display_in_popup])

Param Type Default Description
[name] String The name of the chord.
fret_nums Array.<Number> The fret number representation of the primary shape of 6hechord, i.e. n_i represents which fret to hold for string i.
  • n_i = 0 represents open string.
  • n_i = -1 represents mute string.
  • n_i > 0 represents fret number to hold on string i.
  • fret_nums.length = number of strings on corresponding instrument
  • /ul>
[barres] Object.<Number, Array.<Number>> The barres on the primary shape of the chord with the key as the fret number and the value array as [start_string , end_string].
  • starting form the most top string on instrument (1) to the most bottom string (this.fret_nums.length)
  • where start_string > 0 and end_string > start_string
    and end_string <= fret_nums.length
  • e.g. {5: [2, 4]} represents a barre on fret 5 covering strings #2 to #4.
[display_in_popup] Boolean true Boolean representing the initial indication of whether the chord should be displayed as popup.

chord.add_shape(fret_nums, [barres])

Add additional chord shape to a Chord to display on pages of chord's carousel.

Kind: instance method of Chord

Param Type Description
fret_nums Array.<Number> The fret number representation of the chord, i.e. n_i represents which fret to hold for string i.
  • n_i = 0 represents open string.
  • n_i = -1 represents mute string.
  • n_i > 0 represents fret number to hold on string i.
  • fret_nums.length = number of strings on corresponding instrument
[barres] Object.<Number, Array.<Number>> The barres on the chord with the key as the fret number and the value array as
[start_string , end_string].
  • starting form the most top string on instrument (1) to the most bottom string (this.fret_nums.length)
  • where start_string > 0 and end_string > start_string
    and end_string <= fret_nums.length
  • e.g. {5: [2, 4]} represents a barre on fret 5 covering strings #2 to #4.

chord.display([container], [chords_section], [popup])

Display chord on DOM.

Kind: instance method of Chord

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.
[chords_section] Boolean false Boolean indicating whether it is being displayed on the song chords section of the song sheet (since they are formatted differently)
[popup] Boolean Boolean indicating whether the chord should be displayed as a popup.


Class representing the lyric-chord pair objects of the song sheet. In terms of representation, the chord part in the pair is to be played together with the text part.

Kind: global class

new LyricChordPair([text], [chord])

Param Type Default Description
[text] String The lyrical part of the pair.
[chord] Chord The chord part of the pair.

lyricChordPair.display([container], [format_single_chord], [popup])

Display the lyric-chord pair on DOM.

Kind: instance method of LyricChordPair

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.
[format_single_chord] Boolean false Format the corresponding chord's display on the song sheet.
e.g. for instrumental portion of a non instrumental song
[popup] Boolean false Boolean indicating whether the corresponding chord should be displayed as popup.


Class representing a line of lyric-chord pairs.

Kind: global class

new LyricChordLine(pairs)

Param Type Description
pairs Array.<LyricChordPair> Array of lyric-chord pairs to be displayed togehter on the line.


Add a lyric-chord pair to the line object.

Kind: instance method of LyricChordLine

Param Type Description
pair LyricChordPair The lyric-chord pair to be added.

lyricChordLine.display([container], [popup])

Display lyric-chord line on DOM.

Kind: instance method of LyricChordLine

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.
[popup] Boolean Boolean indicating whether the chords of the lyric-chord pairs on the line should be displayed as a popup.


Class representing a group of lyric-chord lines.

Kind: global class

new LyricChordGroup([title], lines)

Param Type Description
[title] String Name of the lyric-chord group (e.g. 'CHORUS', 'SOLO', etc.)
lines Array.<LyricChordLine> Array of lyric-chord lined to be displayed togehter in the group.


Add a lyric-chord line to the line object.

Kind: instance method of LyricChordGroup

Param Type Description
line LyricChordLine The lyric-chord line to be added.

lyricChordGroup.display([container], [popup])

Display lyric-chord group on DOM.

Kind: instance method of LyricChordGroup

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.
[popup] Boolean Boolean indicating whether the chords of the lyric-chord pairs on the lines of the group should be displayed as a popup.


Class representing the song content portion of the song sheet (lyrics and chords).

Kind: global class

new SongContent(groups)

Param Type Description
groups Array.<LyricChordGroup> Array of lyric-chord groups of the song content.

songContent.generateDOM([popup]) ⇒ Element

Generates and returns the DOM element of the song content.

Kind: instance method of SongContent

Param Type Default Description
[popup] Boolean Boolean indicating whether the chords in the song content should be displayed as popups.

songContent.display([container], [popup])

Display song content on DOM.

Kind: instance method of SongContent

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.
[popup] Boolean Boolean indicating whether the chords of the song content should be displayed as a popup.


Class representing the song sheet object.

Kind: global class

new SongSheet(song_info, song_content, [display_all_chords], [popup_format])

Param Type Default Description
song_info GeneralSongInfo General song info part of the song.
song_content SongContent Song content part of the song.
[display_all_chords] Boolean true Option to have a section on the song sheet to display all chords together.
[popup_format] Boolean true Boolean indicating whether the chords of the song should be displayed as popups.

songSheet.display_chords() ⇒ Element | null

Returns the dom element of the chord section or null if there are no chords in the song.

Kind: instance method of SongSheet


Display song sheet on DOM

Kind: instance method of SongSheet

Param Type Default Description
[container] Element document.querySelector('body') The element object to put the display element in.


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