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MTG Game Articles - ROR Capstone Project

The purpose of this project is to consolidate the acquired knowledge of the Ruby on Rails programming language. To do this, make the following application with a compendium of parts necessary for the implementation of a commercial solution. screenshot screenshot screenshot This web page was the Capstone Project for the Ruby on Rails programming language of the Microverse curriculum. In this project, I learned the importance of business applications in developing real-world solutions.

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MTG Game Article

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Loom Presentation

Getting Started

This project was created to study the importance of business applications solutions, MVCs and their application in Ruby on Rails.


Computer running Mac OS, Windows, or Linux Ubuntu. Ruby V.3.0.0...


Getting Started To get a locusing VSCode, first, you must install it by following these steps, then you must open the folder containing my repository in your local repository and open each of the files to see their content.

  • Download the repository on the local machine and place it in the directory of your preference, once this is done, open a terminal in the same location where the project is.
  • To be able to work with Rails it is recommended to have the Ruby Version Manager "RVM" installed, if the simple steps that are reflected in the following pages to install it and to know how to use it in Windows, Mac and Ubuntu.
  • Install and use Ruby version 3.0.1 from a terminal using the command rvm install 3.0.1, press enter, then type the command in your terminal rvm use 3.0.1, after that, verify that you have installed and using the version of Ruby 3.0.1, through the command ruby --version press enter and you should get an output similar to thisruby 3.0.1p64 (2021-04-05 revision 0fb782ee38) [x86_64-linux]with which you can verify the version you are using.
  • Once your version is verified, you are going to do the following, install Ruby on Rails. It is as simple as running a command! gem install rails.
  • Once the installation is complete, you can check if everything went well by restarting your terminal and executing the following command: rails -v this should display the version of Rails installed on your system indicating the installation went smoothly.
  • Now we are going to install "yarn", Visit The Yarn Download Page and from the dropdown box choose the operating system you are using. It will then present you with instructions on how to install Yarn. Follow the instructions step by step. You can verify the install by running the following command yarn --version.
  • Now we will migrate the database with the command rails db: migrate.
  • Now we are going to proceed to install the gems on our local machine through the bundle install command.
  • Now, open a browser and visit http://localhost:3000/ to see your application! Note: If you’re using a VM, you will need to open the browser inside of your VM in order for this to work.
  • If you have any questions or problems about how to run this project, you can leave me a comment in the issues section of this repository, I am more than willing to help you.


Run the command rails server with Ruby V.3.0.1.

Run tests

Please, before performing the tests, follow the steps in the Install section, located above this point in this article.

for test formatting add below script in .rspec file

    rspec --format documentation

To run all the tests run below script in the terminal



👤 Author Aristides Jose Molina Pérez

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

Show your support

Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!


This project is CC0-1.0 licensed.


  • Ariel Camus CEO Microverse: For letting us start this journey.
  • Google: For letting us find crucial information in order to create this project.
  • Nelson Sakwa: for designing the concept of this application in which I was inspired.
  • Ruby on Rails: For being a great framework.
  • Ruby: For being a great programming language.


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