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[Feature] Baseline Mode

CxJ edited this page Dec 13, 2022 · 3 revisions

Baseline mode allows a cluster to be built using a ClusterSpec and a Profile (optional) without being linked in anyway to the objects used. A Baseline Cluster is similar to a Cloned Cluster with one distinct difference, its intentionally built to operate outside of GitOps. To build the cluster Arlon needs to create the CAPI objects, and associated Apps, but it is not required that these objects are created in Git.

The deployment of the cluster will not be audited, no alerting and no enforcement.

Design options/open items

  • There is the potential that the cluster could be created without using ArgoCD.
  • There is the potential to have profile deployment act as one-off where the objects are removed from ArgoCD but remain on the cluster
  • baseline clusters could be treated like imported/existing-cluster.
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