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Andrew Rodland edited this page Feb 2, 2014 · 1 revision

Accounting Socket

Gatekeeper PUB -> Master tcp:10004 SUB

Master subscribes to "" (all messages)

domain status identifier receive
0 1 2 3 4 5

Frame 0: Domain

The domain should be encoded with a trailing null ("\0"), which will be stripped off by the recipient. This ensures it is usable as a pubsub key. Domains should not contain nulls in their names.

Frame 1: Status

  • "ACCEPTED": Request was accepted
  • "DELAYED": Request was delayed
  • "REJECTED": Request was rejected

Frame 2: Identifier

Frame 3: Receive Timestamp

As milliseconds since 1970, formatted as ASCII decimal. The time when the request was received at the gatekeeper.

Frame 4: Delayed Timestamp

For DELAYED messages, the time at which the request was forwarded to the resource. For ACCEPTED and REJECTED messages, this frame is zero-length.

Frame 5: Log Info


Control Socket

Gatekeeper SUB -> Master tcp:10005 PUB

Gatekeeper subscribes to all domains for which it will receive traffic.

domain command identifier arguments...
0 1 2 3+

The domain should be encoded with a trailing null ("\0"), which will be stripped off by the recipient. This ensures it is usable as a pubsub key. Domains should not contain nulls in their names.


Instructs gatekeepers that requests from clients identified by identifier should not be allowed before a given time.

  • Frame 3: Next request timestamp.
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