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Andrew Rodland edited this page Feb 24, 2014 · 1 revision

server.listen: [scheme://]address[:port]

The address for the master to listen on, as a ZeroMQ connection string. The scheme defaults to tcp, and the port defaults to 10004. Accounting connections will be accepted on the specified port, and control connections on the port one higher. Use "" to listen on all interfaces. address[:port]

The address of the redis instance to use for storing data. Port defaults to 6379 (the redis default port). address[:port]

The address of the StatsD instance to send statistics to. Port defaults to 8125 (the StatsD default port). If the "stats" block is not specified, no stats will be sent.

domains.­name­.rate: num / interval

The rate at which requests should be allowed. "per" can be used instead of "/", and several units are recognized. e.g.:

  • 1 / second
  • 10 / hour
  • 5 / 20 minutes

Internally, rates are converted to the interval between requests, rounded to the nearest millisecond (i.e. "3/sec" == 333 ms, and "1/hour" == 3,600,000 ms).

domains.­name­.interval: interval

Alternatively, the interval can be specified directly. If a string, it is interpreted as an interval. If a string, it is interpreted as the "interval" portion of the "rate" above. If a number, it is used directly as a number of milliseconds.

domains.­name­.burst: [number|interval]

A "burst" is a number of requests that can be sent before the "rate" is strictly enforced. For example, if the rate is 1/sec and the burst is 3, then a client can send three requests within any period of time; however, the fourth request has to be at least three seconds after the first to avoid throttling, the fifth has to be at least three seconds after the second, etc. If specified as an interval, the burst will be equal to the number of requests normally allowed in that interval, so a burst of "1 minute" means a client may use all of its alloted requests for 1 minute at once. { rate: "1/sec", burst: "1 min" } and { rate: "1/sec", burst: 60 } are equivalent.

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