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Releases: aroffringa/glight

Glight 0.9.1

13 Mar 22:27
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Some of the new features in version 0.9.1:

  • New effects: Twinke, function generator effect, pulse
  • Colour variables
  • New controls for colour selection and choice selection
  • More fading options
  • A 'fire' design
  • Import fixtures from a save file
  • Store visualization as SVG file
  • Fixtures can have fillters (monochrome, RGB, auto-master, temperature to RGB)
  • Merge the visualization window and object list window into one
  • Use icons in object browser
  • Support MIDI controller
  • Many gui improvements and bug fixes

This release was also used by me for running the NTDS 2024 dancing tournament.

Glight 0.9

11 Mar 10:39
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This version contains many new features and improvements. The most prominent ones are:

  • Lights are visualized with beams
  • Several new effects and designable chases
  • Fade buttons with the sliders that automatically appear when hovering
  • Each slider has an automatic coloured icon under it
  • Fixture types can be changed
  • Scenes are easier to make and may apply blackout/restore actions
  • Lots of user interface improvements, as well as added customization
  • Redesigned the "dry mode" functionality
  • New file format: use json files instead of xml

This version has been used in large events, and is considered production ready.

Glight 0.8.3

17 Oct 05:25
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This version adds a few useful features and fixes a few small issues, and is the version that was used for live control of lighting during the 2019 fall, 62nd European Tournament for Dancing Students.

New features:

  • Recover from dry mode. Sets all faders back to the real mode.
  • New gradient window in design wizard
  • Window for editing presets
  • Selecting a fixture in either the fixture list or the visualization window will select them in both
  • New transition fade modes (fade from/to black, and full black)
  • Curve effect to apply a function to a value
  • Improved colour shift design
  • Symbol of fixtures are now changeable
  • Black-out protection, to make sure that a room is not fully darkened if that is a concern
  • Fluorescent light starting effect
  • Visualization window can now go into full screen mode
  • Swapping between real and dry mode

Glight 0.8.2

30 Sep 20:19
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Glight 0.8.2 is stable for production, and adds the following features on top of those in 0.8.1:

  • Three new effects: flickering, random selection and constant value
  • New "increasing" chase in design wizard
  • Manual beat tapping (with the 1 key)
  • Possibility to use a toggle button instead of a slider
  • A black-out option and a 'black-out to dry mode' option (press esc)
  • Exiting, loading and new will prompt for confirmation
  • Add multiple fixtures at once
  • Several bug fixes
    • Most serious one was causing instability issues when switching to/from dry mode

Glight 0.8.1

06 Aug 17:13
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This is an update of Glight providing some functionality improvements and bug fixes. I consider this version ready for production. It contains the following enhancements:

  • Improved UI for input of durations
  • Redesigned UI of fader windows
  • Redesigned UI for selection of inputs
  • Selection and editting of fixtures in visualization window
  • RGBUV and Briteq Vintage fixture type
  • Changing chase speed is applied gradually to avoid blinking
  • Make colour-setting presets and colour rotation chases from design wizard
  • Add effects for signal inversion, music activation
  • Convert chases to time sequences
  • Open file from command line

It also fixes quite some bugs, a few major ones which could lead to crashing the UI:

  • Crash when removing folders under certain circumstances
  • Crash when adding new folder with unname object in current folder
  • Crash when removing fixtures

Apart from these three major bugs, many smaller issues were also solved. Almost all scenarios that triggered a bug are now tested by unit tests to verify they are solved.

Glight 0.8

12 Jun 18:48
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This is the first release of Glight. It is fully functional, and can be used in production.

Features in this release:

  • Allows the construction of presets, chases, sequences and various effects
  • Current effects: audiolevel, delay, fade, pulse, threshold
  • Unlimited number of fixtures and other elements
  • Shows can be saved and loaded
  • Any object inputs can be connect to any object outputs, allowing complex directed graphs: an effect can be connected to a chase that includes several presets, which itself can control other effects, chases, presets, etc
  • Allows easy construction of three types of advanced combinations: 1) a running light, 2) a sequence of colours and 3) a combination that turns your lights into an audio-controlled VU meter
  • Because the number of presets can become large quicky, they can be (hierarchically) structured in folders
  • When Glight is used during a production, it is possible to construct and test lights in a "dry mode", during which any changes are shown on screen but not send to DMX

Together this makes up version 0.8 of Glight, and finished the low-level architecture system of Glight. On this stable core, version 0.9 and 1.0 are planned to extend, both to improve some gui elements to make using Glight easier, as well as to include more effects, default chases and extend the timeline system.