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463 lines (416 loc) · 21.2 KB

File metadata and controls

463 lines (416 loc) · 21.2 KB



  • Fix for a bug in aggregated avg_v_identity across all samples has been fixed.
  • pRESTO has been pre-installed in the ImmuneDB Docker container.
  • Collapsing sequences of different lengths now issues a warning rather than raising an exception.


  • Sequence IDs can now be up to 128 characters, up from 64
  • Various Docker image and Travis updates


  • Fixed a bug where subject would be added to metadata after immunedb_modify .. update-metadata
  • Fixed a type conversion bug for the --reduce-difference flag in immunedb_clones.


  • Removed unused code from immunedb_clones.
  • An IgBLAST helper script is now included in the Docker image.
  • Documentation has been substantially updated and includes information about running IgBLAST.


  • Merging similar clones in immunedb_clones is now much faster.


  • immunedb_identify now accepts gzipped files.


  • Minor fix for sequences with indels in immunedb_modify ... combine-samples


  • Collapsing sequences imported from AIRR format now uses substantially less memory.


  • CDR3 indels are now supported for AIRR formatted input.
  • Clonal assignment has been greatly enhanced by allowing sequences with different V-gene and J-gene calls but similar CDR3 nucleotide sequences to be combined. This is helpful in highly mutated populations where gene assignments may be incorrect for some sequences.
  • Clones with less than or equal to 4 (default) nucleotide differences are automatically combined. You can tweak this behavior in immunedb_clones with the --reduce-difference flag.


  • immunedb_import for IgBLAST results in AIRR format has been greatly improved both in performance and accuracy.
  • Short-read edge case for J-alignment now assigns proper gene.
  • immunedb_identify now requires the --ties flag to be specified to enable V-tie calculations. By default simply the highest-identity gene is assigned.
  • immunedb_clone_trees defaults to only include the V-gene in lineage construction. To use full sequences, specify the --full-seq flag.
  • immunedb_clones now implements hierarchical clustering with the cluster method.
  • The lineage method for immunedb_clones has been removed.
  • immunedb_clones now defaults to resetting existing clones. To avoid this behavior specify the --skip-regen flag.
  • immunedb_clones now automatically combines clones with the same V, J, and CDR3 AA sequence. To avoid this behavior specify the --skip-reduce flag.
  • immunedb_clones now defaults to assigning sub-clones.


  • Importing is now supported for only IgBLAST in AIRR format.
  • Database configuration can now be specified with environment variables. IMMUNEDB_DB, IMMUNEDB_PASS, IMMUNEDB_USER are required to be set and IMMUNEDB_HOST is optional (defaults to localhost). When using environment variables, the common first parameter to all commands, db_config should be excluded.
  • Sample export now includes average clonal V-identity and CDR3 length as columns.


  • J-assignment fix for reverse-complement sequences.


  • Minor fix for V-identity when exporting clones.


  • Fix for clonal similarity.
  • The Docker container now proxies both the frontend and API through port 8080. Instead of running, simply navigate to http://localhost:8080/frontend/`db_name`.
  • Exporting clones now includes a v_identity column.


  • Identity filtering for all CLI commands has been changed to use fractions rather than integers.
  • The similarity clonal assignment method now has a --level flag taking either aa (the default) or nt which sets the level at which similarity is calculated.
  • Due to the change above, the tcell clonal assignment method has been removed. Use similarity with the flags --level nt --min-similarity 1 for the same results.


  • J-genes are now assigned based on percent identity rather than number of matching bases which favored longer J-genes.
  • Exporting has been cleaned up and the API and CLI have been unified.
  • Clones can now be pooled when exported.
  • Exporting via the API now returns a uid token rather than the result. The result can be accessed once the data is ready using the uid.
  • A new overlap export format has been added both to the CLI and web-interface.


  • Exporting has been entirely rewritten. Exporting from the CLI and web-interface via the API now use unified methods.
  • Duplicate sequences at the sample level are no longer stored. This increase identification / importing speed drastically.
  • Selection pressure, sample metadata, clones summaries, and clonal overlap have all been added to immunedb_export.
  • immunedb_clone_trees now has new parameters to filter mutations & sequences by copy number and number of samples.
  • Importing for Adaptive data has now been added to the immunedb_import command.
  • Metadata can now be updated and samples can be combined with the immunedb_modify command.


  • ImmuneDB has now been ported to Python 3. ImmuneDB v0.23.0 will be maintained in a separate branch for bug fixes only. No new Python 2 features will be added.
  • Multiprocessing for identification has been rewritten to process each sample sequentially.
  • Fixed a bug where clone counts were incorrect during API call.
  • Adding option to export in AIRR format.
  • Clearcut must now be located in $PATH.
  • The Docker container has been rewritten and no longer uses Docker Compose.


  • Arbitrary metadata can now be specified for samples. The only required fields are sample_name, subject, and study_name.
  • Identification now uses multiprocessing for each sample independently, rather than one process per sample.
  • Sequences with stop codons in the CDR3 can now be added to clones.
  • V-length is now correctly calculated for 5' trimmed sequences.
  • immunedb_sql now has the optional --query argument to run a query via the CLI.
  • Exporting via the CLI should now be faster.
  • Insertions and deletions can now be exported for clones and sequences.
  • Selection pressure is now provided with the sample analysis API call.


  • Arbitary fields can be specified in metadata files. The only required fields are now file_name, study_name, sample_name, and subject.
  • Clones correctly filtered when functionality is not stipulated.
  • Sequences that comprise trees can now be filtered by their copy number using --min-seq-copies.
  • Sequences with invalid bases will no longer cause identification to fail.
  • Various local-alignment bug fixes.
  • The number of instances in a clone is now stored in the database.
  • Mutations are correctly exported when limiting to certain samples.
  • Sequences can now be exported in AIRR compatible GenBank format with immunedb_export genbank.
  • Sequences can now be exported in Change-O format with immunedb_export changeo.
  • Genotyping with TIgGER can be run by passing the --genotype flag to immunedb_identify. See the docs for more instructions.
  • Selection pressure is now stored in a separate table for easier querying.
  • Optional baseline regression tests added.
  • Tree node features with no values are now excluded.


  • Local alignment has been entirely rewritten to use bowtie2. This drastically reduces the time necessary to locally align sequences.
  • The /samples/overlap/ API endpoint now properly returns clones when not filtering by functionality.
  • A new --min-seq-copies flag has been added to immunedb_clone_trees which limits which sequences are included in trees based on their copy number.
  • Re-creating trees of specifically specified clones now requires the --force flag.
  • Default arguments for all commands are now automatically populated.
  • API calls to list subjects now provides unique sequences as well as copies and instances.
  • Arguments for immunedb_clones have been changed. Three methods are now available, similarity based for B-cells, identical based for T-cells, and a lineage-separation method.
  • Instance counts are now stored for clones.


  • Metadata is now specified in TSV files rather than JSON. A immunedb_metadata command has been added to automatically create a template file from FASTA/FASTQ files.
  • Gene representation has been modified to be more flexible with non-standard naming schemes.
  • J-gene identification has been substantially changed. If anchoring does not work, full-sequence matching is attempted.
  • Clones can now be exported in the format expected by VDJtools with the immunedb_export vdjtools command.


  • Subclones are now properly assigned.
  • The order of exported sequences is now consistent.
  • Updates for consistency with Python 3 test cases.


  • ImmuneDB can now process T-cell sequences.
  • Clonal assignment now includes an optional "subclone" process for locally-aligned sequences. Subclones are clones which share features of their parent, but contain insertions or deletions. See the documentation for more information.
  • External clonal assignments can now be imported with immunedb_clone_import.
  • Optional rollbar support has been added to immunedb_rest to track errors.
  • Logging has been overhauled and is more consistent with best-practices.


  • The package has been renamed from AIRRDB to ImmuneDB.
  • Tests now check for the presence of a local-alignment binary.
  • SciPy has been removed as a dependency and a custom hypergeom function has been included.


  • The package has been renamed from SLDB to AIRRDB.
  • J-gene offsets are now set to human values by default.
  • Local alignment has been updated and should properly work for most sequences.


  • Selection pressure can now be calculated for mutations happening exactly a specified number of times.
  • Clonal overlap calculations are now faster.
  • A sldb_sql command has been added to ease direct interface with MySQL.
  • API call for clonal overlap now properly pages.
  • Improved error handling in lineage construction.
  • Docker compose is now used to separate the different AIRRDB components.


  • J-genes are now properly assigned.


  • Alleles are no longer annotated.
  • Sequences can be optionally trimmed during identification or importing.
  • Sequences with stop codons can optionally be excluded from lineages.
  • Sequences are now properly assigned to clones regardless of CDR3 length.
  • Sequences with ambiguous bases in their J-genes are now properly identified.
  • V- and J-gene tie code has been consolidated.
  • Total clone copy number is now properly calculated for statistics.
  • Sequences with ambiguous CDR3s are now properly added to clones.
  • V-ties for locally-aligned sequences are now properly annotated.
  • Mutation rate for each sample is now stored in the underlying database.
  • Lineage node copy numbers are now correct for collapsed sequences
  • Clone overlap queries are now much faster.


  • Local alignment now uses external libraries.
  • Insertions and deletions are now included in sequence records
  • A Dockerfile is now available for AIRRDB.


  • Exporting clones by sample now works properly.
  • Memory usage and run-time for local-alignment has been reduced.
  • Documentation has been cleaned up.
  • Selection pressure can now be calculated at any level.


  • The API has been simplified and re-organized.
  • URLs for API calls now use run length encoding to specify which samples to analyze. This fixes issues when many samples are selected and cause the URL to be too long.
  • Grouped quality scores are now properly calculated.
  • Rarefaction calculations have been removed.


  • Clone mutations can now have arbitrary thresholds.
  • The clone overlap query has been optimized and now properly filters functional and non-functional clones.


  • sldb_admin has been added to simplify creating, deleting, backing up, and restoring SLDB instances.
  • sldb_local_align has been added for locally aligning sequences marked as having insertions or deletions.
  • sldb_clone_selection_pressure has been added to calculate clonal selection pressure. sldb_clone_stats now only calculates mutations and overlap, but much more quickly.
  • Duplicate sequences, regardless of ambiguous characters, are automatically collapsed during identification.
  • API call get_stats now takes a percentages parameter which will return statistics as percentages.
  • SLDB no longer uses two databases and now only requires one configuration file.
  • Identification speed has been increased..
  • Samples can now be annotated with an ig_class specifying the isotype of the sample (e.g. IgA, IgE).
  • Sequences instances are now counted at the subject level.


  • Exporting clone overlap now includes selected and all samples.
  • Identification will no longer fail for samples with zero identifiable reads.
  • It is no longer possible to have multiple input files for one sample. Additionally, identification will not allow sequences to be added to existing samples.
  • Hypergeometric probabilities for V-ties are now cached, greatly improving identification performance.
  • A `--trim INT`` parameter has been added to identification allowing reads to be trimmed prior to identification.


  • TokuDB has been dropped in favor of InnoDB for the purpose of easier installation.
  • Identification tests have been re-written.
  • Sequences that cannot be inserted due to a field-length restriction are added as NoResults whenever possible.
  • Clonal assignment now includes partial reads by default.
  • Collapsing of sequences now occurs within V, J, CDR3 length buckets for efficiency.
  • Identification now looks for D.....C in sequences if all other anchors fail.
  • Sample-level duplicate sequences now have the correct clone ID after.
  • V-match percentage is now correct for partial sequences.


  • Quality strings are now properly oriented for reverse-complement sequences.
  • Trees will no longer have zero-mutation roots.
  • Clones can now be created with an specifiable minimum-copy number.
  • Sequence exports can now optionally only include sequences assigned to clones.
  • Total sequence counts in sample statistics now work with sample-level collapsing.
  • Tree creation will now emit a warning when mutation information is unavailable.
  • Multiprocess workers now emit warning when uncaught errors occur.
  • VDJ alignment now uses exceptions to indicate alignment failures.
  • String-fields in models are now verified to be of correct length or a ValueEror is thrown.
  • CDR3s are now limited to the lesser of 32 amino acids or 96 nucleotides.
  • Models now consistently use cdr3 instead of junction for the CDR3 region.
  • Identification has been refactored to be cleaner and more efficient.
  • Regression testing has been added in the tests directory.
  • The CloneGroup model has been removed.
  • Exporting has been refactored.


  • J gene germlines are now specified by a FASTA file than hard-coded sequences.
  • Clone lineages can now be created only from mutations that occur in a given number of samples.
  • Various performance enhancements to clone statistics.
  • Selection pressure is pre-calculated for all mutations as well as those which occur at least twice.
  • Removed clone collapse level since it will never result in further collapsing past the subject level.
  • Delimited importing update to match new models.
  • Sequences with various capitalization is now normalized.
  • V identification no longer looks for hard-coded anchors.


  • Versioning will now follow the Semantic Versioning Standard.
  • Major Feature: Sequences must now be collapsed at three different levels: the sample, subject, and clone. This collapsing is to take into account Ns added from quality filtering. Sequences that are identical except for Ns are considered the same and will be collapsed into the highest copy-number sequence. Equality checking ignoring Ns is written in C for efficiency.
  • Feature: Fully aligned sequences with V and J assignments can now be imported from CSV files.
  • Feature: Phred quality scores can now be analyzed from FASTQ files.
  • Feature: Rarefaction for samples can now be calculated with the rarefaction API call.
  • Feature: V-gene diversity for samples can now be calculate with the diversity API call.
  • Feature: Sequences can now be discarded based on number of V-ties and a minimum identity-to-germline threshold during identification.
  • Enhancement: When checking if a sequence has a similar CDR3 for clonal assignment, only unique CDR3 amino-acid sequences are checked (#24).
  • Enhancement: Clone overlap in a sample-context can now be exported as a CSV via the clone_overlap API call.
  • Bug fix: Workers will no longer prematurely terminate due to blocking on the task queue.
  • Bug fix: Grouping of sample statistics no longer inflates distribution values.
  • Bug fix: Copy numbers for duplicate sequences during sldb_identify are now correct.


  • Baseline has now been integrated to calculate clonal selection pressure during clone statistic calculations.
  • Clone comparison now only allows one clone to be selected.
  • Modification log messages now added at each pipeline stage.
  • Mutations are now precalculated for all sequences and clones.
  • Mutations can now be exported for both clones and samples.
  • All pipeline stages now use the multiprocessing module to parallelize processing.


  • Mutations can now be filtered by occurrence frequency via the REST API.


  • sldb_sample_stats now accepts the --clones-only flag which, when set, will cause sample statistics only to be generated for clone filters. Useful for updates to clonal assignment methods.
  • Fixed a bug where exporting sequences did not return the CDR3 NTs, AAs, or length.
  • V-gene names are now lexicographically sorted when requested via the REST API.
  • sldb_clones now accepts the --order flag which will sort sequences by copy number for clonal assignment.


  • Clone stats are now properly updated when --force flag is passed.
  • Indels are now flagged for percentage mismatch in addition to windowed mutations.
  • The get_stats API call now allows for stats to be grouped by any attribute defined in the Sample model.
  • sldb_sample_stats now takes a --clones-only flag to only regenerate clone statistics for samples.
  • CDR3 AA and CDR3 length are now properly exported.
  • Lineage trees generated by neighbor joining can no longer have a zero-mutation node as the root.
  • The v_usage API call now provides a list of groupings for the selected samples and sorts the returned V-genes.


  • All duplicate sequences are now properly assigned an entry in the Sequences table, removing cycles from DuplicateSequences.
  • Clones can now have a different V gene assigned or gaps added manually via the sldb_modify_clone command.
    • Modifications via sldb_modify_clone are recorded and can be fetched with the modification_log API call. Other manual modification should make use of the ModificationLog model.
  • Neighbor joining now properly calculates copy number.
  • sldb_clone_stats can now be limited by clone ID.


  • Rows summing total/unique sequences cross all samples can be included in clone exports.
  • Neighbor joining now added as a method of lineage tree creation.
  • Fixed incorrect unique sequence count in clone comparison.


  • V gene usage API tweak to allow for exporting via website.
  • Mutation frequency is now calculated for various thresholds.
  • HighV-Quest output can now be imported with the sldb_hvquest binary.
  • Optionally, V-ties can be calculated in addition to the Vs specified
  • Sequences with probable indels or misalignments are excluded from clonal assignment by default. Override this behavior in sldb_clones with --include-indels.
  • Major data-model changes:
  • Consolidated SequenceMapping to Sequence model to reduce joining.
  • SampleStatistics changed to match updated Sequence model.
  • Added CloneStats model to reduce API query time.
  • Added binary sldb_clone_stats to populate CloneStats models.
  • Renamed aggregation/ to aggregation/ and sldb_stats binary to sldb_sample_stats for new clone statistics scripts.
  • Can now export both sequences and clones. Re-architected exporting classes.


  • Fixed case where duplicate sequences were incorrectly inserted.


  • First stable release
  • Duplicate sequences are now detected during identification and not re-identified.
  • Metadata fallthrough to "all" block properly during identification.
  • pRESTO references removed in favor of "R1+R2"
  • Insertion/deletion check based on sliding window.
  • V and J ties now calculated on a per-sample basis.
  • Major changes and fixes to V/J identification:
    • V gene alleles can now be identified and must be separated with an asterisk (e.g. IGHV4-34*01).
    • Anchors are now found using reversed frame-shifting if forward
    • frame-shifting yields a no-result.
    • V and J genes now match into the CDR3 based on sliding window.
    • Germlines can now be specified during identification. Note each germline name must refer to a unique sequence.