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Fresh install of Shibby TomatoUSB

Partition & Format USB drive

Plug in your USB drive and connect to your router via SSH (Putty) and execute the following commands:

umount /dev/sda1
fdisk /dev/sda

Type in the following commands to create a primary partition on your USB Flash drive

p               # list current partitions
o               # to delete all partitions
n               # new partition
p               # primary partition
1 (one)         # first partition
<press enter>   # default start block
<press enter>   # default end block #use the whole flash drive
w               # write new partition to disk

Format newly created partion & label disk as 'optware' (case sensitive)

umount /dev/sda1
mke2fs -j -L optware /dev/sda1

# mount partition as /opt
mount /dev/sda1 /opt

# Make sure /opt is properly mounted on a reboot.
echo "LABEL=optware /opt ext2 defaults 1 1" >> /etc/fstab
nvram setfile2nvram /etc/fstab 
nvram commit

Install Optware

cd /tmp
wget -O - | tr -d '\r' > /tmp/
chmod +x /tmp/
sh /tmp/

Install packages: CUPS, Avahi, Printer support

cd /opt
ipkg install wget-ssl

# download & unzip required files
/opt/bin/wget --no-check-certificate
tar zxvf TomatoUSB-DDWRT_Airprint-Cloudprint_support-03282013c.tar.gz
cd TomatoUSB-DDWRT_Airprint-Cloudprint_support-03282013c/

# install base & supporting packages (this will take some time)
ipkg-opt install cups_1.5.4-2_mipsel.ipk poppler_0.12.4-1_mipsel.ipk ghostscript_8.71-3_mipsel.ipk dbus_1.2.16-2_mipsel.ipk avahi_0.6.30-2_mipsel.ipk

# install printer support packages
ipkg-opt install hplip_3.11.10-1_mipsel.ipk cups-driver-gutenprint_5.2.9-1_mipsel.ipk  gutenprint_5.2.9-1_mipsel.ipk

# install utilities
ipkg-opt install nano py26-lxml perl coreutils py26-cups_1.9.62-1_mipsel.ipk

Configure Avahi

Add users for avahi & dbus

echo "netdev:x:1:" >> /tmp/etc/group 
echo "avahi:x:2:" >> /tmp/etc/group 
echo "avahi:x:2:2:avahi daemon:/opt/sbin/avahi-daemon:/bin/false" >> /tmp/etc/passwd

Note: enable this for subsequent reboots, also, by adding it to your startup script in Admin:Scripts:Firewall but make sure it happens after your opt/ partition mounts, but before the initscripts at /opt/etc/init.d/Snn are executed.

Start daemons:

/opt/etc/init.d/S20dbus start
/opt/etc/init.d/S22avahi-daemon start
/opt/etc/init.d/S88cupsd start

Confirm they are running

ps | tail

TEST: Load CUPS Webif via web browser. See if you can load the webif @ your_router's_ip:631

Install Printer

B. Configure USB printer, configure via CUPS as an AppSocket/HP JetDirect printer

Go to your_router's_ip:631, and click on the Administration tab, then choose Add Printer

  1. Enter a URI for your USB printer that will direct CUPS to treat it as a port 9100 printer. I've used both of these with success. Note that this does work with non-jet-direct printers. URI: socket:// or URI: file:///dev/usb/lp0

  2. Name, Description and Location as fit your needs. Make sure you check the box to "Share This Printer"

  3. Choose your Make (press Continue), and then your Model (press Add Printer) (note that the Model field make take a minute to fully populate if you've chose a 'popular' Make.)

  4. Set any default policies (I chose stop-printer)

  5. TEST: ... by printing a Test Page (Maintenance -> Print Test Page)

Troubleshooting: if multiple drivers are available for your printer, try another one...

Create Avahi Service to advertise for Desktop/Laptop printing

create a generic p910nd service file, supply it with your own values

nano  /opt/etc/avahi/services/p9100-printer.service

enter this as the content for the service file: accurate information will auto-identify your printer's make and model

	<name replace-wildcards="yes"> my-printers-name @ my-host-name </name>
	<service protocol="any">
		<txt-record>product=( my-printers-make-and-model-according-to-CUPS )</txt-record>

For my HP Laserjet 1010 attached to a router with hostname Router, it looks just like this:

	<name replace-wildcards="yes"> HPLaserJet-1010 @ Router:9100 </name>
	<service protocol="any">
		<txt-record>product=(HP LaserJet 1010)</txt-record>

The product= txt-record is important to have correct, so that any computer attaching via Bonjour can autoconfigure the drivers.

reload avahi-daemon so that the new service files are recognized

/opt/etc/init.d/S22avahi-daemon reload

TEST: Choose printer via Bonjour/mDNS/Avahi-enabled system, and print a test page for it.

Install AirPrint Support

add mime info to make it compatible with Apple's AirPrint requirements

echo "image/urf application/pdf 100 pdftoraster" > /opt/share/cups/mime/airprint.convs
echo "image/urf urf string(0,UNIRAST<00>)" > /opt/share/cups/mime/airprint.types

restart CUPS {absolute MUST!}

/opt/etc/init.d/S88cupsd restart

We use TJFontaine's python script to read CUPS's parameters of the printer and turn it into a service file for Airprint:

I've included a copy of it in the support tarball

cd TomatoUSB-DDWRT_Airprint-Cloudprint_support-03282013c/
mv *.service /opt/etc/avahi/services/

Execution of the script is normally nonverbose : it should -not- create any screen output. If it does then there is problem somewhere, most likely.

Reload avahi-daemon to make it advertise your AirPrint service.

/opt/etc/init.d/S22avahi-daemon reload


Configure AirPrint for TomatoUSB






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