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Data Structures and Algorithms

Following are the codes of all the data-structures and algorithms I have learned till now. I implemented all of them in C++. I will also try to add all the resources I have learnt from. I used to practice competitive programming on all the popular websites and I tried to maintain all the codes to a repo. You can find it here. Thank you. Enjoy.

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Searching and Sorting


Algorithm Code
Linear Search C++
Binary Search C++


Algorithm Code
Selection Sort C++
Bubble Sort C++
Insertion Sort C++
Merge Sort C++
Quick Sort C++

Dynamic Programming

Problem Code
Kadane's Algorithm C++
Longest Increasing Subsequence C++
Longest Common Subsequence C++
Edit Distance C++
Subset Sum Problem C++
Minimum No of Coins C++
Maximum sum Problem C++
Egg Dropping Puzzle C++
Form a palindrome C++

Range Minimum Query

Problem Code
Sparse Table C++
Segment Tree C++
Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick) C++

Data Structures

Problem Code
Heap / Priority Queue C++ #
Disjoint Set Union (Union Find) C++
Segment Tree C++
Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick) C++
Trie C++ #
Suffix Tree C++ #
Suffix Array C++ #
Sparse Table C++


Garph Traversal

Problem Code
Breadth First Search C++
Depth First Search Iterative C++
Depth First Search Recursive C++
Topological Sort C++

Cycle Detection

Problem Code
Cycle Detection Undirected Graph (DFS) C++
Cycle Detection Undirected Graph (DSU) C++
Cycle Detection Directed Graph (DFS) C++

Minimum Spanning Tree

Problem Code
Prim's Algorithm C++
Kruskal C++ #
Kruskal with Disjoint Set C++

Single Source Shortest Paths

Problem Code
Shortest path using BFS C++
Dijkstra’s SSSP C++
Bellman–Ford C++ #

All Source Shortest Paths

Problem Code
Floyd-Warshall C++


Problem Code
Articulation Point (Tarjan) C++
Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju) C++


Tree Traversal

Problem Code
Inorder Recursive Traversal C++
Inorder Iterative Traversal C++
Preorder Traversal C++
Postorder Traversal C++


Problem Code
LCA (Binary Tree) C++
LCA (Euler tour + SegTree) C++
LCA (Binary Lifting) C++


Problem Code
KMP Algorithm C++ #
Z Algorithm C++ #