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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation


This repo is a template to create more repos for jekyll based repo.

Getting started

  1. Create new repo using this template Use this template -> Create a new repository.
  2. git clone your repo to your laptop.
  3. Open in Editor, ex. Visual Studio Code
  4. you should have these installed - docker and chrome browser
  5. Run the command in terminal - sh scripts/ --new
  6. This creates basic folder structure.
  7. Replace all instances of text jekyll-template with your repo name (example - my-repo), this will change below files
    1. docker-compose.yml - change container_name: jekyll-template to container_name: my-repo
    2. - http://localhost:9999/jekyll-template/ to http://localhost:9999/my-repo/
  8. Gemfile - add gem "webrick"
  9. _config.yml - update baseurl as /my-repo

Running on local

  1. start server - sh scripts/
    1. This will open chrome browser or you can visit localhost:9999/my-repo
    2. Initially, you will see error page This site can’t be reached
    3. after some time when container has started, you will see the site running
  2. stop server - sh scripts/ --stop


Official documentation for jekyll is here

Port already used

# find process_id using the port
netstat -vanp tcp | grep 9999
# kill the process based on process_id
kill -9 <PROCESS_ID>

Useful git commands

git fetch --all -p; git pull; git status;
git merge origin/main;
git push;

This is based on jekyll-theme minima

Themes as gem vs as remote-theme?

Based on just-the-docs