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Official repository for "STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery"

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STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery

This is the official repository for STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery.

  title={STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery},
  author={Xiao, Jiuhong and Zhang, Ning and Tortei, Daniel and Loianno, Giuseppe},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.20470},

Developer: Jiuhong Xiao
Affiliation: NYU ARPL
Maintainer: Jiuhong Xiao (


We extend the Boson-nighttime dataset from STGL with additional unpaired satellite images and our generated thermal images using TGM.

Dataset link (957 GB): Download

The datasets folder should be created in the root folder with the following structure. By default, the dataset uses $W_S=512$, while the larger suffix indicates $W_S=1536$.

├── satellite_0_satellite_0_dense
│   └── train_database.h5
├── satellite_0_satellite_0_dense_larger_ori
│   └── train_database.h5
├── satellite_0_thermalmapping_135
│   ├── test_database.h5
│   ├── test_queries.h5
│   ├── train_database.h5
│   ├── train_queries.h5
│   ├── val_database.h5
│   └── val_queries.h5
├── satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori
│   ├── test_database.h5
│   ├── train_database.h5
│   └── val_database.h5
├── satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori_train
│   ├── test_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/test_database.h5
│   ├── test_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/test_queries.h5
│   ├── train_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/train_database.h5
│   ├── train_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/train_queries.h5
│   ├── val_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/val_database.h5
│   └── val_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/val_queries.h5
├── satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_nocontrast_dense_exclusion
│   ├── extended_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_satellite_0_dense/train_database.h5
│   ├── extended_queries.h5
│   ├── test_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/test_database.h5
│   ├── test_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/test_queries.h5
│   ├── train_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/train_database.h5
│   ├── train_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/train_queries.h5
│   ├── val_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/val_database.h5
│   └── val_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/val_queries.h5
├── satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_nocontrast_dense_exclusion_larger_ori_train
│   ├── extended_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_satellite_0_dense_larger_ori/train_database.h5
│   ├── extended_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_nocontrast_dense_exclusion/extended_queries.h5
│   ├── test_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/test_database.h5
│   ├── test_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/test_queries.h5
│   ├── train_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/train_database.h5
│   ├── train_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/train_queries.h5
│   ├── val_database.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135_larger_ori/val_database.h5
│   └── val_queries.h5 -> ../satellite_0_thermalmapping_135/val_queries.h5

Conda Environment Setup

Our repository requires a conda environment. Relevant packages are listed in env.yml. Run the following command to setup the conda environment.

conda env create -f env.yml


You can find the training scripts and evaluation scripts in scripts folder. The scripts is for slurm system to submit sbatch job. If you want to run bash command, change the suffix from sbatch to sh and run with bash.

Coarse-level Alignment Training

To train the coarse-level alignment module, use one of the scripts in ./scripts/local for $W_S=512$ and ./scripts/local_larger for $W_S=1536$ with different $D_C$, for example:


After training, find your model folder in ./logs/local_he/$dataset_name-$datetime-$uuid
The $dataset_name-$datetime-$uuid is your coarse_model_folder_name.

Refinement Training (only for $W_S=1536$)

Before training, change the restore_ckpt argument using coarse_model_folder_name to load your trained coarse-level alignment module.

To train the refinement module, use one of the scripts in ./scripts/local_larger_2 per name, for example:


After training, find your model folder in ./logs/local_he/$dataset_name-$datetime-$uuid
The $dataset_name-$datetime-$uuid is your refine_model_folder_name.


To evaluate one-stage and two-stage methods, use one of the following scripts:


Find the test results in ./test/local_he/$model_folder_name/.
Please note that MACE and CE tests are conducted on resized images (256x256). To convert these metrics into meters, multiply them by a scaling factor, denoted as $\alpha$. Specifically, set $\alpha$ to 6 when $W_S=1536$ and 2 when $W_S=512$.

Image-matching Baselines

For training and evaluating the image-matching baselines (anyloc and STGL), please refer to scripts/global/ for training and evaluation.

Pretrained Models

Download pretrained models for $W_S=1536$ and $D_C=512$ m: Download

Additional Details

Train/Val/Test split Below is the visualization of the train-validation-test regions. The dataset includes thermal maps from six flights: three flights (conducted at 9 PM, 12 AM, and 2 AM) cover the upper region, and the other three flights (conducted at 10 PM, 1 AM, and 3 AM) cover the lower region. The lower region is further divided into training and validation subsets. The synthesized thermal images span a larger area (23,744m x 9,088m) but exclude the test region to assess generalization performance properly.


Architecture Details The feature extractor consists of multiple residual blocks with multi-layer CNN and group normalization:
class BasicEncoderQuarter(nn.Module):
The iterative updater is a multi-layer CNN with group normalization:
class GMA(nn.Module):
The TGM is using the Pix2Pix paradigm:
class pix2pix():
Direct Linear Transformation Details The Direct Linear Transformation (DLT) is used to solve the homography transformation matrix (3x3) given four corresponding point pairs.

In practice, we use kornia's implementation:
For more details of formulas, you can refer to:

## Acknowledgement Our implementation refers to the following repositories and appreciate their excellent work.


Official repository for "STHN: Deep Homography Estimation for UAV Thermal Geo-localization with Satellite Imagery"







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