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arq5x committed Feb 4, 2011
1 parent 7e7305d commit cd0f7fd
Showing 1 changed file with 312 additions and 0 deletions.
312 changes: 312 additions & 0 deletions src/stats/stats.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <math.h>

using namespace std;

// define our program name
#define PROGRAM_NAME "stats"

// define our parameter checking macro
#define PARAMETER_CHECK(param, paramLen, actualLen) (strncmp(argv[i], param, min(actualLen, paramLen)) == 0) && (actualLen == paramLen)

// function declarations
void ShowHelp(void);
bool isLineNumeric(string);

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

// our configuration variables
bool showHelp = false;

bool isFile = false;
string inFile;

bool doAll = true;
bool doMean = true;
bool doGeoMean = false;
bool doMode = false;
bool doMedian = false;
bool doMin = false;
bool doMax = false;
bool doVariance = false;
bool doStdDev = false;

// Parse command line.

for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
int parameterLength = (int)strlen(argv[i]);
if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-h", 2, parameterLength) || PARAMETER_CHECK("--help", 5, parameterLength)) {
showHelp = true;
if(showHelp) ShowHelp();

// do some parsing (all of these parameters require 1 string---the are booleans)
for(int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {

int parameterLength = (int)strlen(argv[i]);
string parameter = argv[i];

if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-a", 2, parameterLength)) {
doAll = true;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-mu", 3, parameterLength)) {
doMean = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-gm", 3, parameterLength)) {
doGeoMean = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-med", 4, parameterLength)) {
doMedian = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-mod", 4, parameterLength)) {
doMode = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-var", 4, parameterLength)) {
doVariance = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-std", 4, parameterLength)) {
doStdDev = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-min", 4, parameterLength)) {
doMin = true;
doAll = false;
else if(PARAMETER_CHECK("-max", 4, parameterLength)) {
doMax = true;
doAll = false;
else if((parameterLength > 0) && (parameter[0] != '-')) {
isFile = true;
inFile = parameter;
else {
cout << "ERROR: Unrecognized parameter: " << argv[i] << endl;
showHelp = true;

// Main processing.
string line;
double dLine;
double sumOfLines = 0.0;
double natLogSumOfLines = 0.0;
double mean = 0.0;
double geoMean = 0.0;
double median = 0.0;
double mode;
double min, max;
double variance;
double stddev;
long totalLines = 0;
bool zeroFound = false;

vector<double> linesVector;
map<double,int> linesMap;

if (isFile) {
ifstream inF(inFile.c_str(), ios::in);

// ensure that the file can be opened
if ( !inF ) {
cerr << "Error: The requested input file (" << inFile << ") could not be opened. Exiting!" << endl;
exit (1);
while (getline(inF,line)) {

// increment the count of lines processed

if(line.empty()) continue;

// TO DO: make sure the current line is numeric. If not, write an error message and quit.
dLine = atof(line.c_str());

// increment the count of lines processed

// add to the total sum of the lines
sumOfLines += dLine;

// add to the sum of natural logs. used for geometric mean
natLogSumOfLines += log(dLine);

// flag if we found a zero. This prevents a geometric mean from being calculated.
if (dLine == 0) zeroFound = true;

// add the line to the vector and map
cout << "stats from: " << inFile << endl << endl;
else {
while (getline(cin,line)) {

// increment the count of lines processed

if(line.empty()) continue;

// TO DO: make sure the current line is numeric. If not, write an error message and quit.
dLine = atof(line.c_str());

// add to the total sum of the lines
sumOfLines += dLine;

// add to the sum of natural logs. used for geometric mean
natLogSumOfLines += log(dLine);

// flag if we found a zero. This prevents a geometric mean from being calculated.
if (dLine == 0) zeroFound = true;

// add the line to the vector and map
cout << "stats from: stdin" << endl << endl;

// Report the results.
cout << "Total lines:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << totalLines << endl;
cout << "Sum of lines:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << sumOfLines << endl;

if (doMean || doAll) {
// compute the mean
mean = sumOfLines / totalLines;
cout << "Ari. Mean:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << mean << endl;
if (doGeoMean || doAll) {
// compute the mean
if (!zeroFound) {
geoMean = exp(natLogSumOfLines / totalLines);
cout << "Geo. Mean:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << geoMean << endl;
else {
cout << "Geo. Mean:\t\t" << "undef (zero found in data)"<< endl;
if (doMedian || doAll) {
//sort the vector of values in ascending order. We will then pick the "middle element"
sort(linesVector.begin(), linesVector.end());

if ((totalLines % 2) > 0) {
long mid;
mid = totalLines / 2;
median = linesVector[mid];
else {
long midLow;
long midHigh;

midLow = (totalLines / 2) - 1;
midHigh = (totalLines / 2);

median = (linesVector[midLow] + linesVector[midHigh]) / 2.0;
cout << "Median:\t\t\t" << setprecision (15) << median << endl;
if (doMode || doAll) {
// get the mode
int count = 0;
int minCount = INT_MAX;
double antiMode;
for(map<double,int>::const_iterator iter = linesMap.begin(); iter != linesMap.end(); ++iter) {
if (iter->second > count) {
mode = iter->first;
count = iter->second;
if (iter->second < minCount) {
antiMode = iter->first;
minCount = iter->second;
float freq = count / totalLines;
cout << "Mode:\t\t\t" << setprecision (15) << mode << " (N=" << count << ")" << endl;
cout << "Anti-Mode:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << antiMode << " (N=" << minCount << ")" << endl;
if (doMin || doAll) {
// get the min value
min = *min_element(linesVector.begin(), linesVector.end());
cout << "Minimum:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << min << endl;
if (doMax || doAll) {
// get the min value
max = *max_element(linesVector.begin(), linesVector.end());
cout << "Maximum:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << max << endl;
if (doVariance || doStdDev || doAll) {
double totalVariance = 0.0;
for(vector<double>::const_iterator iter = linesVector.begin(); iter != linesVector.end(); ++iter) {
totalVariance += pow((*iter - mean),2);
variance = totalVariance / totalLines;
cout << "Variance:\t\t" << setprecision (15) << variance << endl;
if (doStdDev || doAll) {
stddev = sqrt(variance);
cout << "StdDev:\t\t\t" << setprecision (15) << stddev << endl;

return 0;

// function to show a help menu
void ShowHelp(void) {

cout << "===============================================================================" << endl;
cout << PROGRAM_NAME << ": compute descriptive statistics on data in a file or stdin." << endl << endl;
cout << "Aaron Quinlan, Ph.D." << endl;
cout << "Marth Laboratory" << endl;
cout << "Dept. of Biology, Boston College" << endl;
cout << "===============================================================================" << endl << endl;

cout << "Usage: " << PROGRAM_NAME << " <file (opt.)> [-a, -mu, -med, -mod, -min, -max, -var, -std]" << endl << endl;
cout << "Default: " << "By default, " << PROGRAM_NAME << " will report all of the metrics below." << endl << endl;

cout << "Options:" << endl;
cout << " -a Return all metrics below (default)." << endl;
cout << " -mu <arithmetic mean> Return the arithmetic mean (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -med <median> Return the median (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -mod <mode> Return the mode (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -min <min> Return the minimum value (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -max <min> Return the maximum value (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -var <variance> Return the variance (opt.)" << endl;
cout << " -std <std. dev.> Return the standard deviation (opt.)" << endl;
cout << "\nHelp:" << endl;
cout << " -h Shows this help text" << endl;

// end the program here

// test to see if a string is numeric
inline bool isLineNumeric(string l) {
// check to make sure there are no alphanumeric characters in the data
for(int i = 0; i < strlen(l.c_str()); i++) {
if (isalpha(l[i])) {
return false;
return true;

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