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Repository files navigation Page Search System

This project aims to replace the legacy search system. The legacy search system, Nutchwax based, will be decrepated by Solr as the full-text search backend. In order to accomplish this, it provides a new API implementation to decouple API from the old project, making it backend agnostic and working with both Nutchwax and Solr systems.

Compile Page Search

To be able to compile the project we need in the machine's maven repository the Nutchwax Project libraries. In order for Page Search API to use NutchWaxSearchService as the full-text backend (In the future we can remove these libraries).

NOTE: Do not try to compile with other Java than Java 8, because of the nutchwax dependecies

a) Satisfy the following page-search-api/pom.xml requirements for NutchWaxSearchService (legacy backend):



You will need the following to satisfy these dependencies:

hadoop-common (0.14)

$ git clone -b branch-0.14
$ mvn clean install -f hadoop-common/pom.xml

PwaLucene and PwaArchive-access

$ git clone
$ mvn clean install -f pwa-technologies/PwaLucene/pom.xml
$ mvn clean install -f pwa-technologies/PwaArchive-access/pom.xml

b) Clone and compile Page Search

$ git clone
$ mvn clean install -f pagesearch/pom.xml

Run without integration Tests

To do this just run mvn install with the following profile deactivated:

$ mvn clean install -f pagesearch/pom.xml -P !docker-integration-tests

Generate new arquivo/pagesearch-solr-test docker image for the integration tests

Note: you need log with to be able to publish an image to Arquivo's docker hub repository.

$ cd pagesearch/scripts
$ ./

Page Search API Architecture

Api Documentation

Page Search Indexer

How to index a collection of WARC files

Available jobs:

  • HdfsPageSearchDataDriver
  • PageSearchDataDriver
  • InvertLinksDriver
  • SolrPageDocDriver

Example of expected workflow:

$ yarn jar pagesearch-index-job-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar HdfsPageSearchDataDriver -D collection="TESTE" input.txt output
$ yarn jar pagesearch-index-job-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar InvertLinksDriver -D mapred.reduce.tasks=<nr_reduces> output
$ yarn jar pagesearch-index-job-0.0.1-jar-with-dependencies.jar SolrPageDocDriver -D mapred.reduce.tasks=<nr_reduces> output

Full Indexing Workflow script:

$ ./ <hdfs_warcfiles_folder> <hdfs_output_folder> <collection_name>


$ ./ /user/dbicho/AWP2 /user/dbicho/output_AWP2 AWP2

Configuring which records to process and index

Write a reference.conf with the parsing configurations. The default configurations of the parser are:

    "warc" : {
            "server": "http://localhost:8983/solr/searchpages"
                # Restrict record types:
                "record_type_include" : [
                    response, revisit
                "record_response_include" : [
                "record_primary_mimetype_include" : [
                    text, application
                "record_mimetype_exclude" : [
                    xml, css, javascript, x-javascript, json