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How to sign Ethereum transaction via KeyChain

Dmitry edited this page Mar 31, 2019 · 43 revisions

Here you can find an instruction on how to sign an Ethereum transaction with KeyChain.

Demo page

Here you can try out signing Ethereum transactions with KeyChain.

1. Download and install KeyChain for macOS

2. Select a key

Start with the command `wscat -c ws://localhost:16384/, then select a key.

  "command": "select_key"

3. Calculate the address from the publicKey

const ethUtil = require('ethereumjs-util');
const publicKey = 'YOUR_PUBLIC_KEY';
const address = ethUtil.publicToAddress(publicKey).toString('hex');

4. Transfer money to the address corresponding to the public key

In case you work with ropsten -

5. Check the balance on the address - it should have enough ether for a successful transfer.


6. Sign transaction with the key that you have generated

You can find an example of the code here

screen shot 2018-11-30 at 19 19 52