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Improve optics processor (#852)
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* fix AP tests

* Add OpticsProcessor check to verify unnamed companion object

* Generate single file per annotated element

* Re-enabled grained control for DSL generation

* Small clean up Optics processors

* Remove unused reflection usage

* Update formatting generated code Lens & Iso

* Fix tests

* Update DSLTest with new syntax

* Update Snippet so it belongs to an annotated target

* Generate file per annotated target in corresponding directory

* Test code generation in correct folder structure
  • Loading branch information
nomisRev authored and raulraja committed Jun 10, 2018
1 parent d7c1931 commit 5cae954
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Showing 16 changed files with 334 additions and 401 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,44 +5,85 @@ import arrow.common.utils.fullName
import me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata.escapedClassName
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement

data class AnnotatedOptic(val type: TypeElement, val classData: ClassOrPackageDataWrapper.Class, val targets: List<Target>) {
data class AnnotatedElement(val type: TypeElement, val classData: ClassOrPackageDataWrapper.Class, val targets: List<Target>) {
val sourceClassName = classData.fullName.escapedClassName
val sourceName = type.simpleName.toString().decapitalize()
val targetNames =
val hasTupleFocus: Boolean = targets.size > 1
val focusSize: Int = targets.size
val packageName = classData.`package`.escapedClassName

operator fun Snippet): Snippet = copy(
imports = imports + snippet.imports,
content = "$content\n${snippet.content}"

typealias IsoTarget = Target.Iso
typealias PrismTarget = Target.Prism
typealias LensTarget = Target.Lens
typealias OptionalTarget = Target.Optional
typealias SealedClassDsl = Target.SealedClassDsl
typealias DataClassDsl = Target.DataClassDsl

sealed class Target {
abstract val foci: List<Focus>

data class Iso(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()
data class Prism(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()
data class Lens(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()
data class Optional(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()
data class SealedClassDsl(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()
data class DataClassDsl(override val foci: List<Focus>) : Target()

typealias NonNullFocus = Focus.NonNull
typealias OptionFocus = Focus.Option
typealias NullableFocus = Focus.Nullable

sealed class Focus {

companion object {
operator fun invoke(fullName: String, paramName: String): Target = when {
fullName.endsWith("?") -> NullableTarget(fullName, paramName)
fullName.startsWith("`arrow`.`core`.`Option`") -> OptionTarget(fullName, paramName)
else -> NonNullTarget(fullName, paramName)
operator fun invoke(fullName: String, paramName: String): Focus = when {
fullName.endsWith("?") -> Nullable(fullName, paramName)
fullName.startsWith("`arrow`.`core`.`Option`") -> Option(fullName, paramName)
else -> NonNull(fullName, paramName)

abstract val fullName: String
abstract val className: String
abstract val paramName: String

data class NullableTarget(override val fullName: String, override val paramName: String) : Target() {
val nonNullFullName = fullName.dropLast(1)
data class Nullable(override val className: String, override val paramName: String) : Focus() {
val nonNullClassName = className.dropLast(1)

data class OptionTarget(override val fullName: String, override val paramName: String) : Target() {
val nestedFullName = Regex("`arrow`.`core`.`Option`<(.*)>$").matchEntire(fullName)!!.groupValues[1]
data class Option(override val className: String, override val paramName: String) : Focus() {
val nestedClassName = Regex("`arrow`.`core`.`Option`<(.*)>$").matchEntire(className)!!.groupValues[1]

data class NonNullTarget(override val fullName: String, override val paramName: String) : Target()
data class NonNull(override val className: String, override val paramName: String) : Focus()


const val Lens = "arrow.optics.Lens"
const val Iso = "arrow.optics.Iso"
const val Optional = "arrow.optics.Optional"
const val Prism = "arrow.optics.Prism"
const val Getter = "arrow.optics.Getter"
const val Setter = "arrow.optics.Setter"
const val Traversal = "arrow.optics.Traversal"
const val Fold = "arrow.optics.Fold"
const val Tuple = "arrow.core.Tuple"

data class Snippet(
val `package`: String,
val name: String,
val imports: Set<String> = emptySet(),
val content: String
) {
val fqName = "$`package`.$name"

val Lens = "arrow.optics.Lens"
val Iso = "arrow.optics.Iso"
val Optional = "arrow.optics.Optional"
val Prism = "arrow.optics.Prism"
val Getter = "arrow.optics.Getter"
val Setter = "arrow.optics.Setter"
val Traversal = "arrow.optics.Traversal"
val Fold = "arrow.optics.Fold"
fun Snippet.asFileText(): String = """
|package $`package`
|${imports.joinToString(prefix = "\n", separator = "\n", postfix = "\n")}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,4 +2,3 @@ package arrow.optics

val opticsAnnotationKClass = optics::class
val opticsAnnotationClass =
val opticsAnnotationName = "@" + opticsAnnotationKClass.simpleName
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
package arrow.optics

import arrow.common.utils.simpleName

fun generateLensDsl(ele: AnnotatedElement, optic: DataClassDsl) = Snippet(
`package` = ele.packageName,
name = ele.classData.simpleName,
content = processLensSyntax(ele, optic.foci)

fun generateOptionalDsl(ele: AnnotatedElement, optic: DataClassDsl) = Snippet(
`package` = ele.packageName,
name = ele.classData.simpleName,
content = processOptionalSyntax(ele, optic)

fun generatePrismDsl(ele: AnnotatedElement, isoOptic: SealedClassDsl) = Snippet(
`package` = ele.packageName,
name = ele.classData.simpleName,
content = processPrismSyntax(ele, isoOptic)

private fun processLensSyntax(ele: AnnotatedElement, foci: List<Focus>): String = foci.joinToString(separator = "\n") { focus ->
|inline val <S> $Iso<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Lens<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Lens<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Lens<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Optional<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Optional<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Prism<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Optional<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Getter<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Getter<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Setter<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Setter<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Traversal<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Traversal<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}
|inline val <S> $Fold<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Fold<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.lensParamName()}

private fun processOptionalSyntax(ele: AnnotatedElement, optic: DataClassDsl) = optic.foci.filterNot { it is NonNullFocus }.joinToString(separator = "\n") { focus ->
val targetClassName = when (focus) {
is NullableFocus -> focus.nonNullClassName
is OptionFocus -> focus.nestedClassName
is NonNullFocus -> ""

|inline val <S> $Iso<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Lens<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Optional<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Prism<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Setter<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Setter<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Traversal<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Traversal<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Fold<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Fold<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}

private fun processPrismSyntax(ele: AnnotatedElement, dsl: SealedClassDsl): String = dsl.foci.joinToString(separator = "\n\n") { focus ->
|inline val <S> $Iso<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Prism<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Lens<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Optional<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Optional<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Prism<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Prism<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Setter<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Setter<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Traversal<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Traversal<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
|inline val <S> $Fold<S, ${ele.sourceClassName}>.${focus.paramName}: $Fold<S, ${focus.className}> inline get() = this + ${ele.sourceClassName}.${focus.paramName}
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,52 +1,38 @@
package arrow.optics

import me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata.escapedClassName
import arrow.common.utils.simpleName
import me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata.plusIfNotBlank

class IsosFileGenerator(
private val annotatedList: Collection<AnnotatedOptic>,
private val generatedDir: File
) {

private val filePrefix = "isos"
private val tuple = "arrow.core.Tuple"
private val letters = ('a'..'v').toList()

fun generate() = buildIsos(annotatedList)

private fun buildIsos(optics: Collection<AnnotatedOptic>) =
.forEach { (element, funString) ->
File(generatedDir, "$filePrefix.${element.classData.`package`}.${element.sourceName}.kt").printWriter().use { w ->

private fun processElement(iso: AnnotatedOptic): Pair<AnnotatedOptic, String> = iso to """
|package ${iso.classData.`package`.escapedClassName}
|inline val ${iso.sourceClassName}.Companion.iso: $Iso<${iso.sourceClassName}, ${focusType(iso)}> get()= $Iso(
| get = { ${iso.sourceName}: ${iso.sourceClassName} -> ${getFunction(iso)} },
| reverseGet = { ${reverseGetFunction(iso)} }

private fun getFunction(iso: AnnotatedOptic) =
if (iso.hasTupleFocus) tupleConstructor(iso)
else "${iso.sourceName}.${iso.targets.first().paramName}"

private fun reverseGetFunction(iso: AnnotatedOptic) =
if (iso.hasTupleFocus) "tuple: ${focusType(iso)} -> ${classConstructorFromTuple(iso.sourceClassName, iso.focusSize)}"
else "${iso.sourceClassName}(it)"

private fun tupleConstructor(iso: AnnotatedOptic) =
iso.targets.joinToString(prefix = "$tuple${iso.focusSize}(", postfix = ")", transform = { "${iso.sourceName}.${it.paramName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")}" })

private fun focusType(iso: AnnotatedOptic) =
if (iso.hasTupleFocus) iso.targetNames.joinToString(prefix = "$tuple${iso.targets.size}<", postfix = ">")
else iso.targetNames.first()

private fun classConstructorFromTuple(sourceClassName: String, propertiesSize: Int) =

fun generateIsos(ele: AnnotatedElement, target: IsoTarget) = Snippet(
`package` = ele.packageName,
name = ele.classData.simpleName,
content = processElement(ele, target)

inline val Target.targetNames inline get() =

private fun processElement(iso: AnnotatedElement, target: Target): String {
val foci = target.foci
val hasTupleFocus = foci.size > 1
val letters = ('a'..'v').toList()

fun tupleConstructor() =
foci.joinToString(prefix = "$Tuple${foci.size}(", postfix = ")", transform = { "${iso.sourceName}.${it.paramName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")}" })

fun focusType() =
if (hasTupleFocus) target.targetNames.joinToString(prefix = "$Tuple${foci.size}<", postfix = ">")
else target.targetNames.first()

fun classConstructorFromTuple(sourceClassName: String, propertiesSize: Int) =
(0 until propertiesSize).joinToString(prefix = "$sourceClassName(", postfix = ")", transform = { "tuple.${letters[it]}" })

val get = if (hasTupleFocus) tupleConstructor() else "${iso.sourceName}.${foci.first().paramName}"
val reverseGet = if (hasTupleFocus) "tuple: ${focusType()} -> ${classConstructorFromTuple(iso.sourceClassName, foci.size)}" else "${iso.sourceClassName}(it)"

return """
|inline val ${iso.sourceClassName}.Companion.iso: $Iso<${iso.sourceClassName}, ${focusType()}> inline get()= $Iso(
| get = { ${iso.sourceName}: ${iso.sourceClassName} -> $get },
| reverseGet = { $reverseGet }
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,56 +1,31 @@
package arrow.optics

import arrow.common.utils.fullName
import me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata.escapedClassName
import arrow.common.utils.simpleName
import me.eugeniomarletti.kotlin.metadata.plusIfNotBlank

class LensesFileGenerator(
private val annotatedList: Collection<AnnotatedOptic>,
private val generatedDir: File
) {

private val filePrefix = "lenses"

fun generate() =
.map { (element, funs) ->
"$filePrefix.${element.classData.`package`}.${element.type.simpleName.toString().toLowerCase()}.kt" to
funs.joinToString(prefix = "package ${element.classData.`package`.escapedClassName}\n\n", separator = "\n")
}.forEach { (name, fileString) -> File(generatedDir, name).writeText(fileString) }

private fun String.toUpperCamelCase(): String = split(" ").joinToString("", transform = String::capitalize)

private fun processElement(annotatedOptic: AnnotatedOptic): Pair<AnnotatedOptic, List<String>> =
annotatedOptic to { variable ->
val sourceClassName = annotatedOptic.classData.fullName.escapedClassName
val sourceName = annotatedOptic.type.simpleName.toString().decapitalize()
val targetClassName = variable.fullName
val targetName = variable.paramName
val lensType = when (variable) {
is Target.NullableTarget -> "nullable${targetName.toUpperCamelCase()}"
is Target.OptionTarget -> "option${targetName.toUpperCamelCase()}"
is Target.NonNullTarget -> targetName

|inline val $sourceClassName.Companion.$lensType: $Lens<$sourceClassName, $targetClassName> get()= $Lens(
| get = { $sourceName: $sourceClassName -> $sourceName.${targetName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")} },
| set = { value: $targetClassName ->
| { $sourceName: $sourceClassName ->
| $sourceName.copy(${targetName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")} = value)
| }
| }
|inline val <S> $Iso<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Lens<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Lens<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Lens<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Optional<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Prism<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Optional<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Getter<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Getter<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Setter<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Setter<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Traversal<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Traversal<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
|inline val <S> $Fold<S, $sourceClassName>.$lensType: $Fold<S, $targetClassName> inline get() = this + $sourceClassName.$lensType
fun generateLenses(ele: AnnotatedElement, target: LensTarget) = Snippet(
`package` = ele.packageName,
name = ele.classData.simpleName,
content = processElement(ele, target.foci)

private fun String.toUpperCamelCase(): String = split(" ").joinToString("", transform = String::capitalize)

private fun processElement(ele: AnnotatedElement, foci: List<Focus>): String = foci.joinToString(separator = "\n") { focus ->
|inline val ${ele.sourceClassName}.Companion.${focus.lensParamName()}: $Lens<${ele.sourceClassName}, ${focus.className}> inline get()= $Lens(
| get = { ${ele.sourceName}: ${ele.sourceClassName} -> ${ele.sourceName}.${focus.paramName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")} },
| set = { value: ${focus.className} ->
| { ${ele.sourceName}: ${ele.sourceClassName} ->
| ${ele.sourceName}.copy(${focus.paramName.plusIfNotBlank(prefix = "`", postfix = "`")} = value)
| }
| }

fun Focus.lensParamName(): String = when (this) {
is NullableFocus -> "nullable${paramName.toUpperCamelCase()}"
is OptionFocus -> "option${paramName.toUpperCamelCase()}"
is NonNullFocus -> paramName

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