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Felipe Arruda Pontes edited this page Feb 27, 2014 · 8 revisions

Welcome to the cloudfuzzy wiki!

Main Ideia

CloudFuzzy - The Online Fuzzy Toolbox Solution CloudFuzzy aims at the creation of fuzzy inference system through an online and user-friendly interface.

In addition to creating, editing and storing fuzzy systems, CloudFuzzy let's you execute the fuzzy inference engine for a given input, so that you can validate if the modeled fuzzy system outputs are as you expected.

Also, any fuzzy system created with CloudFuzzy can be exported to a format that's easy to read and compatible with XFuzzy 3.0 Desktop Toolbox

What's Inside

CloudFuzzy is an [Open Source] ( project developed on [Play! Web Framework] (, using [XFuzzy 3.0 Desktop Toolbox] ( as the fuzzy engine.


For detailed information on how to install CloudFuzzy, visit the Instalation page.