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=== WP Limit Login Attempts === Contributors: arshidkv12

Tags: login, security, authentication, hack, proxy, admin, protection,Proxy detection, Brute Force,block,attempts,captcha,verification,bots,attack,login alerts,lock, log, logging, personal security,wordpress security,secure,wordpress,blocked,secure website, admin, atempts, attemps, Auth, authentication, ban, best security, best security pligin, best wordpress security plugin, best wp security plugin, blacklist, block address, block automatically, block user, blocked, blocked ip, botnet, error log, etempts, failed attempts, limit attempts plugin,limit of locks, limit login attempts, limited attempts, lock, lockdown,login attempt, login alerts, Login Attempts, login security, maintenance, permissions, personal security, plugin, prevent, prevention, limit login attempts, private, security plugin, protection, ettempts, maximum login security Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 4.4 Stable tag: 2.3.2

Limit rate of login attempts and block ip temporarily (Up to 10 minutes). It is protecting from brute force attacks.

== Description ==

Brute Force Attack aims at being the simplest kind of method to gain access to a site: it tries usernames and passwords, over and over again, until it gets in. This plugin limit rate of login attempts and block ip temporarily. It is detecting bots by captcha verification.

Go to Settings > WP Limit Login.

= Features =

  • Captcha Verification
  • Limit the number of login attempts and block ip temporarily
  • Light weight plugin
  • Mechanism for slow down brute force attack
  • Redirect to home page, when abnormal request (It will stop hacking tools)

= Captcha Verification =

Captcha Verification in seven attempts. It will be highly helpful for removing bots.

For more service ,Please visit

= Donations =

This plugin protecting your admin. Please make donation, I really appreciate it .

= Support =


== Installation ==

  1. Download and extract plugin files to a wp-content/plugin directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the WordPress admin interface.
  3. Done !

== Frequently Asked Questions == = Why I am seeing an, "Please wait 10 minutes" error message when I try to login? = You are tried to login with wrong password or username more than five times. So please wait 10 minutes, then reset password by clicking "lost your password" link.

= Is it working in localhost ? =

Yes.. It will work in your local machine also.

= Captcha image is not working, How to solve it ? =

Just make captcha.php file accessible in .htaccess file located in root or wp-contet or plugin folder then try.

Enable GD extention in php.ini

Uncomment this line in php.ini file: extension=php_gd2.dll (remove the leading ;)

Or just contact hosting provider (They will enable GD extension)


Limit rate of login attempts and block ip temporarily (Up to 10 minutes). It is protecting from brute force attacks.






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