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A artist rating platform for our Text Information Systems Class that utilizes sentiment analysis and collaborative and content based filtering to provide users more robust artist recommendations based on their taste.

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Music Rater

Our CS410 Final Project. It uses sentiment analysis performed on pitchfork reviews to assign an artist a rating, and allows users to rate artists. Our system uses a combination of content-based filtering and collaborative filterting to recommend new artists to users. More specifically, the recommender system uses the k-nearest neighbors algorithm with cosine similarity metrics .This project uses the VADER sentiment analysis library available in nltk.

The project is implemented as a web app using python and Flask for everything on the backend. Most of the frontend was created using the Bootstrap framework along with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The code for the recommendation system can be found in the file, and the code that performs sentiment analysis and generates a rating for each artist is in the file. Most of the functions in these files are called from the This file is where each of the endpoints for the website live, and it is where the majority of the data formatting and serving of the webpages occurs.

Individual Contributions

Ryan (rgates3): Design and implementation of front end, initial setup and deployment to Heroku, helping create and edit video presentation

Tejas (tsharm5): Fixing the pitchfork API (there were a lot of problems in the initial repo, feel free to check out the submodule to see specific changes, though we didn't focus on this because it was only fixing some heavily unmaintained code), writing code that performs sentiment analysis on pitchfork, creation of webpages on the front end, writing various scripts for database population, helping create and edit video presentation

Arsh (khndlwl3): Design and implementation of recommendation system, design and implementation of database, helping create video presentation

Overview of all Technology Used

Programming Languages Used







Libraries Used

Spotipy (for access to Spotify API)

Unofficial Pitchfork API (for access to Pitchfork reviews)

Unofficial Billboard API (for access to Billboard charts)

NLTK (for VADER sentiment analysis)

Psycopg2 (for Database Queries)

Surprise (for recommender system)

Pandas (for data handling)


Clone the repo and install the packages in requirements.txt

After installing, make sure to download the necessary nltk files with the following commands in python:

>> import nltk

Setup for running locally

To run the website locally you first need to sign up for a spotify API key here. You also need to import the postgres database from the "db" folder using the information here. Assuming your main postgres user is "postgres" with no password, the following is the code to run the website locally.

$ git submodule init
$ git submodule update
$ export
$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID=<client id from API>
$ export SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET=<client secret from API>
$ export DATABASE_URL=postgres://postgres@localhost/<dbname>
$ flask run


Database Import/export

Using the components

Getting the Pitchfork Rating

For getting what we call a "Pitchfork Rating" on our website, we query the spotify API to get a set of albums for an artist before using those pairs to get all the reviews on pitchfork for said artist.
Once we have this information, we apply sentiment analysis to the review text and using all this information, we generate an overall rating for the artist.
To use this component you can do the following.

>> from album_discovery import *
>> from artist_rating import *

>> al = get_artist_list('anderson') # this will get the artists that match a name and print them with indices
0 Anderson .Paak
1 Anderson East
2 Keith Anderson
3 John Anderson
4 Lyrica Anderson
5 Leonard Anderson
6 Coffey Anderson
7 Cherine Anderson
8 Carl Anderson
9 Eric Anderson

>> paak = get_artist(al, 0) # this is basically just indexing a list, probably doesn't need to be its own function

>> albums = get_artist_albums(paak) # get the albums
Total albums: 7
yes lawd! remixes
yes lawd!

>> reviews = get_pitchfork_reviews(paak['name'], albums) # get the reviews
Couldn't find venice

>> get_overall_rating(reviews) # finally, we can use sentiment analysis to get a rating for this artist

# Alternatively, there is an easier option in artist_rating that just selects the first artist and spits out a rating
>> get_rating_from_query('anderson')
0 Anderson .Paak
1 Anderson East
2 Keith Anderson
3 John Anderson
4 Lyrica Anderson
5 Leonard Anderson
6 Coffey Anderson
7 Cherine Anderson
8 Carl Anderson
9 Eric Anderson
Total albums: 7
yes lawd! remixes
yes lawd!
Couldn't find venice

# The function above in turn calls a streamlined function for getting a rating directly from the artist object
>> get_rating_from_artist(paak)
Total albums: 7
yes lawd! remixes
yes lawd!
Couldn't find venice

Populating your DB

Obviously, it wouldn't make sense to need to add each artist by hand, so we also wrote a handy script to populate your database with artists after creating it.
It works by getting a list of artists from a set of Billboard charts using the unofficial Billboard API, and then adding each one to the database.
To change these charts, simply edit the chart_names variable in You can find the chart format by looking at the URL for a chart on the Billboard website. It will be of the form The "artist-100" part is the important part here.
You might be worried about problems that arise due to running the script on such a large set of artists, but the script automatically creates batches, and checks if the artist is already in the database before adding it, which makes it very easy to just run the script again if it fails. Additionally, at the end of a successful run, it prints a list of artists which couldn't be added to the database.
In the below example, I didn't actually use the charts for brevity's sake, instead simply hardcoding a list of artists (which can be done by setting the artists variable under the main function), so there is only one batch.

$ python
Found 2 artists using the billboard API
Beginning population with batch 1/1
# This script would then go through each batch, printing out all the information outlined in the "Getting the Pitchfork Rating" section, followed by a "Failed to add the following artists:", but only if an artist raised an exception while adding it to the db.

Using the recommender

It's infeasible to use the recommender unless you have the database set up properly and it actually has some data in it. This means creating some users and having them rate some artists.
The recommender works by ...
Once you have the database set up, you can get recommendations in the following manner.

>>> import recommender
>>> rec = recommender.Recommender()
Computing the cosine similarity matrix...
Done computing similarity matrix.
# There's a lot more debugging output after this
>>> rec.recommend(7) # it's as simple as calling the recommend function with an argument of user id
# This returns a list of spotify ids for recommended artists and a boolean
# If the boolean is true, this is a set of recommended artists tailored personally to the user
# If it is false, this function is simply returning a list of the top 6 artists in the database
['16yUpGkBRgc2eDMd3bB3Uw', '2h93pZq0e7k5yf4dywlkpM', '14x0FyR1UMUO1Sc8V5TzN6', '3koiLjNrgRTNbOwViDipeA', '329iU5aUf9pGiYFbjE9xqQ', '1U1el3k54VvEUzo3ybLPlM'], True


A artist rating platform for our Text Information Systems Class that utilizes sentiment analysis and collaborative and content based filtering to provide users more robust artist recommendations based on their taste.






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