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Security: arshkumarsingh/cLOB-py

Security Policy


The security of cLOB-py is of utmost importance. We are committed to protecting our users and contributors by maintaining a secure codebase and promptly addressing any security vulnerabilities. This security policy outlines the process for reporting vulnerabilities and our commitment to addressing them.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in cLOB-py, we encourage you to report it to us privately to ensure a prompt and effective response.

How to Report

  1. Email: Send an email to with the subject line "Security Vulnerability Report."
  2. Include the Following Information:
    • A description of the vulnerability and its potential impact.
    • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
    • Any proof-of-concept code or examples that demonstrate the issue.
    • Your contact information for further communication (optional but recommended).

Response Time

We are committed to responding to security vulnerability reports within 5 business days. We will work with you to understand the issue and implement a resolution as quickly as possible.

Handling Security Vulnerabilities

  1. Initial Response:

    • Acknowledge receipt of the vulnerability report.
    • Begin an initial assessment of the reported issue.
  2. Investigation:

    • Thoroughly investigate the vulnerability to understand its impact and severity.
    • Verify the existence and exploitability of the vulnerability.
  3. Resolution:

    • Develop a fix or mitigation for the vulnerability.
    • Test the fix to ensure it resolves the issue without introducing new problems.
  4. Notification:

    • Notify the reporter of the vulnerability once a fix is implemented.
    • If appropriate, credit the reporter for their contribution.
  5. Release:

    • Include the fix in a new release of cLOB-py.
    • Communicate the update to users and contributors, highlighting the security fix.

Responsible Disclosure

We ask that reporters of security vulnerabilities adhere to responsible disclosure practices:

  1. Do Not Publicly Disclose: Do not publicly disclose the vulnerability until it has been addressed and a fix has been released.
  2. Allow Time for Fixes: Allow us reasonable time to investigate and resolve the vulnerability before discussing it publicly.
  3. Coordinate with Us: Work with us to provide necessary information and context to understand and address the issue.


We appreciate the efforts of security researchers and contributors who help improve the security of cLOB-py. Your cooperation and responsible disclosure are invaluable in maintaining a secure environment for all users.


For any security-related concerns or questions, please contact us at

Thank you for helping us keep cLOB-py secure!

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