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3.1. Fop Expression Builder Filter

Aybars edited this page Sep 2, 2019 · 3 revisions


Filter queries with SQL equals

Here you can find basic examples of fop query usage with comparing the SQL equality

Fop Query SQL
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;and select * from Students where (Midterm >90 and Name like '%a%')
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A select * from Students where (Midterm >90 and Name like '%a%')
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;or select * from Students where (Midterm >90 or Name like '%a%')
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;and$Final>=90 select * from Students where (Midterm >90 and Name like '%a%') or (Final >= 90)
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A$Final>=90 select * from Students where (Midterm >90 or Name like '%a%')
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;or$Final>=90 select * from Students where (Midterm >90 or Name like '%a%') or (Final >= 90)
?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;and$Final>=90;Level=A select * from Students where (Midterm >90 and Name like '%a%') or (Final >= 90 and Level = 'A')
?filter=Midterm>92;Name~=A;and$Name!|=A;Birthday<2012-06-07 select * from Students where (Midterm > 92 and Name like '%a%') or (Name not like '%a' and Birthday < '20120607' )

More and more and more...

  1. /api/students?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;and

It returns students which midterm score more than 90 and Name contain 'A' Sample

  1. /api/students?filter=Midterm>90;Name~=A;and$Final>=90

Let's dived and understand.

$ -> Represent next logic filter. It added or between the where statements

filter= // filter is starting

Midterm>90;Name~=A;and // first filter

$Final>=90 // second filter

we put always or for next filter operation. so above expression equality of sql is

select * from Students
where (Midterm > 90 and Name like '%a%') 
or (Final >= 90)


  1. Advanced querying

/api/students? filter= // Filter starting

// First expression here the end of the expression we have logic operator (and)

// the next filter expression we don't have any logic operator (and, or)

// If we don't put logic operator to end of the expression. Fop defaultly added and


$ // seperator for multiple filter -> always or

Final>=90;Name!|=A;Birthday<2012-06-07 // Second expression





Sql Equality

select * from Students
where (Midterm > 92 and Name like '%a%') -- First expression
or  -- $ -> always we use or for multiple filter expressions
(Final >= 90 and Name not like '%a' and Birthday < '20120607' ) -- Second expression
