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gops is a command to list and diagnose Go processes currently running on your system.

Note: This is a fork that contains a set of changes available in a patch. The added features extend gops to that statistics can be exported to InfluxDB for memory consumption.

$ gops
983   980    uplink-soecks  go1.9   /usr/local/bin/uplink-soecks
52697 52695  gops           go1.10  /Users/jbd/bin/gops
4132  4130   foops        * go1.9   /Users/jbd/bin/foops
51130 51128  gocode         go1.9.2 /Users/jbd/bin/gocode


$ go get -u

Note:, to use the memstatexport functionality which exports data to InfluxDB, you need to apply the patch located in this directory. Instructions follow

  1. Checkout this commit: 89672dbe3c4ba97d53af7e839e8097e1ccbb4977
git checkout 89672dbe3c4ba97d53af7e839e8097e1ccbb4977
  1. Clone this repository and use the patch. This changes the original dependencies so use dep to ensure they are present.
cd $GOPATH/src/
mkdir arsonistgopher && cd arsonistgopher
git clone
cd $GOPATH/src/
git am < $GOPATH/src/
dep ensure
go build

At this point, we have a working patched gops tool. Next, stand-up InfluxDB and Chronograf. Ensure that the dependencies for InfluxDB are present.

  1. Build InfluxDB.
go get
cd $GOPATH/src/
dep ensure
go install -tags uint64 ./...

Using the influxdbconfig.toml located in this repository, start InfluxDB.

influxd --config=$GOPATH/src/

Next, grab Chronograf and add InfluxDB as a datasource.

docker pull chronograf
docker run -d -p 8888:8888 chronograf

Login to Chronograf, create the data source and create a database for gops. The query is below. For instance, I create the InfluxDB host as: http://host.docker.internal:8086.

  1.  Build the hello example, get the PID and pass it to the modified gops tool.
cd $GOPATH/src/
go build

Now run the patched gops and start monitoring our memory statistics using the utility 'watch'. If you're not familiar with watch, it will run whatever command line argument that it has been passed every configured time period. By default this is every two seconds. As this is a diagnostic tool, this watch application provides a perfect way of running the gops client at regular time intervals without any further modifications.

ps aux | grep ./hello
# Get the PID, then
watch ./gops memstatexport <pid> http://influxDBIP:port dbname

Et voila. Here's a screen shot with a purdy graph. Tags available to filter on are: 'gops', 'hostname' and 'pid'. This tag set will allow you to get pid specifics for a given host machine under the gops dataset.

Note: End of modification from Google's version.


For processes that starts the diagnostics agent, gops can report additional information such as the current stack trace, Go version, memory stats, etc.

In order to start the diagnostics agent, see the hello example.

package main

import (


func main() {
	if err := agent.Listen(agent.Options{}); err != nil {

Otherwise, you could set GOPS_CONFIG_DIR environment variables to assign your config dir. Default, gops will use the current user's home directory(AppData on windows).


It is possible to use gops tool both in local and remote mode.

Local mode requires that you start the target binary as the same user that runs gops binary. To use gops in a remote mode you need to know target's agent address.

In Local mode use process's PID as a target; in Remote mode target is a host:port combination.

Listing all processes running locally

To print all go processes, run gops without arguments:

$ gops
983   980    uplink-soecks  go1.9   /usr/local/bin/uplink-soecks
52697 52695  gops           go1.10  /Users/jbd/bin/gops
4132  4130   foops        * go1.9   /Users/jbd/bin/foops
51130 51128  gocode         go1.9.2 /Users/jbd/bin/gocode

The output displays:

  • PID
  • PPID
  • Name of the program
  • Go version used to build the program
  • Location of the associated program

Note that processes running the agent are marked with * next to the PID (e.g. 4132*).

$ gops <pid>

To report more information about a process, run gops following by a PID:

$ gops <pid>
parent PID:	5985
threads:	27
memory usage:	0.199%
cpu usage:	0.139%
username:	jbd
cmd+args:	/Applications/ Helper -pid 5985
local/remote: <-> :0 (LISTEN)
local/remote: <-> (ESTABLISHED)
local/remote: <-> (ESTABLISHED)

$ gops tree

To display a process tree with all the running Go processes, run the following command:

$ gops tree

├── 1
│   └── 13962 [gocode] {go1.9}
├── 557
│   └── 635 [com.docker.supervisor] {go1.9.2}
│       └── 638 [com.docker.driver.amd64-linux] {go1.9.2}
└── 13744
    └── 67243 [gops] {go1.10}

$ gops stack (<pid>|<addr>)

In order to print the current stack trace from a target program, run the following command:

$ gops stack (<pid>|<addr>)
gops stack 85709
goroutine 8 [running]:
runtime/pprof.writeGoroutineStacks(0x13c7bc0, 0xc42000e008, 0xc420ec8520, 0xc420ec8520)
	/Users/jbd/go/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:603 +0x79
runtime/pprof.writeGoroutine(0x13c7bc0, 0xc42000e008, 0x2, 0xc428f1c048, 0xc420ec8608)
	/Users/jbd/go/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:592 +0x44
runtime/pprof.(*Profile).WriteTo(0x13eeda0, 0x13c7bc0, 0xc42000e008, 0x2, 0xc42000e008, 0x0)
	/Users/jbd/go/src/runtime/pprof/pprof.go:302 +0x3b5, 0xc42000e008, 0xc420186000, 0x1, 0x1, 0x0, 0x0)
	/Users/jbd/src/ +0x1b3
	/Users/jbd/src/ +0x2b2
created by
	/Users/jbd/src/ +0x480
# ...

$ gops memstats (<pid>|<addr>)

To print the current memory stats, run the following command:

$ gops memstats (<pid>|<addr>)

$ gops memstatexport (<pid>|<addr>) <influxdbhost:port> <dbname>

To send the current memory stats to InfluxDB, run the following command:

$ gops memstatexport (<pid>|<addr>) <influxdbhost:port> <dbname>

$ gops gc (<pid>|<addr>)

If you want to force run garbage collection on the target program, run gc. It will block until the GC is completed.

$gops setgc (<pid>|<addr>)

Sets the garbage collection target to a certain percentage. The following command sets it to 10%:

$ gops setgc (<pid>|<addr>) 10

$ gops version (<pid>|<addr>)

gops reports the Go version the target program is built with, if you run the following:

$ gops version (<pid>|<addr>)
devel +6a3c6c0 Sat Jan 14 05:57:07 2017 +0000

$ gops stats (<pid>|<addr>)

To print the runtime statistics such as number of goroutines and GOMAXPROCS.



gops supports CPU and heap pprof profiles. After reading either heap or CPU profile, it shells out to the go tool pprof and let you interatively examine the profiles.

To enter the CPU profile, run:

$ gops pprof-cpu (<pid>|<addr>)

To enter the heap profile, run:

$ gops pprof-heap (<pid>|<addr>)
Execution trace

gops allows you to start the runtime tracer for 5 seconds and examine the results.

$ gops trace (<pid>|<addr>)


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