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NCD Researches, GATS , NNS

************Wealth quintile gen wi_flus_elec=cex1a=="Yes" gen wi_flus_toi=cex1b=="Yes" gen wi_landph=cex1c=="Yes" gen wi_tm=cex1d=="Yes" gen wi_tv=cex1e=="Yes" gen wi_ref=cex1f=="Yes" gen wi_pcar=cex1g=="Yes" gen wi_mst=cex1h=="Yes" gen wi_wash=cex1i=="Yes" gen wi_bc=cex1j=="Yes" gen wi_sewi=cex1k=="Yes" gen wi_almirah=cex1l=="Yes" gen wi_tc=cex1m=="Yes" gen wi_kc=cex1n=="Yes" gen wi_chib=cex1o=="Yes" gen wi_watch=cex1p=="Yes" gen wi_compl=cex1q=="Yes" gen wi_anidom=cex1r=="Yes" gen wi_shall=cex1s=="Yes" gen wi_rick=cex1t=="Yes" gen wi_cemet=cex2a=="Cement/concrete" gen wi_katcha=cex2a=="Katcha (bamboo/thatched/straw/gunny)" gen wi_tin=cex2a=="Tin, Tiles or similar materials" gen wi_floorcem=cex2b=="Cement" gen wi_floormud=cex2b=="Mud or sand" gen wi_wallcem=cex2c=="Cement/concrete" gen wi_wallkatch=cex2c=="Katcha (bamboo/thatched/straw/gunny)" gen wi_walltin=cex2c=="Tin, Tiles or similar materials"

factor wi_*, pcf rotate predict wealth

xtile quint=wealth , n(5) la def quint 1 lowest 2 second 3 middle 4 fourth 5 highest

la val quint quint

gen hl8_dist="1" if hl8 =="Dhaka north" replace hl8_dist="2" if hl8 == "Dhaka south" replace hl8_dist="3" if hl8 == "Gazipur" replace hl8_dist="4" if hl8 == "Narsingdi" destring hl8_dist,replace

label def hl8_dist 1"Dhaka north" 2"Dhaka south" 3"Gazipur" 4"Narsingdi" la val hl8_dist hl8_dist

xtile wealth_quint_dn =wealth if hl8_dist == 1, n(5) xtile wealth_quint_ds =wealth if hl8_dist == 2, n(5) xtile wealth_quint_g =wealth if hl8_dist == 3, n(5) xtile wealth_quint_n =wealth if hl8_dist == 4, n(5)

gen wealth_quint = .

foreach v of varlist wealth_quint_dn wealth_quint_ds wealth_quint_g wealth_quint_n{ replace wealth_quint = 1 if v' == 1 replace wealth_quint = 2 if v' == 2 replace wealth_quint = 3 if v' == 3 replace wealth_quint = 4 if v' == 4 replace wealth_quint = 5 if `v' == 5 } ///

tab wealth_quint lab var wealth_quint "Wealth Quintile" lab def wealth_quint 1 "Poorest" 2 "Poorer" 3 "Middle" 4 "Richer" 5 "Richest", replace lab val wealth_quint wealth_quint

tab wealth_quint

**************================ Over all===== tab wealth_quint [iweight = FinalWeight] if m8sex==1 tab wealth_quint [iweight = FinalWeight] if m8sex==2 tab wealth_quint if m8sex==1 tab wealth_quint if m8sex==2 tab wealth_quint [iweight = FinalWeight] tab wealth_quint

Occupation cat

gen occu_cat=c8 replace occu_cat="1" if c8=="Agriculture (day laborer)" replace occu_cat="1" if c8=="Agriculture (land owner and farmer)" replace occu_cat="2" if c8=="Business (large)" replace occu_cat="2" if c8=="Business (small)" replace occu_cat="3" if c8=="Day laborer" replace occu_cat="3" if c8=="Industrial laborer" replace occu_cat="3" if c8=="Transport laborer" replace occu_cat="4" if c8=="Home maker/Household work" replace occu_cat="5" if c8=="Government employee" replace occu_cat="5" if c8=="Non-government employee" replace occu_cat="6" if c8=="Paid domestic worker (maid servant)" replace occu_cat="7" if c8=="Students" replace occu_cat="7" if c8=="Unemployed (able to work)" replace occu_cat="7" if c8=="Unemployed (unable to work)" replace occu_cat="7" if c8=="Retired" replace occu_cat="8" if c8=="Self employed" replace occu_cat="8" if c8=="Others (Specify)" replace occu_cat="8" if c8=="Blacksmith/Goldsmith/ Weaver"

destring occu_cat,replace

tab occu_cat

label define occu_cat 1 "Agriculture (day laborer/land owner/farmer)" 2 "Business (small/large)" 3 "Day/Industrial/Transport laborer" 4 "Home maker/Household work" 5 "Government/Non-government employee" 6 "Paid domestic worker (maid servant)" 7 "Retired/Students/Unemployed (able/unable to work)" 8 "Self employed/Blacksmith/Goldsmith/ Weaver/Others" label values occu_cat occu_cat

//label drop occup_cat

********==========Religion cagtegories== gen relig_cat=sd2 replace relig_cat="1" if sd2=="Islam" replace relig_cat="2" if sd2=="Hindu" replace relig_cat="2" if sd2=="Christian" replace relig_cat="2" if sd2=="Buddhist"

destring relig_cat, replace

tab relig_cat

label define relig_cat 1 "Muslim" 2 "Others" label values relig_cat relig_cat tab relig_cat

Education********** gen edu_cat=c4 replace edu_cat=0 if c4<1 replace edu_cat=1 if c4>=1 & c4<5 replace edu_cat=2 if c4>=5 & c4<6 replace edu_cat=3 if c4>=6 & c4<10 replace edu_cat=4 if c4>=10 & c4<. tab edu_cat

label define edu_cat 0 "No education" 1 "Primary incomplete" 2 "Primary complete" 3 "Secondary incomplete" 4 "Secondary and higher education" label values edu_cat edu_cat tab edu_cat *******************Income gen income_cat=c10

replace income_cat=1 if c10 <=10000 replace income_cat=2 if c10>10000 & c10<=20000 replace income_cat=3 if c10>20000 & c10<=30000 replace income_cat=4 if c10>30000 & c10<.

label define income_cat 1 "0-10000" 2 "10001-20000" 3 "20001-30000" 4 ">30000" label values income_cat income_cat

tab income_cat

*****************************************BODY MASS INDEX gen ht1 = m11a gen ht2 = m11b gen ht3 = m11c

*selecting two close observations from three observations (if diff between first two measur. were >0.5) gen ht = (ht1 + ht2)/2 if missing(ht3) gen ht_min = min(ht1, ht2, ht3) gen ht_max = max(ht1, ht2, ht3) gen ht_med = (ht1 + ht2 + ht3) - ht_max - ht_min replace ht = (ht1 + ht2 + ht3)/3 if missing(ht) & ((ht_max - ht_med) == (ht_med - ht_min)) replace ht = cond((ht_max - ht_med) < (ht_med - ht_min), (ht_max + ht_med)/2, (ht_med + ht_min)/2) if missing(ht)

gen height_120=ht+120 if ht!=0 gen ht_m=height_120

gen ht_me = ht_m/100

**Weight gen wt1 = m12a gen wt2 = m12b gen wt3 = m12c

*Selecting two close observations from three observations (if diff between first two measur. were >0.1) gen wt = (wt1 + wt2)/2 if missing(wt3) gen wt_min = min(wt1, wt2, wt3) gen wt_max = max(wt1, wt2, wt3) gen wt_med = (wt1 + wt2 + wt3) - wt_max - wt_min replace wt = (wt1 + wt2 + wt3)/3 if missing(wt) & ((wt_max - wt_med) == (wt_med - wt_min)) replace wt = cond((wt_max - wt_med) < (wt_med - wt_min), (wt_max + wt_med)/2, (wt_med + wt_min)/2) if missing(wt)

gen bmi_b = wt/ht_me^2

gen bmi_asian_b=bmi_b replace bmi_asian_b=0 if bmi_b<18.50 replace bmi_asian_b=1 if bmi_b>=18.50 & bmi_b<23 replace bmi_asian_b=2 if bmi_b>=23 & bmi_b<27.5 replace bmi_asian_b=2 if bmi_b>=27.5 & bmi_b!=.

lab var bmi_asian_b "Body Mass Index" label define bmi_asian_b 0 "Underweight" 1 "Normal" 2 "Overweight" 3"Obese" label values bmi_asian_b bmi_asian_b

rename bmi_asian_b bmi_cat tab bmi_cat

****** smoking and tobacco ************ gen tobacco=1 if t1=="Yes" & t12!="Yes" tab tobacco, m replace tobacco=2 if t12=="Yes" & t1!="Yes" replace tobacco=3 if t1=="yes" & t12=="Yes" tab tobacco, m tab t1 tab t12, m br t1 t12 tobacco

gen tob=1 if t1=="Yes" & t12=="Yes" recode tob (1=3) replace tob=1 if t1=="Yes" & t12!="Yes" replace tob=2 if t1!="Yes" & t12=="Yes" tab tob, m tab t1, m br t1 t12 tob br t1 t12 tob if t1=="No" & t12=="No" drop tobacco rename tob tobacco tab tobacco, m label define tobaccolabel 1 "smoking" 2 "smokless" 3 "both" label values tobacco tobaccolabel tab tobacco, m

tab tobacco [iw=FinalWeight], m

tab tobacco [iweight = FinalWeight] if hl8=="Narsingdi" & m8sex==2,m tab tobacco [iweight = FinalWeight] if hl8=="Narsingdi" & m8sex==1,col m tab tobacco [iweight = FinalWeight] if m8sex==1,col m tab tobacco [iweight = FinalWeight] if m8sex==2,col m tab tobacco [iweight = FinalWeight],col m

*additional tobacco cats codebook tobacco recode tobacco (.=4) recode tobacco (1 2 3 = 1 "Tobacco Users") (4 = 0 "Non User"), gen (tobacco_all)

*** Hypertension (SBP >= 140 / DBP >= 90 / Self-reported) ***************************HTN

** Systolic BP_Measured gen sbp1 = m4b gen sbp2 = m5b gen sbp3 = m6b

gen SBP = (sbp1 + sbp2)/2 if missing(sbp3) gen sbp_min = min(sbp1, sbp2, sbp3) gen sbp_max = max(sbp1, sbp2, sbp3) gen sbp_med = (sbp1 + sbp2 + sbp3) - sbp_max - sbp_min replace SBP = (sbp1 + sbp2 + sbp3)/3 if missing(SBP) & ((sbp_max - sbp_med) == (sbp_med - sbp_min)) replace SBP = cond((sbp_max - sbp_med) < (sbp_med - sbp_min), (sbp_max + sbp_med)/2, (sbp_med + sbp_min)/2) if missing(SBP)

replace SBP = . if SBP == 0

label var SBP "Systolic Blood Pressure, mmHg"

** Diastolic BP _Measured gen dbp1 = m4c gen dbp2 = m5c gen dbp3 = m6c

gen DBP = (dbp1 + dbp2)/2 if missing(dbp3) gen dbp_min = min(dbp1, dbp2, dbp3) gen dbp_max = max(dbp1, dbp2, dbp3) gen dbp_med = (dbp1 + dbp2 + dbp3) - dbp_max - dbp_min replace DBP = (dbp1 + dbp2 + dbp3)/3 if missing(DBP) & ((dbp_max - dbp_med) == (dbp_med - dbp_min)) replace DBP = cond((dbp_max - dbp_med) < (dbp_med - dbp_min), (dbp_max + dbp_med)/2, (dbp_med + dbp_min)/2) if missing(DBP)

replace DBP = . if DBP == 0 replace DBP = . if DBP < 40

label var DBP "Diastolic Blood Pressure, mmHg"

************phycical activities====== tab p1 tab p2 gen p2_cat=p2 replace p2_cat=. if p2==77

fruit and vegetable servings*****

tab d1 tab d2 gen d2_cat=d2 replace d2_cat=. if d2==77 replace d2_cat=. if d2==77.7

gen d4_cat=d4 replace d4_cat=. if d4==77 replace d4_cat=. if d4==77.7

gen d1_fruit=(d1d2_cat)/7 gen d3_veg=(d3d4_cat)/7

egen fruit_veg= rsum(d1_fruit d3_veg) replace fruit_veg=. if fruit_veg==0 gen fruitveg_cat= fruit_veg

replace fruitveg_cat = 0 if fruit_veg >= 5 & fruit_veg != . replace fruitveg_cat = 1 if fruit_veg < 5 & fruit_veg != .

tab fruitveg_cat

lab var fruitveg_cat "Fruits and vegetables consumption" lab def fruitveg_cat 0 ">=5 servings" 1 "<5 servings" lab values fruitveg_cat fruitveg_cat

tab fruitveg_cat

gen dx1_cat=dx1 replace dx1_cat=. if dx1==77 replace dx1_cat=. if dx1==77.7 replace dx1_cat=. if dx1==77.77 replace dx1_cat=. if dx1==99.9 replace dx1_cat=30 if dx1==300 replace dx1_cat=36 if dx1==360

***************Salat intake gen dx3_cat=dx3 replace dx3_cat=. if dx3==77 replace dx3_cat=. if dx3==77.7 replace dx3_cat=. if dx3==77.77 replace dx3_cat=. if dx3==777 replace dx3_cat=. if dx3==99.9

codebook hl8 hl9 recode hl8 (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural), gen (residence) recode hl8 (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural"), gen (residence) encode hl8, generate(resid) recode hl8 (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural"), gen (residence) destring resid, replace float recast float resid recode hl8 (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural"), gen (residence) recode hl8 (1 2 = 1) (3 4 = 2 ), gen (residence) drop c4==. drop if c4==. recode hl8 (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural"), gen (residence) replace hl8 "1" if hl8=="Dhaka north" recode hl8_dist (1 2 = 1 "Urban") (3 4 = 2 "Rural"), gen (residence) describe codebook codebook logistic tobacco_all ib4.income_cat ib4.educat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat logistic tobacco_all ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat tab occu_cat, m logistic tobacco_all ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib4.occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat residence logistic tobacco_all m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat logistic tobacco_all m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib4.occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat outreg2 using regression results, replace excel dec(3) outreg2 using regression_results, replace excel dec(3) seeout using "regression_results.txt" search excel package mlogit tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat mlogit tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat,rrr mlogit tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat,rrr codebook bmi_cat mlogit tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib1.bmi_cat,rrr mlogit bmi_cat tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint,rrr recode bmi_cat (2 = 0 "fatty") (1 0 = 1 "Underweight"), gen (fatty_cat) logistic fatty_cat tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint ib2.bmi_cat logistic fatty_cat tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint logistic tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint fatty_cat logistic tobacco m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint logistic tobacco_all m8sex residence ib4.income_cat ib4.edu_cat ib1. occu_cat ib5.wealth_quint fatty_cat tab tobacco_all m8sex tab tobacco_all m8sex, m tab tobacco_all m8sex [iweight = FinalWeight], m tab fatty_cat m8sex [iweight = FinalWeight], m tab fatty_cat m8sex [iweight = FinalWeight], chi2 tab fatty_cat m8sex, chi2


NCD Researches, GATS , NNS






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