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Buckets Configuration

Buckets provides a few ways to set configuration options when starting up. You can provide these settings directly to the buckets function, or you can set ENV variables. Buckets will also look for two JSON files at the root of your project, both a config.json and an _environment_.json (where environment is whatever environment is currently active).

Here are the settings:


name process.env.GLOBAL_NAME default


autoStart true

Set to false to include Buckets as Middleware.

adminSegment 'admin'

The URL segment at which the server will serve the Buckets admin interface.

apiSegment 'api'

The URL segment at which the server will serve the Buckets API.

buildsPath './builds'

The file to where builds are stored (Buckets will look for a "staging" directory here, the others are created on the fly). This is going to be better.


The connection URL for Cloudinary. Set up for default Heroku installation.

db MONGOHQ_URL 'mongodb://localhost/buckets#{env}'_

A MongoDB connection string. The env variable is set up for a default Heroku installation.

env NODE_ENV 'development' [production|development|test]

The app environment.


Fastly CDN support for a default Heroku installation.



port PORT 3000

Port at which Buckets serves the website.

logLevel 'info'

The level at which the logger reports. Possible values are "none", "debug", "verbose", "info", "warn", and "error".

pluginsPath './node_modules/'

Path to where plugins are loaded from. All plugins are node modules with a naming convention of "buckets-name".

smtp.service 'gmail' (or mandrill in production)

For local development, you can use a Gmail username/password (or any other format supported by Nodemailer). For our default Heroku setup, we currently support Mandrill.

smtp.auth.user MANDRILL_USERNAME

smtp.auth.pass MANDRILL_APIKEY