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Implementation of Emmet for javascript


download emmet.min.js from existing repository and add it to your web page.

Quick Usage

    var emmet = new Emmet('div+div');
    result = emmet.create({});
    (result === '<div></div><div></div>'); // true

Detail usage

[operation] [ tag [id] [class] [attributes] [element text node] [multiplication] ] | [ html [multiplication] ] | [ text_node [multiplication] ] [operation]

So we have Operations and Tags, Text Nodes and Html elements.


Emmet string consists of objects and operations. Objects represent by tag or text node or html.


Tag object starts from a tag name


It can start from any charaсter except '`', '%', '{'. Tag node can has id, class, attributes, text and multiplication.


Text node object starts from '{'. And can has multiplication

{text}+{another text}*3

Text node cann't has any child. So you cann't use '>' operation to the text node object.

Html object represent by variable or function. It can has a multiplication.


It can has a child object.


( ) ^ > +

Use "+" operation to add sibling to previous elements

'a+span'  ==== '<a></a><span></span>'

Use ">" operation to add child to previous element

'a>span' === '<a><span></span></a>'

Use "^" operation to climb up on the tree

'p>a>img^+span' === '<p><a><img /></a><span></span></p>'

Use "( )" operations for groupping elements Should to know that next after ")" operation will use the first element in the brackets. Let's see.

'(div>p+a)+div' === '<div><p></p><a></a></div>' . '<div></div>'
'(div>p>a>span)>p' === '<div>' . <p><a><span></span></a></p>' . '<p></p>' . '</div>'
'div>(div>p)^+div' === '<div><div><p></p></div></div>' . '<div></div>'


To create a tag you can use any character.

`div+h1` === '<div></div><h1></h1>'

You can add an id to your tag with "#"

'div#myDiv>span' = '<div id="myDiv"><span></span></div>'

You can add a class with "." Use " " to add more than one class

'div.class1+div.class1 class2' === '<div class="class1"></div><div class="class1 class2"></div>'

To add any other attribute use "[ ]"

'option[value=12 selected]' === '<option value="12" selected="selected"></option>'

To add a text inside your tag use "{ }"

'p{some text}' === '<p>some text</p>'

If you need more than one elements use multiplication by "*"

'p*2' === '<p></p><p></p>'

Text Node

You can create a text node without any tag. And use it like other element with "+" operation. But you cann't add a child element to text node.

'p+{ some text }+a' === '<p></p> some text <a></a>'
'p+{ some text }*2' === '<p></p> some text  some text '


You can use a variables like a value of your id, classes, text nodes, or multiplication in your string with " ` ".

(new Emmet('p.`info_class`{`information`}+span')).create({ 'information' : 'some information for user', 'info_class' : 'info'}) 
 === '<p class="info">some information for user</p><span></span>'

You have a special variable "$". which represent a number of your element. the number of element is 0. But if you use a multiplication for your element it will change.

(new Emmet('ul>li{`ul[$]`}*2')).create({'ul' : [1,2,3]}) === '<ul><li>1</li><li>2</li></ul>'

Or if parent element has an multiplication than the child will have the same multiplication

(new Emmet(
   {'data' : data,'tr_cnt' : data.length,]

You can use an object in your variable by '.'

(new Emmet('article{`object.title`}')).create({'object' : new Object()});


Implementation of Emmet for javascript






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