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iOS Prerequisites

Sue N. Cooper edited this page Aug 27, 2023 · 10 revisions

1. The following packages are required by the build scripts.

autoconf automake libtool pkg-config curl git doxygen nasm

2. These optional packages should be installed only if you want to build corresponding external libraries.

cmake gcc gperf texinfo yasm bison autogen wget gettext meson ninja ragel gtk-doc libtasn1
  • autogen required for libsndfile
  • bison > 2.4, wget, gettext required for gnutls
  • cmake > 3.9 required by libwebp and x265
  • gcc required by freetype and fribidi
  • gperf required by fontconfig
  • gtk-doc required by gnutls
  • libtasn1 required by gnutls
  • meson > 0.56, ninja for dav1d
  • ragel required by harfbuzz
  • texinfo required by gmp on some platforms
  • yasm required for libvpx and x265 on some platforms

3. iOS builds require these additional packages.

  • Xcode 8.0 or later
  • iOS SDK 10 or later
  • Command Line Tools
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