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Arthera performance testing tool

Stress test and measure the performance of an Arthera network.

Build instructions

Just run make to create the build/txgen binary.

Instructions for running:

  1. Generate some fake accounts. This will create a folder called keys_txgen that will have the private keys of the generated fake accounts:
./build/txgen fakeaccs
  1. Update the txgen.toml config file with:
    • ChainId - the chain id of the Arthera chain you want to connect to
    • Payer - the address of the Arthera account that will pay for the transactions
    • URLs - a list of WebSocket urls to connect to
  2. Import the payer key from your node data dir to the local folder keys_txgen:
./build/txgen importacc 0x0c08A529D58152A01d20b46B28DEEB7a4075104A ~/.arthera/keystore "fakepassword"
  1. Init fake account balances with funds from the payer account:
./build/txgen initbalance
  1. Run the transfer TPS test:
./build/txgen transfers
  1. Run the contract calls TPS test:
./build/txgen calls

The tool will print the average TPS while running, and it will run indefinitely until you stop it with Ctrl+C.


Arthera performance testing tool






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