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Acessing the state

BuildContext.formx([String? key]) automatically retrieves the appropriate FormState for you, though you can specify a key if necessary.

final state = context.formx();
final addressState = context.formx('address');

final email = context.field('email').value;

Alternatively, use Formx.of(context) for a traditional approach without visitors.

⚠️ Be careful, as using it will also rebuild the widget tree on any field change, just as Form.of(context).

FormState extensions

  • .rawValues, a structured Map with all raw [FormField.value] of the form.
  • .values, same as rawValues, but with global [FormxOptions] applied.
  • .customValues(), same as rawValues, but with explicit options applied.
  • .initialValues, a structured Map with all the initial values of the form.
  • .hasInteractedByUser, whether any nested [FormFieldState.hasInteractedByUser].
  • .hasError, whether any nested [FormFieldState.hasError].
  • .isValid, whether all nested [FormFieldState.isValid].
  • .invalids, a list with all invalid field keys, regardless if validated.
  • .errorTexts, a flat Map with all nested [FormFieldState.errorText].
  • .fill(Map<String, dynamic> values), to fill the form with values.

FormxState extension type

FormxState is an inline-class that redeclares some of the FormState methods:

  • .validate([List<String>? keys])
  • .save([List<String>? keys])
  • .reset([List<String>? keys])

These methods function identically to their original counterparts but extend their effects to nested forms. Using FormState.validate only validates the top-level form, whereas FormxState.validate also validates any nested forms.

You have the option to specify a list of keys with these methods to target specific forms or fields for validation, saving, or resetting.

You can redeclare any FormState to a FormxState by using FormxState(formState) type extension.

FormFieldState extensions

  • .setErrorText(String? errorText), sets the field errorText programmatically. Requires Validator.


You can use Formx.options to modify FormState.values output.

  • trim removes leading and trailing whitespaces.
  • unmask removes all [MaskTextInputFormatter] masks.
  • nonNull removes all null values.
  • nonEmptyMaps removes all empty maps.
  • nonEmptyStrings removes all empty strings.
  • nonEmptyIterables removes all empty iterables.
  • dateAdapter to format date in FormState.values.

By default, all options are enabled, except for [nonEmptyIterables].

To get the unmodified values, use FormState.rawValues.

To understand how masks are applied, see mask_text_input_formatter library, also exported by this package.

FieldKey class

A shortcut for GlobalKey<FormFieldState<T>> that allows you to control the form fields directly. Additionally, you can modify the field behavior, with:

  • .adapter to format the field value.
  • .unmask to (un)mask the field value, regardless of the form global options.
  key: FieldKey('phone', unmask: true),
  key: FieldKey('age', adapter: (value) => value?.toInt()),

You can also use extension modifiers:

  // Use `text()` as this is a TextFormField.
  key: const Key('phone').text().toInt().unmasked();

Validator class

Looking for a way to create validators declaratively? The Validator class provides a readable and declarative approach to defining validation rules for your Dart applications.

  validator: Validator<String>(
    isRequired: true,
    test: (value) => value.isEmail,

For the one-liners, the modifiers allows you to chain your validators.

  validator: Validator().required().email(),

You can also easily create custom validators:

extension CustomValidators on Validator<T> {
  Validator<T> myValidator([String? requiredText]) {
    return test((value) => /* your logic here */, requiredText);


// You can set a default `requiredText`/`invalidText` for all validators:
Validator.defaultRequiredText = 'This field is required';
Validator.defaultInvalidText = 'This field is invalid';

// You can also modify the errorText of a validator:
Validator.translator = (key, errorText) => errorText; // good for translations

// And disable them all:
Validator.disableOnDebug = true; // only works on debug mode


  • .test(bool Function(T value) test)
  • .number(bool Function(num value) test)
  • .datetime(bool Function(DateTime value) test)
  • .required
  • .email
  • .url
  • .phone
  • .creditCard
  • .cpf
  • .cnpj
  • .date
  • .alpha
  • .numeric
  • .alphanumeric
  • .hasAlpha
  • .hasNumeric
  • .hasAlphanumeric
  • .hasUppercase
  • .hasLowercase
  • .hasSpecialCharacter
  • .minLength(int length)
  • .maxLength(int length)
  • .minWords(int words)
  • .maxWords(int words)
  • .minNumber(num number)
  • .maxNumber(num number)
  • .isAfter(DateTime date)
  • .isBefore(DateTime date)

Validators, Sanitizers & Helpers extensions

Formx comes bundled with a set of built-in validators and sanitizers, which you can use to validate and sanitize your form fields.


  • .isPhone
  • .isCpf
  • .isCnpj
  • .numeric (returns the numbers)
  • .alpha (returns the letters)
  • .alphanumeric (returns numbers/letters)
  • .hasAlpha
  • .hasNumeric
  • .hasAlphanumeric
  • .hasUppercase
  • .hasLowercase
  • .hasSpecialCharacters
  • .equalsIgnoreCase(String)

Additionally exports string_validator library. See it for complete list of extensions.


  • .indented for a map view that indents when printed.
  • .indentedText for getting an indented text.
  • .deepMap() for mapping nested maps.
  • .clean() for values that are null or empty string/iterable/map.
  • .cleaned() for a new map with all null or empty values removed.

Deeply recases all your map keys:

  • .camelCase "camelCase"
  • .constantCase "CONSTANT_CASE"
  • .sentenceCase "Sentence case"
  • .snakeCase "snake_case"
  • .dotCase ""
  • .paramCase "param-case"
  • .pathCase "path/case"
  • .pascalCase "PascalCase"
  • .headerCase "Header-Case"
  • .titleCase "Title Case"

Additionally exports recase library. See it for complete list of extensions.


  • .keepAlive usually needed for building forms with [PageView.children].
  • .expanded usually needed for building forms with [Column.children] or [Row.children].


Contributions to formx are welcome! Whether it's bug reports, feature requests, or pull requests, all "forms" of collaboration can help make formx better for everyone.


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