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The exact-cover package

exact-cover is a Haskell library that implements a fast solver for exact cover problems using Algorithm X as described in the paper Dancing Links, by Donald Knuth, in Millennial Perspectives in Computer Science, P159, 2000.

See exact-cover on Hackage for more information.


You will need to set the buildExamples flag to build the executable samples. e.g. on stack, do

stack build --flag exact-cover:buildExamples


After setting the buildExamples flag above, the sudoku example can be run with

stack exec sudoku

Interesting sudoku puzzles that one might use to try out the solver:

  1. Unsolvable “puzzle” that took Peter Norvig’s solver 1439 seconds to prove that there is no solution:

  2. Finnish mathematician Arto Inkala’s 2006 puzzle


    2010 puzzle

  3. A compilation of resources, which includes lists of “hardest sudokus”.