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186 lines (123 loc) · 3.88 KB

File metadata and controls

186 lines (123 loc) · 3.88 KB


Allow you to control and switch an image source to play as a MovieClip.


npm install -S image-reader

How to use

var ImageReader = require('image-reader');

var reader;

// preload all your images, then

reader = new ImageReader([


function anim() {




new ImageReader(images[, options]);

images Array[String]

The image urls that are going to be switched. Preloading them will avoid flickering.


autoplay Boolean true

Start playing immediately when instanciated

el Image null

The targeting image element. If not provided, one will be created and must be inserted, accessible through el property.

fps Number 30

FPS of the animation

from Number 0

Starting url, indexed from the array you pass at constructor.

loop Boolean false

Loop when it reaches to value

onComplete Function null

Called when the animation complete. Does not work if repeat is set.

onRepeat Function null

Called at each repeat

onRepeatComplete Function null

Called when the animation has played all repeat

repeat Number 0

How many time the animation should repeat

retina Boolean false

If true, the created image (if no one was provided) would be styled with width and height divided by 2

reverse Boolean false

If true, animation will be played in reverse side

to Number null

Frame to stop the animation, indexed from the array you pass at constructor.



Update the current image src according to fps. This method has to ba called by your own in a raf.

  • force Boolean false : If force is set to true, FPS will be ignore and current src will be updated


Start playing from last known position


Pause at current position


Stop playing and set current position to from value


Switch playing side, optionaly forcing it

  • side Boolean null : Switch playing side. If side is set to true, normal side will be forced; false will force reverse.

goFromTo([from, to])

from or to can be omitted.

  • from Number : Set starting frame and go to it
  • to Number : Set ending frame


  • frame Number : Move cursor to frame and start playing


  • frame Number : Move cursor to frame and stop playing


Stop playing and remove image element from the DOM



el Image

Return the targeting image element. If no el was given to the constructor, you will have to add this to your page.

current Number

Return the current frame, index0 based

total Number

Return images array length


fps Number

FPS of the animation

loop Boolean

Loop when it reaches to value

repeat Number

How many time the animation should repeat

onComplete Function

Called when the animation complete. Does not work if repeat is set.

onRepeat Function

Called at each repeat

onRepeatComplete Function

Called when the animation has played all repeat

Browser compatibility

If relies on You could need a polyfill for IE9

  • perfnow polyfill installation with npm install -S perfnow


First you should install EditorConfig package in your code editor. Then,

cd .git/hooks
ln -s ../../hooks/pre-commit

npm install

Then 2 commands are available :

  • npm run watch watch and build js files
  • npm run build clean, build and uglify js files