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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

🐛 Bug
🐛 Bug
Something isn't working
👂 Community feedback requested
👂 Community feedback requested
This issue is actively looking for and listening to feedback from the community
📃 Docs
📃 Docs
Improvements or additions to documentation
🥈 Duplicate
🥈 Duplicate
This issue or pull request already exists
✨ Feature
✨ Feature
New feature or request
⚽ Good first issue
⚽ Good first issue
Good for newcomers
An issue that will be left to hacktoberfest contenders ;)
📈 Improvement
📈 Improvement
Further work to make an existing feature even better
🚫 Not a bug
🚫 Not a bug
An issue caused by user missuse or misunderstanding
❓ Unclear
❓ Unclear
Further information is requested
❌ Won't fix
❌ Won't fix
This will not be worked on