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Inline plugging

view plugin

the simplest plug-in has the form:

import { stream } from "m2"

export default ({ source/*, targets */}) => {
       return stream( (emt, { over }) => {
           over.add(source.on((evt, src) => {
               emt(evt, src);
       } );

you can access nested nodes and modify them

import { stream } from "m2"

export default ({ source, targets: [ { node } ] }) => {
       const inner = node.querySelector("[custom-plugin-inner]");
       return stream( (emt, { over }) => {
           over.add(source.on(emt ));
           inner.textContent = 77;
       } );
      <span custom-plugin-inner>custom-value</span>


stream plugin

you can also modify the data stream before use:

import { stream } from "m2"

export default ({ obtain }) => 
   obtain().map( data => [data] )

View engine


Templates definition

data transmission from events


the event source must have the form

[{property: 77}]

the data source can be an object with a nested structure

[{somefield: {nested: 77} }]


if you provide number settings, you can use formatting:


,where {formatter-resource-name} - data transmission template

the event source must have the form

[{property: 77}]

formatting resource file example:

  ["currency", { "style": "currency", "splitter": ".", "currencyDisplay": "symbol" }],
  ["compact-currency", { "style": "currency", "splitter": ".", "currencyDisplay": "symbol",
    "minimumFractionDigits": 0
  ["number", { "style": "decimal", "splitter": "." }],
  ["percent", { "style": "percent" }]


if you supply localization resources you can use automatic literal substitution:


localization resource file example:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <string name="example-literal-string">Example literal text content</string>
        <string name="example-literal-string-2">Example literal text content 2</string>
        <string name="example-literal-string">Пример случайной строки</string>
        <string name="example-literal-string-2">Пример случайной строки 2</string>

Actions definition

<keyframe [name = default] [prop = {easing:"linear",duration:5}] >
    <key [offset = 0] prop = {scale:0}></key>
    <key [offset = 1] prop = {scale:1}></key>

inline fade-in fade-out supported

<keyframe name = fade-in [duration = 5]>
    <key [offset = 0] prop = {translateX:0}></key>
    <key [offset = 1] prop = {translateX:100}></key>

binding data from stream

<keyframe name = fade-in [duration = 5]>
    <key prop = {scaleX:(x)}></key>
[{x: 1.5}]
Inline (local) CSS styles & SASS
   <style [type="text/scss"]> <!-- to enable SASS processing -->
    body { /* global selector */
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
    :scope { /* local selector */
        width: 100%;
        background-color: #0026ff;
        height: 100%;
Class controllers
    <key prop = {classList:{active:(isactive)}}></key>
[{isactive: true}]


    <key prop = {classList:{red|green|black:(selectedColor)}}></key>
[{selectedColor: "red"}]
Sound controls
<keyframe name="animation-name">
    <key prop={sound:'sound-name'}></key>

Sound will be played once


<keyframe name="animation-name" prop="{duration: 2}">
    <key offset="0.2" prop={sound:'sound-name'} ></key>
    <key offset="0.7" prop={sound:'sound-name'} ></key>

Sounds will be played 2 times with certain offsets and will be stopped if duration of animation less than duration of sounds

, where

  • sound - name of resource declared in <sound> tag

Sound resource declaration

<sound name="sound-name" rel="sound-resource"></sound>

, where

  • name - name of resource
  • rel - file name without extension from the directory component/res/sounds/sound-resource

if you want to use the general sounds for components, you can go up the nesting levels


Reactions definition

<unit onclick = req("action-name",{/*args*/})></unit>

where environment variables:

  • req - stream fallback method
  • key - view-component name
  • options - current view-component options
  • event - system event data
List of supported events
  • "onclick"

  • "onclickoutside" (synthetic)

  • "onpointermove"

  • "onpointerenter"

  • "onpointerleave"

  • "onpointerup"

  • "onpointerdown"

  • "onmouseenter"

  • "onmouseleave"

  • "onmouseover"

  • "onmouseout"

  • "onchange"

  • "oninput"

  • "onglobalkeydown" (synthetic)

  • "onglobalkeyup" (synthetic)

  • "onkeydown"

  • "onkeyup"

  • "onwheel"

  • "onscroll"

    also supported custom events

  • "on:custom-event"

    Creating and triggering events in JavaScript

import { stream } from "m2"

        class MyEvent extends Event {
            constructor() {
                this.myData = 100;
            log() {
                console.log("check", this);

        export default ({ source, targets }) => {
            return stream( (emt, { over }) => {

                over.add(source.on((evt, src) => {

                    setTimeout( () => {
                        targets[0].node.dispatchEvent(new MyEvent());
                    }, 1000);

                    emt(evt, src);

            } );



selects one view state available according to the model.

<unit tee = {a:10,b:-1}></unit>

rendered to the page if the condition when mapping data from the stream is fully met

[{a: 10, b: -1, ...other}]

or not rendered

[{a: 10, b: -2, ...other}]

allowed to use attachments and abbreviated forms

<unit tee = {obj:{prop}}></unit>
[{obj: {prop: 1}}]

functional form is also now supported

<unit tee() = "obj.prop > 0"></unit>
[{obj: {prop: 1}}]

you can even use a static form

<unit tee() = 1></unit>

however, the view component will still wait for the model stream

Common features

Coupling with model

you can link your view to the stream to get actions and process reactions

<unit stream = ./path>

any relative path will be calculated relative to the parent view, which is related to the model.

you can use the constant $name as a parameter to pass the current name of the view to the model

<unit stream = ./path/to/model[key=$name]>


you can use the included submodules

<unit use = url(./path-to-src-module)></unit>


<unit use = ./path-to-registered-module></unit>

Model unit

each model is a function that returns a stream:

it is a new stream

import { stream } from "m2"

export default ( { /*...args*/ } ) => 
    stream(emt => {
        emt( "something" );

, where

or an existing converted stream

import { stream } from "m2"

export default ( { obtain, /*...args*/ } ) => 
    .map( count => count + 1 )
        ({action}) => ({ action, data: "ok" })

, where

  • obtain - method of accessing an existing model from the schema
  • args - init options that were specified when accessing the stream

can be specified in the "obtain" method

obtain("./path", { argv: 10 })

or right on the path



the simplest path has the form:


Supported features
  • "./cat-a" - entry to the directory
  • "./" - current directory
  • "../" - parent directory
  • "./{name: abc, kind: 10}" - directories with a complex name
  • "./cat-a[kind=10]" - passing arguments
  • "./#component-id" - search by id
  • "./@component-key" - search by key

Note: when using search by id or key it begins from parent layer and move upward until root layer. So, sometimes you MUST specify exact path to model


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