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Startupz landing page (React + Jekyll)

This test website is created with React + Jekyll + Vite + Bootstrap. The design was adapted from Before running the project, make sure you have jekyll, webpack, and npm installed on your environment.


To install npm, run:

sudo apt install npm -g

To install jekyll, run:

gem install jekyll -g

To install webpack, run:

sudo apt install webpack  -g

Then, you can install the pre-requisites. To install the npm dependencies, run:

npm i


bundle install

Run the project

  1. Open a new terminal. Type in exe/dev to start the jekyll server and the vite server.
  2. Alternatively, open a new terminal and start jekyll server by running bundle exec jekyll serve, then another new terminal and run bin/vite dev

*Note: in case the commands do not work, adding bundle exec before the command may solve the problem.

Build the project

  1. Run bundle exec jekyll build to build the project

This project is currently deployed to with the help of Netlify.