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Artik Cloud LWM2M C SDK

This SDK helps developers to create C applications to connect to Artik Cloud LightWeight M2M server.

It is based on Eclipse Wakaama (formerly liblwm2m), to which Artik Cloud specifics are added to generate a shared library ("libwakaama") containing ready-to-use APIs to connect any device to the monitoring features offered by the Artik Cloud LWM2M server.

Source code

The relevant code for the Artik Cloud LWM2M C SDK can be found under the following locations:

  • core: LWM2M core code for accessing and manipulating objects
  • examples/lwm2mclient: LWM2M client layer offering several APIs to expose well-known LWM2M objects
  • examples/akc_client: Sample program using the LWM2M client API to connect to the server and expose some objects
  • examples/akc_ota: Sample program using the LWM2M client API to connect to the ARTIK Cloud server and apply OTA updates


The Artik Cloud LWM2M C SDK should compile and run on most UNIX based systems. It has been tested against Mac OS X, Ubuntu 16.04, and Fedora 24 (ARM). It only depends on the OpenSSL library, which is compiled along and linked as a static library. Therefore only the following build tools need to be installed before launching compilation:

  • cmake
  • gcc
  • g++
  • git

See examples below for installation on various operating systems and Linux distributions:

Mac OS X

$ sudo brew install git cmake

Ubuntu 16.04

$ sudo apt-get install git cmake gcc g++

Fedora 24

$ sudo dnf install git cmake gcc gcc-c++ make libarchive-devel

Fetch the sources

$ cd <workdir>
$ git clone


$ cd <workdir>/artikcloud-lwm2m-c
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

After the build completes successfully, the following binaries are generated:

  • build/examples/lwm2mclient//libwakaama-client.(so|dylib): The shared library containing the Wakaama and Artik Cloud specific code
  • build/examples/akc_client/akc_client: The Artik Cloud sample program

Run the sample program

The akc_client sample program takes the following parameters:

Usage: akc_client [options]
	-u <server URI> : LWM2M server URI
	-d <device ID> : AKC device ID
	-t <device token> : AKC device token
	-c <path device certificate> : Device certificate
	-k <path device private key> : Device private key
	-s <path server certificate> : Server certificate
	-r <path root CA> : root CA
	-n : don't verify SSL certificate
	-p <port> : local source port to connect from
	-l <lifetime> : lifetime of the client in seconds
	-h : display help

The server URL should comply with the following format depending on the protocol to use:

Protocol URL format
UDP coap://hostname:port
UDP/DTLS coaps://hostname:port
TCP coap+tcp://hostname:port
TCP/TLS coaps+tcp://hostname:port

The optional noverify parameter is used only when connecting over TCP/TLS. It overrides the default behavior and disables the verification of the server's certificate during TLS handshake.

Upon succesful connection to the server, a prompt is showing in the console and takes some commands to act on the LWM2M client. Type help for more information:

> help
help    Type 'help [COMMAND]' for more details.
change  Change the value of a resource.
read    Read the value of a resource.
error   Write error code to resource /3/0/11.
quit    Quit the client.

TLS Certificate management

When connecting to a TCP/TLS enabled LWM2M server, server certificate verification is done by default. If you want to disable certificate verification, add the noverify parameter at the end of the akc_client invoking command.

Certificate verification is done against trusted certificates that must be stored under a specific keystore directory, set by default to /usr/local/ssl/certs. This directory can be overriden by setting the SSL_CERT_DIR environment variable. To prepare the keystore directory, copy the certificates to consider as trusted to the directory and launch the following command:

$ openssl rehash < certs dir >

Note: Replace < certs dir > above by the actual path you chose for the keystore directory, or /usr/local/ssl/certs if you left the default value.

The rehash command will only work if you have OpenSSL 1.1.0 or above installed on your machine. Otherwise you can use the one built along with the SDK as follows:

Mac OS X

$ export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<workdir>/artikcloud-lwm2m-c/external/openssl
$ <workdir>/artikcloud-lwm2m-c/external/openssl/apps/openssl rehash < certs dir >


$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<workdir>/artikcloud-lwm2m-c/external/openssl
$ <workdir>/artikcloud-lwm2m-c/external/openssl/apps/openssl rehash < certs dir >

Artik Cloud intermediate certificates

When using TCP/TLS connection to Artik Cloud LWM2M server, you need to have proper intermediate certificates in the keystore in order for the server certificate verification to pass. These certificates can be downloaded in PEM format from the following links:

VeriSign Class 3 Public Primary Certification Authority - G5: pca3-g5ss.crt

Symantec Class 3 ECC 256 bit SSL CA - G2: rc.crt

Download and copy these files under /usr/local/ssl/certs/ (or SSL_CERT_DIR), then run the rehash procedure as explained above.

LWM2M library client API

The client library can be linked by any application that wants to take advantage of the LWM2M client features implemented in wakaama. The application just has to link to libwakaama-client.(so|dylib) and include "lwm2mclient.h".

The API exposed by the library is detailed here: Client API

More about ARTIK Cloud

If you are not familiar with ARTIK Cloud, we have extensive documentation at

The full ARTIK Cloud API specification can be found at

Check out advanced sample applications at

To create and manage your services and devices on ARTIK Cloud, create an account at

Also see the ARTIK Cloud blog for tutorials, updates, and more:

License and Copyright

Licensed under the Eclipse Public License v1.0. See LICENSE.

Copyright (c) 2016 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.


C SDK for the LWM2M feature of the Artik Cloud






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