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Model Registry Quickstart (mlflow#11022)
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Signed-off-by: Michael Berk <>
Signed-off-by: michael-berk <>
Signed-off-by: Michael Berk <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Berk <>
Co-authored-by: Jerry Liang <>
Signed-off-by: Arthur Jenoudet <>
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3 people authored and artjen committed Mar 26, 2024
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32 changes: 32 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/getting-started/index.rst
Expand Up @@ -195,6 +195,38 @@ your MLflow experiments.


Model Registry Quickstart

This quickstart tutorial walks through registering a model in the MLflow model registry and how to
retrieve registered models.

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<a href="registering-first-model/index.html" >
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5 Minute Model Registry Overview
Learn how to log MLflow models to the model registry

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1


Further Learning - What's Next?

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41 changes: 41 additions & 0 deletions docs/source/getting-started/registering-first-model/index.rst
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Tutorial Overview

The MLflow Model Registry has several core components:

* A **Centralized Model Store** is a single location for your MLflow models, facilitating model
versioning, sharing, and deployment in a consistent and efficient manner.
* A **Set of APIs** that allow you to programmatically create, read, update, and delete models.
* A **GUI** that allows you to manually view and manage models in the centralized model store.

The MLflow Model Registry provides some additional functionality that is relevant to model
development and deployment:

* **Model Versioning** refers to logging different iterations of a model to facilitate comparison
and serving. By default, models are versioned with a monotonically increasing ID, but you can also
alias model versions.
* **Model Aliasing** allows you to assign mutable, named references to particular versions of a
model, simplifying model deployment.
* **Model Tagging** allows users to label models with custom key-value pairs, facilitating
documentation and categorization.
* **Model Annotations** are descriptive notes added to a model.

In this tutorial, you will get up and running with the MLflow model registry in the least amount of
steps possible. The topics in this tutorial cover:

* Registering a model programmatically to the Model Registry while logging.
* Viewing the registered model in the MLflow UI.
* Loading a registered model for inference.

.. raw:: html

<a href="step1-register-model.html" class="download-btn">View the tutorial</a>

.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
Register a Model

Throughout this tutorial we will leverage a local tracking server and model registry for simplicity.
However, for production use cases we recommend using a
`remote tracking server <>`_.

Step 0: Install Dependencies
.. code-section::
.. code-block:: bash
pip install --upgrade mlflow
Step 1: Register a Model

To use the MLflow model registry, you need to add your MLflow models to it. This is done through
registering a given model via one of the below commands:

* ``mlflow.<model_flavor>.log_model(registered_model_name=<model_name>)``: register the model
**while** logging it to the tracking server.
* ``mlflow.register_model(<model_uri>, <model_name>)``: register the model **after** logging it to
the tracking server. Note that you'll have to log the model before running this command to get a
model URI.

MLflow has lots of model flavors. In the below example, we'll leverage scikit-learn's
RandomForestRegressor to demonstrate the simplest way to register a model, but note that you
can leverage any `supported model flavor <>`_.
In the code snippet below, we start an mlflow run and train a random forest model. We then log some
relevant hyper-parameters, the model mean-squared-error (MSE), and finally log and register the
model itself.

.. code-section::
.. code-block:: python
:name: create-model
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
import mlflow
import mlflow.sklearn
with mlflow.start_run() as run:
X, y = make_regression(n_features=4, n_informative=2, random_state=0, shuffle=False)
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42
params = {"max_depth": 2, "random_state": 42}
model = RandomForestRegressor(**params), y_train)
# Log parameters and metrics using the MLflow APIs
y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
mlflow.log_metrics({"mse": mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)})
# Log the sklearn model and register as version 1
.. code-block:: bash
:caption: Example Output
Successfully registered model 'sk-learn-random-forest-reg-model'.
Created version '1' of model 'sk-learn-random-forest-reg-model'.
Great! We've registered a model.

Before moving on, let's highlight some important implementation notes.

* To register a model, you can leverage the ``registered_model_name`` parameter in the
:py:func:`mlflow.sklearn.log_model()` or call :py:func:`mlflow.register_model()` after logging the
model. Generally, we suggest the former because it's more concise.
* `Model Signatures <>`_
provide validation for our model inputs and outputs. The ``input_example`` in ``log_model()``
automatically infers and logs a signature. Again, we suggest using this implementation because
it's concise.
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
Explore the Registered Model

Now that we've logged an experiment and registered the model associated with that experiment run,
let's observe how this information is actually stored both in the MLflow UI and in our local
directory. Note that we can also get this information programmatically, but for explanatory purposes
we'll use the MLflow UI.

Step 1: Explore the `mlruns` Directory
Given that we're using our local filesystem as our tracking server and model registry, let's observe
the directory structure created when running the python script in the prior step.

Before diving in, it's import to note that MLflow is designed to abstract complexity from the user
and this directory structure is just for illustration purposes. Furthermore, on remote deployments,
which is recommended for production use cases, the tracking server will be
on object store (S3, ADLS, GCS, etc.) and the model registry will be on a relational database
(PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc.).

.. code-block:: text
├── 0/ # Experiment ID
│ ├── bc6dc2a4f38d47b4b0c99d154bbc77ad/ # Run ID
│ │ ├── metrics/
│ │ │ └── mse # Example metric file for mean squared error
│ │ ├── artifacts/ # Artifacts associated with our run
│ │ │ └── sklearn-model/
│ │ │ ├── python_env.yaml
│ │ │ ├── requirements.txt # Python package requirements
│ │ │ ├── MLmodel # MLflow model file with model metadata
│ │ │ ├── model.pkl # Serialized model file
│ │ │ ├── input_example.json
│ │ │ └── conda.yaml
│ │ ├── tags/
│ │ │ ├── mlflow.user
│ │ │ ├── mlflow.source.git.commit
│ │ │ ├── mlflow.runName
│ │ │ ├──
│ │ │ ├── mlflow.log-model.history
│ │ │ └── mlflow.source.type
│ │ ├── params/
│ │ │ ├── max_depth
│ │ │ └── random_state
│ │ └── meta.yaml
│ └── meta.yaml
├── models/ # Model Registry Directory
├── sk-learn-random-forest-reg-model/ # Registered model name
│ ├── version-1/ # Model version directory
│ │ └── meta.yaml
│ └── meta.yaml
The tracking server is organized by `Experiment ID` and `Run ID` and is responsible for storing our
experiment artifacts, parameters, and metrics. The model registry, on the other hand, only stores
metadata with pointers to our tracking server.

As you can see, flavors that support
`autologging <>`_ provide lots of additional
information out-of-the-box. Also note that even if we don't have autologging for our model of
interest, we can easily store this information with explicit logging calls.

One more interesting callout is that by default you get three way to manage your model's
environment: ``python_env.yaml`` (python virtualenv), ``requirements.txt`` (PyPi requirements), and
``conda.yaml`` (conda env).

Ok, now that we have a very high-level understanding of what is logged, let's use the MLflow UI to
view this information.

Step 2: Start the Tracking Server
In the same directory as your ``mlruns`` foder, run the below command.

.. code-block:: bash
mlflow server --host --port 8080
.. code-block:: text
[2024-02-05 12:43:10 -0500] [26393] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 20.1.0
[2024-02-05 12:43:10 -0500] [26393] [INFO] Listening at: (26393)
[2024-02-05 12:43:10 -0500] [26393] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2024-02-05 12:43:10 -0500] [26414] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26414
[2024-02-05 12:43:11 -0500] [26416] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26416
[2024-02-05 12:43:11 -0500] [26428] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26428
[2024-02-05 12:43:11 -0500] [26437] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 26437
Step 3: View the Tracking Server
Assuming there are no errors, you can go to your web browser and visit ``http://localhost:8080`` to
view the MLflow UI.

First, let's leave the experiment tracking tab and visit the model registry.

.. figure:: ../../_static/images/quickstart/model-registry-quickstart/model-registry-ui.png
:width: 1024px
:align: center
:alt: Model information from the mlflow ui.

Next, let's add tags and a model version alias to
`facilitate model deployment <>`_.
You can add or edit tags and aliases by clicking on the corresponding ``Add`` link or pencil icon in
the model version table. Let's...

1. Add a model version tag with a key of ``problem_type`` and value of ``regression``.
2. Add a model version alias of ``the_best_model_ever``.

.. figure:: ../../_static/images/quickstart/model-registry-quickstart/model-alias-and-tags.png
:width: 1024px
:align: center
:alt: Model information from the mlflow ui.
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
Load a Registered Model

To perform inference on a registered model version, we need to load it into memory. There are many
ways to find our model version, but the best method differs depending on the information you have
available. However, in the spirit of a quickstart, the below code snippet shows the simplest way to
load a model from the model registry via a specific model URI and perform inference.

.. code-block:: python
import mlflow.sklearn
from sklearn.datasets import make_regression
model_name = "sk-learn-random-forest-reg-model"
model_version = "latest"
# Load the model from the Model Registry
model_uri = f"models:/{model_name}/{model_version}"
model = mlflow.sklearn.load_model(model_uri)
# Generate a new dataset for prediction and predict
X_new, _ = make_regression(n_features=4, n_informative=2, random_state=0, shuffle=False)
y_pred_new = model.predict(X_new)
Note that if you're not using sklearn, if your model flavor is supported, you should use the
specific model flavor load method e.g. ``mlflow.<flavor>.load_model()``. If the model flavor is
not supported, you should leverage :py:func:`mlflow.pyfunc.load_model()`. Throughout this tutorial
we leverage sklearn for demonstration purposes.

Example 0: Load via Tracking Server
A model URI is a unique identifier for a serialized model. Given the model artifact is stored with
experiments in the tracking server, you can use the below model URIs to bypass the model registry
and load the artifact into memory.

1. **Absolute local path**: ``mlflow.sklearn.load_model("/Users/me/path/to/local/model")``
2. **Relative local path**: ``mlflow.sklearn.load_model("relative/path/to/local/model")``
3. **Run id**: ``mlflow.sklearn.load_model(f"runs:/{mlflow_run_id}/{run_relative_path_to_model}")``

However, unless you're in the same environment that you logged the model, you typically won't have
the above information. Instead, you should load the model by leveraging the model's name and

Example 1: Load via Name and Version
To load a model into memory via the ``model_name`` and monotonically increasing ``model_version``,
use the below method:

.. code-block:: python
model = mlflow.sklearn.load_model(f"models:/{model_name}/{model_version}")
While this method is quick and easy, the monotonically increasing model version lacks flexibility.
Often, it's more efficient to leverage a model version alias.

Example 2: Load via Model Version Alias
Model version aliases are user-defined identifiers for a model version. Given they're mutable after
model registration, they decouple model versions from the code that uses them.

For instance, let's say we have a model version alias called ``production_model``, corresponding to
a production model. When our team builds a better model that is ready for deployment, we don't have
to change our serving workload code. Instead, in MLflow we reassign the ``production_model`` alias
from the old model version to the new one. This can be done simply in the UI. In the API, we run
`client.set_registered_model_alias` with the same model name, alias name, and **new** model version
ID. It's that easy!

In the prior page, we added a model version alias to our model, but here's a programmatic example.

.. code-block:: python
import mlflow.sklearn
from mlflow import MlflowClient
client = MlflowClient()
# Set model version alias
model_name = "sk-learn-random-forest-reg-model"
model_version_alias = "the_best_model_ever"
model_name, model_version_alias, 1
) # Duplicate of step in UI
# Get informawtion about the model
model_info = client.get_model_version_by_alias(model_name, model_version_alias)
model_tags = model_info.tags
# Get the model version using a model URI
model_uri = f"models:/{model_name}@{model_version_alias}"
model = mlflow.sklearn.load_model(model_uri)
.. code-block:: text
:caption: Output
{'problem_type': 'regression'}
RandomForestRegressor(max_depth=2, random_state=42)
Model version alias is highly dynamic and can correspond to anything that is meaningful for your
team. The most common example is a deployment state. For instance, let's say we have a ``champion``
model in production but are developing ``challenger`` model that will hopefully out-perform our
production model. You can use ``champion`` and ``challenger`` model version aliases to uniquely
identify these model versions for easy access.

That's it! You should now be comfortable...

1. Registering a model
2. Finding a model and modifying the tags and model version alias via the MLflow UI
3. Loading the registered model for inference

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