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This library provides a vimeo Python (2.5-2.7) module for interacting with the Vimeo Advanced API (v2). It is heavily based on Vimeo's own PHP library for the same purpose.


If you are running Python 2.6 or 2.7, the only dependencies are having either setuptools or ez_setup installed on your system.

If you are using this on Python 2.5 you will need to install a JSON parsing library. By default the module will attempt to import the names json (looking for the stdlib module in 2.6+) or cjson, which is available on PyPi.


$ git clone
$ cd vimeo-py-lib
$ sudo python install


Basic usage of this module goes something like this:

import vimeo

permission = 'read' # Could also be 'write' or 'delete'
client = vimeo.VimeoClient(my_consumer_id, my_consumer_secret)
# Send the user to this URL to authorize your app
authorization_url = client.auth(permission)

# When they come back, get an access token. Assumes that the OAuth verifier is
# now set to 'verifier' and that the tokens set by the `auth()` method haven't
# been modified.
token = client.get_access_token(verifier)
client.set_token(token['oauth_token'], token['oauth_token_secret'])
# Now you can start making API requests
try:'some.vimeo.method', {'your_data': 'here'})
except vimeo.VimeoAPIError:
    print 'Call to API method %s failed!' % e.method
    print 'Error code:', e.code
    print 'Error message:', e.msg

Detailed examples

For working examples of how to interact with and authorize agains the Vimeo API, see the provided example files included.

These examples will walk you through both methods of authentication (callback or manually-entered verification) as well as showing basic video uploads using either a specified filepath, or a file-like object received by a form submission.

Further reading

If you aren't familiar with the OAuth protocol, this guide is recommended reading.

The full documentation for Vimeo's v2 API can be found here:


Differences from the PHP version

There are some minor differences from the PHP version of this library. They are as follows:

  • The depricated uploadMulti method has not been ported.
  • The first argument of the upload method can be either a file path or a file-like object (like an open file or a StringIO instance or something). Basically anything with read and seek methods.
  • This module also provides an in-memory cache for requests, which is just a dictionary within each VimeoAPI instance.


  • VimeoClient.auth(permission = 'read', callback_url = 'oob')
    Return the authorization URL for the specified permission and callback URL. Additionally, this method will automatically get a new request token and set it as the active token for the VimeoClient instance. permission should be one of 'read', 'write', or 'delete'.

  •, params = None, request_method = 'GET', url = API_REST_URL, cache = True)
    Make an arbitrary API call. params, if provided, should be a dictionary of request parameters. If the cache is active and you want this request to ignore it, set cache to False.

  • VimeoClient.enable_cache(type, path = '.', expire = 600)
    Enable the request cache. type should be either of the CACHE_FILE or CACHE_MEMORY values from this module. path specifies the location to write cache files if the file type is CACHE_FILE. expire specifies the number of seconds before cached data is considered stale. (Note that stale data is cleared on every request, but not between requests.)

  • VimeoClient.disable_cache()
    Disable the cache. This will not empty an existing cache data. If you want to empty the cache, call the clear_cache() method before calling this method.

  • VimeoClient.clear_cache(cache_type = None)
    Clear the cache. If the cache is active and cache_type is not specified, the cache type specified will be cleared (in the case of a file cache, all cache files will be removed; in the case of the in-memory cache, the dictionary storing cache values will be emptied). If the cache is not active and no cache type is specified, this method will do nothing. cache_type should be either of the CACHE_FILE or CACHE_MEMORY values from this module.

  • VimeoClient.get_access_token(verifier)
    Exchange the currently active request token (set with set_token() or auth()) for an access token using the verifier string provided by either a Vimeo callback redirection or user input.

  • VimeoClient.get_authorize_url(token, permission = 'read')
    Get a URL at which the user can authorize the given token string for the given permission value. Unline the auth() method, above, this will not set any request tokens, merely return a string.

  • VimeoClient.get_request_token(callback_url = 'oob')
    Get a new request token from Vimeo to begin the authorization process.

  • VimeoClient.get_token()
    Get the currently active token. Returns a 2-tuple of (token, token_secret).

  • VimeoClient.set_token(token, token_secret)
    Set a token and token_secret value as the currently active token.

  • VimeoClient.upload(file, replace_id = None, mimetype = None)
    Upload file to Vimeo, optionally replacing an existing video with the id replace_id. file can either be a file-like object (with read and seek methods) or a file path as a string. If the mimetype value is specified, the VimeoClient isntance will attempt to guess the MIME type using mimetypes.guess_type, which may not be very reliable unless file is provided as a file path. If the correct MIME type is not specified, you may run into issues uploading videos.


Please file any bugs you find on the Github issues page for this project.


  • I currently don't like the fact that this is using a roll-yer-own OAuth implementation (copied from Vimeo's, but still). Will migrate to the oauth2 module as soon as time permits.
  • The verification of uploads is using the vimeo.videos.upload.verifyChunks method, instead of proper streaming verification (which involves repeating the PUT used to upload the video and checking the response headers). This is not optimal, and it means that resuming interrupted uploads isn't supported. This will also be rectified in the future.
  • Support for arbitrary caching methods, by passing in functions for saving and loading from the cache, might be nice. This would enable database/session caching of requests, which would be better for some apps.


This module provides a Python 2 port of Vimeo's vimeo-php-lib library (






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