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Typing support for Gravity, Artsy’s Core API. It’s not actually bound to Gravity, though, it’s more of a Mongoid addon that needs finishing and some more generalization to be useful to other projects.

It’s current main focus is to provide type information about payloads to clients such as metaphysics. It does this by providing type information of model properties exported through the use of json_fields, including the various scopes, such as all, short, etc, such that the clients using these interfaces can only use the properties actually provided.

Additionally it can be used as a starting point for various other type information related tasks, such as validating existing and incoming data.


  • DSL to describe interfaces.

  • Expresses interfaces for pre-existing data in a database.

    • Infer types of data for given list of getters.
    • Split types into subsets: :schema, :all_json_fields, :public_json_fields, and :short_json_fields.
    • Support :reference in json_fields
  • Export interfaces directly to TypeScript in the simplest way possible (as a stopgap till we do e.g. Swagger) Will json_fields data always be exact subsets or do scopes cascade in any way?

  • Better support embedded models. Ideally the inferred types would be referenced from the models that embed them.

  • [-] Annotate models with type info for fields. (In mongoid-type-dsl branch)

  • Get types of Mongoid schema.

  • Analyze discrepancies between annotated types and inferred types of data.

  • Make recommendations about what types to add to which fields, based on analyses.

  • Tool to apply recommendations in an automated fashion.

  • Add data validations to model on definition and allow checing validity of existing data.

  • Add Swagger export of types.

  • Annotate API endpoints so that Swagger type info for responses can be included in our Swagger docs.


Add the followig to the Gemfile of your Gravity checkout:

gem "gravitype", require: false, path: "path/to/gravitype"

Then use the CLI tool to, for instance, dump the schema of some models:

$ bundle exec gravitype Artist Gene

Schema files are added to the gravitype repo, after committing them you will find them here.


To specify type information, you can use the Gravitype::Type::DSL module.

include Gravitype::Type::DSL

The bang methods are used to define types.

String!                    # => #<Type:String>

You can allow multiple types by creating a union of them.

String! | Integer!         # => #<Type:Union [#<Type:String>, #<Type:Integer>]>

Sometimes a field can also be null.

String! | Integer! | null  # => #<Type:Union [#<Type:String>, , #<Type:Integer>, #<Type:NilClass>]>

If you’re defining a single type, but nullable, use the question mark methods instead.

String?                    # => #<Type:Union [#<Type:String>, #<Type:NilClass>]>

You can have collections too, you use them like you normally would.

Set!(String!, Integer!)    # => #<Type:Set [#<Type:Union [#<Type:String>, #<Type:Integer>]>]>
Array!(String!, Integer!)  # => #<Type:Array [#<Type:Union [#<Type:String>, #<Type:Integer>]>]>
Hash!(String! => Integer!) # => #<Type:Hash { [#<Type:Union [#<Type:String>]>] => [#<Type:Union [#<Type:Integer>]>] }>


NOTE: This is not yet implemented.

class Artist
  include Mongoid::Document
  include Gravitype::Type::DSL

  field :name, type: String?
  field :image_versions, type: Array!(Symbol!)
  field :image_urls, type: Hash!(String! => String!)

The type information is stored for later reflection, for example when generating a JSON Schema, and model validations are added to ensure the data conforms to the type.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Typing support for Gravity, Artsy’s Core API.



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