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a3bot2 - documentation



This is a private qq-bot developed by arttnba3, which is based on pbbot and GMC, which uses the reverse web socket proxy and the default port is 8081.

The project aims to develop a qq bot which can be used almost immediately after downloading, which also provides some basic functions


Step I. clone the repository

Just clone the repository to your disk and open it as a Intellij IDEA project, all dependencies are configured with maven and will be automatically downloaded by IDEA

Step II. run it with GMC

Before we start to run the bot, we need to download GMC at first.

Then do as the following:

  • Run the GMC
  • Run the a3bot2

You should configure the information of your qq account across localhost:9000 as the GMC doc


The project is based on maven, which means that you can simply package the a3bot2 with the following command:

$ mvn clean install package -Dmaven.test.skip=true

For the windows powershell, it shall be:

PS > mvn clean install package '-Dmaven.test.skip=true'

The packed .jar file will be in the target/ directory


You can adjust the setting of a3bot in src/main/resources/application.yml


The default port is 8081:

  port: 8081


You can simply set the order of messages passing between plugins that received by bot as follow:

      - com.arttnba3.a3bot2.plugin.AntiWithdrawPlugin
      - com.arttnba3.a3bot2.plugin.RepeaterPlugin
      - com.arttnba3.a3bot2.plugin.PluginSystemPlugin

*plugin-system plugin

For better use, I've built an inner plugin system PluginSystemPlugin to control all the plugins

You shall set your own admin qq number under the conf.ini:

admin = 1145141919

Pre-installed plugins

For better experience, I've built some plugins for you to use:

  • plugin system 1.2.1: a plugin to control all the plugins, all messages will(and shall) be dealt by it with a simple parser. command: /plugin
  • repeater plugin 1.0: to simply repeat the message that was sent continuously for more than one time in a group
  • anti-withdraw plugin 1.0: a plugin to resend the message that was withdrawn by someone
  • rainbow-fart plugin 1.1: to simply get a sentence from by the command /rainbow
  • mother-killing plugin 1.0.1: to simply get a sentence from by the command /nmsl
  • sign-in plugin 1.0.1: to simply record the sign-in in order by the command /signin
  • roll plugin 1.1: to roll something out by the command /roll
  • echo plugin 1.0: to simply echo a sentence with command /echo (only for admin temporarily)
  • teach plugin 1.1: to teach the bot "how to talk" with commands /teach and /delete
  • message walls 1.0: a plugin to intercepts all the message which may not be dealt by the plugin system
  • ...

I'd like to develop new plugin...

A new plugin shall be like the following to serve the inner plugin system:

package com.arttnba3.a3bot2.plugin;

import com.arttnba3.a3bot2.a3lib.A3Plugin;
import onebot.OnebotEvent;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Component;

public class DemoPlugin extends A3Plugin
    public DemoPlugin()

    public int onPrivateMessage(@NotNull Bot bot, @NotNull OnebotEvent.PrivateMessageEvent event)
        long user_id = event.getUserId();
        String[] args = this.getArgs();

        /*do something*/
        return MESSAGE_BLOCK;

    public int onGroupMessage(@NotNull Bot bot, @NotNull OnebotEvent.GroupMessageEvent event)
        long group_id = event.getGroupId();
        long user_id = event.getUserId();
        String[] args = this.getArgs();

        /*do something*/
        return MESSAGE_BLOCK;

For most plugins whose functions based on command line, the plugin system will analyze the message and explicitly call its inner functions if the message satisfied a plugin's own command. You shall set the order of the plugin after the MessageWallPlugin and make it always return the MESSAGE_BLOCK

If you need a plugin that shall not be disturbed by the plugin system, just set its order before the PluginSystemPlugin and write it as a normal plugin extends the BotPlugin, don't forget to make it return the MESSAGE_IGNORE to get those messages which shall not be processed by it

returned value

The return value of a function decides whether to continue to pass the message to the next plugin or not:

  • MESSAGE_BLOCK: The message received would not be passed to the next plugin
  • MESSAGE_IGNORE: The message received would be passed to the next plugin

available APIs and more...

The project is almost all based on the pbbot, so you shall check pbbot doc to get more information

To-do List...

  • Optimize the plugin system (Always doing now)
  • move available plugins from the old a3bot
  • Add more playable plugins
  • ...


a qq bot based on pbbot and GMC






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