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Modified version of the Nematus framework ( to implement a lexicon model as proposed in

This folder contains the code we used to run our experiments. 🔰


Contains the nematus code with the changes to run the framework with the lexical model Changes:

- Added lexical model
- Decoder
    Modified the decoder initialiser to receive the lexical model in its input.
    Modified score funciton to retrieve from the RecursiveLayer the c_embed
    Modified the sample function to calculate the logits with the lexical model when the --lexical option is enabled.
- Predictor 
    Modified the get_logits funtion to

- Modified AttentionStep class' forward function to return the c_embed if the source embeddings are given in the input.

- Added the following options
  --lexical Boolean option to train the architecture with the lexical model
  --bilingual_pretrain Boolean option to specify that we want to perform pretrain on a bilingual dictionary
  --pretrain_dictionary_src If  --bilingual_pretrain is enable this option is required to specify the source file of the parallel dictionationary
  --pretrain_dictionary_trg  If  --bilingual_pretrain is enable this option is required to specify the target file of the parallel dictionationary
  --pretrain_vocabs Option to provide the vocabularies required by the TextIterator class in Nematus

- Modified the construct_beam_search_functions to to calculate the logits with the lexical model when the --lexical option is enabled.


Contains the nematus code with the additional changes required to run a fixed weight version of the lexical model. Changes:

- Decoder
  Modified score function to return both of the logits that the get_logits funtion in the Predictor would return.
- Predictor
  Modified the get_logits funtion to return two logit values, NMT and lexical.
- StandarModel
  Received both of the logits and added the after applying the Softmax function.

- Modified the construct_beam_search_functions to to calculate the logits with the lexical model when the --lexical option is enabled and received both of the logits and added the after applying the Softmax function.


Contains auxiliary code we used to run our experiments

- Create Bilingual dictionaries - folder that contains the sripts we built to create the bilingual dictionary and then the second script used to extract the 400 entries we used to transalate.
    - File to run in order to obtain the parallel dictionary from the phrase table in the Valhalla cluster.  This file calls the rest of the files in the directory.
    - Reads the phrase base table and retrieves the one word entries that are above the probability specified.
    - Reads the dictionary extracted with and retrieves the entries that are in the top_eng_words.txt to which it can find a translation.
    - Perl script to split into two the dictionary obtained by This scripts needs to be provided with <dictionary with two columns src-trg> <source_file location and name> <target_file location and name>
    -  Perl script to split into two the dictionary obtained by This script is used to obtain the subset of translations.
    - File used to filter out a maximum amount of entries in the dictionary. The entries to keep are selected at random in a reservoir sampling way.
    - top_eng_words.txt: File containing the 3000 most comon english words used to obtain the 400 entries we used for the word task translation.
- Download and preprocess data
    Sample of the files used to download the datasets to the valhalla cluster and perform preprocess on them. This scripts were waken from the University of Edinburgh's submission to WMT17
- Script provided by my supervisor to obtain the F1 measure, Precision and Recall
- Modified version of the script provided by my supervisor to obtain the F1 measure, Precision and Recall
- Modified version of the script provided by my supervisor to obtain the F1 measure, Precision and Recall. Changed the amount of words in the vocabulary.


Example of the script we used to train the architecture with the lexical model. As examples provided are:

- wmt14_shallow_lexical -  Script to run the model with the lexical model by only using the new --lexical option
- europarl_lexical_pretrain - Script to run the model with the lexical model and the pretrain using the pre-train options


This folder contains the scripts we used to get translations from our models. As example we proveide the following:

- preprocess_validate_europarl_lexical_v2_progress - is a shell script that creates multiple copies of the model's json. This is done to be able to iterate through all of the intermediate models.
- validate_europarl_shallow_lexical_progress_newstest2014 - is a shell script that iterates over all the saved models. It creates a translation file and their BLEU score for each of them. 


Specifies all the directories we used in the Valhalla cluster at the University of Edinburgh.


To run this version of the Nematus framework with the lexical model the following options are available:

--lexical - Boolean flag that specifies that the framework should be trained with the lexical model
--bilingual_pretrain Boolean option to specify that we want to perform pretrain on a bilingual dictionary
--pretrain_dictionary_src If  --bilingual_pretrain is enable this option is required to specify the source file of the parallel dictionationary
--pretrain_dictionary_trg  If  --bilingual_pretrain is enable this option is required to specify the target file of the parallel dictionationary
--pretrain_vocabs Option to provide the vocabularies required by the TextIterator class in Nematus