SyDES - Experimental cms with SQLite database
SyDES is a free open source content management system for various small or medium personal sites. With iblocks you can put any dynamic or static content to any page that allows you to create any entity, such as a blog, catalog or even gallery. Multi-Site will allow to create network of satellites with any domain or language.
- Fast and lightweight engine (only 408KB for engine + 3.55MB by ckeditor and ckfinder)
- Support multi-language for site and admin center
- Friendly and customizable interface with some magic and changeable skins
- Easily expandable with modules, plugins, constructors and infoblocks
- Uses a SQLite3 via PDO
- Ease the development and integration of new templates, modules and plugins
- User-friendly URLs, automatic robots.txt, sitemap.xml and rss
- Download and unzip archive in site root folder
- Open this folder in browser
- Edit chmod, if needed
- Enter login, password and master code
- Create new site
Apache, PHP 5.3, PDO with sqlite driver, mod_rewrite, JSON.
Upload check.php to the server to check the requirements
- CKEditor + plugins
- CKFinder (DEMO)
- jQuery
- jQuery UI
- jQuery hoverIntent
- jquery nestedSortable
- Bootstrap
- Bootstrap datePicker