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This is a personal implement of XJTLU EEE339 HDL assignemt2.

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EEE339 Assignment 2 Report


Q1, Q2 Write operations

The X, Y, Z, T should be output, so the simulation can display them.


Index Number
X 7
Y 1
Z 2
T 3

Machine code:

Operations Machine Code
Load the data stored in the X location of the data memory into the X registers 8C070007
Load the data stored in the Y location of the data memory into the Y registers 8C010001
Add the X and Y registers and store the result in the Z register 00E11021
Store the data from the Z register into the Z memory location AC020002
Load the data in the Z memory location into the T register 8C060002
Operation 1

Load the data stored in the X location of the data memory into the X registers. Machine code is: 8C070007.

The reasons:

  1. load operation is 100011.
  2. base is 00000.
  3. rt is 00111 because the X register is 7.
  4. offset is 00111, because the X memory address is 7.
LW base rt offset
100011 00000 00111 0000000000000111
Operation 2

Load the data stored in the Y location of the data memory into the Y registers. Machine code is: 8C010001.

The reasons:

  1. load operation is 100011.
  2. base is 00000.
  3. rt is 00001 because the Y register is 1.
  4. offset is 00001, because the Y memory address is 1.
LW base rt offset
100011 00000 00001 0000000000000001
Operation 3

Add the X and Y registers and store the result in the Z register. Machine code is: 00E11020.

The reasons:

  1. add operation is 00000.
  2. rs is 00111 because the X register is 7.
  3. rt is 00001 because the Y register is 1.
  4. rd is 00010 because the Z register is 2.
ADDU rs rt rd
000000 00111 00001 00010 00000 100000
Operation 4

Store the data from the Z register into the Z memory location. Machine code is:AC020002.

The reasons:

  1. store operation is 101011.
  2. base is 00000.
  3. rt is 00010 because the Z register is 2.
  4. offset is 0010 because the Z memory location is 2.
SW base rt offset
101011 00000 00010 0000000000000010
Operation 5

Load the data in the Z memory location into the T register. Machine code is: 8C030002.

The reasons:

  1. Load operation is 100011.
  2. base is 00000.
  3. rt is 00011 because the T register is 3.
  4. offset is 00010 because the Z memory position is 2.
LW base rt offset
100011 00000 00011 0000000000000010

And the machine code in IMemory.mif file is that:



Simulation waveforms for the PC, opcode, ALUResultOut, DReadData and relevant registers (X, Y, T) must be annotated. You should clearly indicate why the simulations show that the operation is correct or incorrect.

Prepare Work

Base on memory records in the DataMemory module, the records of memory position and data are shown as below.

Memory Position Data
DMem[0] 00000005
DMem[1] 0000000A
DMem[2] 00000055
DMem[3] 000000AA
DMem[4] 00005555
DMem[5] 00008888
DMem[6] 00550000
DMem[7] 00004444

Therefore, the correct value for X, Y, Z, T should be:

Register Value Reason
X 00004444 DMem[7]
Y 0000000A DMem[1]
Z 0000444E DMem[1] + DMem[7]
T 0000444E DMem[1] + DMem[7]

The simulation clock settings:

  1. Period is 50.0ns. If this period is too small, truncated would be appearance. The operation cannot perform completely (e.g. 20ns is too small).
  2. Duty cycle is 50%.
  3. Offset is 0.


Operation 1

At the first clock, load the data stored in the X location of the data memory into the X register. Simulation is shown as below.


  1. PC is 0000004, which is the next instruction memory position.
  2. ALUResultOut is 0000007, which is the memory position of offset + base equals to memory position of X.
  3. X is 00004444 is equals to the X data memory which it loads.
  4. Instruction is 8C070007.
  5. opcode is 23, which is the load operation.
  6. DReadData is 00004444, which is the X register value.

Operation 2

At the second clock. Load the data stored in the Y location of the data memory into the Y register. Simulation is shown as below.


  1. PC is 0000008, which is the next instruction memory position.
  2. ALUResultOut is 0000001, which is the memory position of offset + base equals to memory position of Y.
  3. Y is 00004444 is equals to the Y data memory which it loads.
  4. Instruction is 8C070007. 00E11000 is the next instruction.
  5. opcode is 23, which is the load operation. The following changes are transfer to next instruction.
  6. DReadData is 0000444A, which is the Y register value.

Operation 3

At the third clock. Add the X and Y registers and store the result in the Z register. Machine code is: 00E11000. Simulation is shown as below.


  1. PC is `00000010c, which is the next instruction memory position.
  2. ALUResultOut is 0000444E, which is the result of X+Y.
  3. Z is 0000444E is equals to the X+Y .
  4. Instruction is 8C070007. AC020002 is loaded next instruction.
  5. opcode is 0, which is the add operation. The following changes are transfer to next instruction.

Operation 4

At the fourth clock. Store the data from the Z register into the Z memory location. Machine code is:AC020002. Simulation is shown as below.


  1. PC is 00000010, which is the next instruction memory position.
  2. ALUResultOut is 00000002 is equals to Z register address.
  3. Instruction is AC020002. 8C030002 which is loaded next instruction.
  4. opcode is 2B, which is the store operation. The following changes are transfer to next instruction.
  5. DReadData is 0000444E, which is equals to offset+base value.

Operation 5

At the five clock. Load the data in the Z memory location into the T register. Machine code is: 8C030002. Simulation is shown as below.


  1. PC is 00000014, which is the next instruction memory position.
  2. ALUResultOut is 00000002 is equals to offset+base as well as the Z register position.
  3. Instruction is 8C030002. 00000000 which is loaded next instruction. Because this is the last instruction.
  4. opcode is 23, which is the load operation.
  5. DReadData is 0000444E, which is the data read from Z memory.

After five clock, the register results are as same as the expectation above.

Q3. BEQ Instruction

The branch operation code is a I-format instruction. BEQ compare two values of register rs and rt. If the two values are equal, the offset will be shifted left 2 bit, expand to 32 bits and added into PC.

OP rs rt Offset

The following content will be introduced by 2 parts, an established case and a not established case. To illustrate

Not Established Case

The following case is a not established case. It compare X and Y registers, and if it is established, then PC add 4. As can be seen from the above, X and Y registers are not same value. Therefore, the PC will only added by 4.

OP rs rt Offset
000100 00111 00001 0000000000000001

The machine code is 10E10001.

The simulation result:


PC is added by 4, from 18 to 1c not added by 8 (offset + 4). The beq condition is not establish.

Established Case

The following case is an established case. It compare Z and T registers, and if it is established, then PC add 4. As can be seen from the above, Z and T register are same value. Therefore, the PC will be added by 8.

OP rs rt Offset
000100 00010 00011 0000000000000001

The machine code is 10430001.

The simulation result is shown as below.


The PC is added by 8, which means the beq condition is established. So, the PC is add offset and 4 which is 8.

Q4. Jump

Because the provided code do not contains Jump operation. The Control and DataPath modules will be modified to support jump operation. The core changes are in the control module, which should add one output. If Jump is triggered, the address will be shift left 2 bit and join the high 4 bit in PC, then assigned to PC directly.

The operation of Jump could be introduced by Verilog, the main changes:

assign JAddress={PC[31:28],(Instruction[25:0] << 2)};
// if Jump
assign	PCValue = (Branch & Zero ? PC+4+PCOffset : ((Jump) ? JAddress : PC+4);
// assign PCValue to PC
PC <= PCValue;

The details code will be shown in implementation. And to verify the correctness, the simulation will also provide.


In the Control module:


In the DataPath module:


The complete code in the appendix.


The jump operation belongs to J-format operation. And the opcode defined in module Control is given as 000010. The following code will set the PC value to 0.

The simulation instruction is following.

000010 00000000000000000000000000

Machine code is 0800 0000. And add it to the .mif file.

The simulation result is shown as below.


When the instruction is 0800000, PC from 0000 0010 to 0000 0000. This simulation could verify the correct correctness.

Q5, Q6. ANDI

My additional instruction is ANDI. It is an I-format instruction. The ALU should use AND operation, which is 0, which is ALUCtl.


And the ALUOp should be 11.


The ANDI instruction is added in Control module.



The machine code of the ANDI simulation is shown below. The operation of this instruction is that get result of rs (Y register) AND immediate Value to rt (register Z)

OP rs rt Immediate value
001100 00001 00010 0000000000001111

The machine code is 3022000F.

Base on the result of simulation, the Z is finish the ANDI operation, which is get AND operation on F and A.


Q7. Change data bus width to 28 bit width

Change all the registers and data memory from 32 bit width to 28 bit width.

This following figure is shown as the 28 bit width data bus. The operations are same as above.


The complete code is at Appendix.

Operation 1

At the first clock, load the data stored in the *X* location of the data memory into the *X* register. Simulation is shown as below.


Operation 2

At the second clock. Load the data stored in the *Y* location of the data memory into the *Y* register. Simulation is shown as below.


Operation 3

At the third clock. Add the *X* and *Y* registers and store the result in the *Z* register. Machine code is: 00E11000. Simulation is shown as below.


Operation 4

At the fourth clock. Store the data from the *Z* register into the *Z* memory location. Machine code is:AC020002. Simulation is shown as below.


Operation 5

At the five clock. Load the data in the *Z* memory location into the *T* register. Machine code is: 8C030002. Simulation is shown as below.



32 bits

The complete code of 32 bit width version.

// Register File
module RegisterFile (Read1,Read2,Writereg,WriteData,RegWrite,Data1,Data2,X,Y,Z,T,clock,reset);

	input 	[4:0] Read1,Read2,Writereg; // the registers numbers to read or write
	input 	[31:0] WriteData; 			// data to write
	input 	RegWrite; 					// The write control
	input 	clock, reset; 				// The clock to trigger writes
	output 	[31:0] Data1, Data2; 		// the register values read;
	output 	[31:0] X,Y,Z,T;
	reg 	[31:0] RF[31:0]; 			// 32 registers each 32 bits long
	integer	k;
	// Read from registers independent of clock	
	assign 	Data1 = RF[Read1];
	assign 	Data2 = RF[Read2]; 
	assign	X = RF[7];
	assign	Y = RF[1];
	assign	Z = RF[2];
	assign	T = RF[3];
	// write the register with new value on the falling edge of the clock if RegWrite is high
	always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
		if (reset) for(k=0;k<32;k=k+1) RF[k]<=32'h00000000;
		// Register 0 is a read only register with the content of 0
		else	if (RegWrite & (Writereg!=0)) RF[Writereg] <= WriteData;

//ALU Control 
module ALUControl (ALUOp, FuncCode, ALUCtl);

	input 	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
	input 	[5:0] 	FuncCode;
	output	[3:0]	ALUCtl;
	reg		[3:0]	ALUCtl;
	always@( ALUOp, FuncCode)
	2'b00:	ALUCtl = 4'b0010;
	2'b01:	ALUCtl = 4'b0110;
	2'b10:	case(FuncCode)
				6'b 100000: ALUCtl = 4'b0010;
				6'b 100010: ALUCtl = 4'b0110;
				6'b 100100: ALUCtl = 4'b0000;
				6'b 100101: ALUCtl = 4'b0001;
				6'b 101010: ALUCtl = 4'b0111;
				default:	ALUCtl = 4'bxxxx;
	2'b11:	ALUCtl = 4'b0000;
	default:ALUCtl = 4'bxxxx;

module MIPSALU (ALUctl, A, B, ALUOut, Zero);
	input	[3:0] 	ALUctl;
	input	[31:0] 	A,B;
	output	[31:0] 	ALUOut;
	output 	Zero;
	reg		[31:0] ALUOut;
	assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); //Zero is true if ALUOut is 0
	always @(ALUctl, A, B) begin //reevaluate if these change
	case (ALUctl)
		0: ALUOut <= A & B;
		1: ALUOut <= A | B;
		2: ALUOut <= A + B;
		6: ALUOut <= A - B;
		7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1:0;
		// .... Add more ALU operations here
		default: ALUOut <= A; 

// Data Memory
module DataMemory(Address, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData);
input 	[31:0] 	Address, DWriteData;
input			MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset;
output 	[31:0]	DReadData;
reg		[31:0] 	DMem[7:0];	

assign  DReadData = DMem[Address[2:0]];
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)begin
		if (reset) begin
			end else
			if (MemWrite) DMem[Address[2:0]] <= DWriteData;

// Main Controller
module Control (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump);

input 	[5:0] 	opcode;
output	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
output	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump;
reg		[1:0]	ALUOp;
reg 	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump;

parameter R_Format = 6'b000000, LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ=6'b000100, J=6'b000010, ANDI=6'b001100;
always @(opcode)begin
		R_Format:{RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 1001000100;
		LW: 	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 0111100000;
		SW: 	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b x1x0010000;
		BEQ:	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b x0x0001010;
		J:		 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b xxxxxxxxx1;
		ANDI:	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 0101000110; 
		// .... Add more instructions here
		default: {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b xxxxxxxxxx;

// Datapath
module DataPath(RegDst, Branch, MemRead, MemtoReg, ALUOp, MemWrite,
ALUSrc, RegWrite, Jump, clock, reset, opcode, X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut, DReadData,Instruction,PC);

input 	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump,clock,reset;
input 	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
output 	[5:0] 	opcode;
output	[31:0]	PC, X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut ,DReadData, Instruction;

reg 	[31:0] PC, InstructionMemory[0:31];
wire 	[31:0] SignExtendOffset, PCOffset, PCValue, ALUResultOut,
		IAddress, DAddress, IMemOut, DmemOut, DWriteData, Instruction,
		RWriteData, DReadData, ALUAin, ALUBin, JAddress;
wire 	[3:0] ALUctl;
wire 	Zero;
wire 	[4:0] WriteReg;

//Instruction fields, to improve code readability
wire [5:0] 	funct;
wire [4:0] 	rs, rt, rd, shamt;
wire [15:0] offset;

assign	JAddress={PC[31:28],(Instruction[25:0] << 2)};

//Instantiate local ALU controller
ALUControl alucontroller(ALUOp,funct,ALUctl);

// Instantiate ALU
MIPSALU ALU(ALUctl, ALUAin, ALUBin, ALUResultOut, Zero);

// Instantiate Register File
RegisterFile REG(rs, rt, WriteReg, RWriteData, RegWrite, ALUAin, DWriteData, X,Y,Z,T, clock,reset);

// Instantiate Data Memory
DataMemory datamemory(ALUResultOut, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData);

// Instantiate Instruction Memory
IMemory IMemory_inst (
	.address ( PC[6:2] ),
	.q ( Instruction )
// Synthesize multiplexers
assign 	WriteReg	= (RegDst)			? rd 				: rt;
assign	ALUBin		= (ALUSrc) 			? SignExtendOffset 	: DWriteData;
assign	PCValue		= (Branch & Zero)	? PC+4+PCOffset 	: ((Jump)		? JAddress	: PC+4);
assign	RWriteData 	= (MemtoReg)		? DReadData			: ALUResultOut;	

// Acquire the fields of the R_Format Instruction for clarity	
assign {opcode, rs, rt, rd, shamt, funct} = Instruction;
// Acquire the immediate field of the I_Format instructions
assign offset = Instruction[15:0];
//sign-extend lower 16 bits
assign SignExtendOffset = { {16{offset[15]}} , offset[15:0]};
// Multiply by 4 the PC offset
assign PCOffset = SignExtendOffset << 2;
// Write the address of the next instruction into the program counter 
always @(posedge clock ) begin
if (reset) PC<=32'h00000000; else
	PC <= PCValue;

module MIPS1CYCLE(clock, reset,opcode, ALUResultOut ,DReadData, X,Y,Z,T,Instruction,PC);
	input 	clock, 	reset;
	output	[5:0] 	opcode;
	output	[31:0]	ALUResultOut ,DReadData; // For simulation purposes
	output	[31:0]	PC,X,Y,Z,T;
	output	[31:0]	Instruction;
	wire [1:0] ALUOp;
	wire [5:0] opcode;
	wire [31:0] SignExtend,ALUResultOut ,DReadData,Instruction;
	wire RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite;

	// Instantiate the Datapath
	DataPath MIPSDP (RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,
	MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump,clock, reset, opcode, X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut ,DReadData,Instruction,PC);

	//Instantiate the combinational control unit
	Control MIPSControl (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump);

28 bit

The complete code of 28 bit width version.

// MIPS single Cycle processor originaly developed for simulation by Patterson and Hennesy
// Modified for synthesis using the QuartusII package by Dr. S. Ami-Nejad. Feb. 2009 

// Register File
module RegisterFile (Read1,Read2,Writereg,WriteData,RegWrite,Data1,Data2,X,Y,Z,T,clock,reset);

	input 	[4:0] Read1,Read2,Writereg; // the registers numbers to read or write
	input 	[27:0] WriteData; 			// data to write
	input 	RegWrite; 					// The write control
	input 	clock, reset; 				// The clock to trigger writes
	output 	[27:0] Data1, Data2; 		// the register values read;
	output 	[27:0] X,Y,Z,T;
	reg 	[31:0] RF[27:0]; 			// 32 registers each 28 bits long
	integer	k;
	// Read from registers independent of clock	
	assign 	Data1 = RF[Read1];
	assign 	Data2 = RF[Read2]; 
	assign	X = RF[7];
	assign	Y = RF[1];
	assign	Z = RF[2];
	assign	T = RF[3];
	// write the register with new value on the falling edge of the clock if RegWrite is high
	always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)
		if (reset) for(k=0;k<28;k=k+1) RF[k]<=28'h00000000;
		// Register 0 is a read only register with the content of 0
		else	if (RegWrite & (Writereg!=0)) RF[Writereg] <= WriteData;

//ALU Control 
module ALUControl (ALUOp, FuncCode, ALUCtl);

	input 	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
	input 	[5:0] 	FuncCode;
	output	[3:0]	ALUCtl;
	reg		[3:0]	ALUCtl;
	always@( ALUOp, FuncCode)
	2'b00:	ALUCtl = 4'b0010;
	2'b01:	ALUCtl = 4'b0110;
	2'b10:	case(FuncCode)
				6'b 100000: ALUCtl = 4'b0010;
				6'b 100010: ALUCtl = 4'b0110;
				6'b 100100: ALUCtl = 4'b0000;
				6'b 100101: ALUCtl = 4'b0001;
				6'b 101010: ALUCtl = 4'b0111;
				default:	ALUCtl = 4'bxxxx;
	2'b11:	ALUCtl = 4'b0000;
	default:ALUCtl = 4'bxxxx;

module MIPSALU (ALUctl, A, B, ALUOut, Zero);
	input	[3:0] 	ALUctl;
	input	[27:0] 	A,B;
	output	[27:0] 	ALUOut;
	output 	Zero;
	reg		[27:0] ALUOut;
	assign Zero = (ALUOut==0); //Zero is true if ALUOut is 0
	always @(ALUctl, A, B) begin //reevaluate if these change
	case (ALUctl)
		0: ALUOut <= A & B;
		1: ALUOut <= A | B;
		2: ALUOut <= A + B;
		6: ALUOut <= A - B;
		7: ALUOut <= A < B ? 1:0;
		// .... Add more ALU operations here
		default: ALUOut <= A; 

// Data Memory
module DataMemory(Address, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData);
input 	[27:0] 	Address, DWriteData;
input			MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset;
output 	[27:0]	DReadData;
reg		[27:0] 	DMem[7:0];	

assign  DReadData = DMem[Address[2:0]];
always @(posedge clock or posedge reset)begin
		if (reset) begin
			end else
			if (MemWrite) DMem[Address[2:0]] <= DWriteData;

// Main Controller
module Control (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump);

input 	[5:0] 	opcode;
output	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
output	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump;
reg		[1:0]	ALUOp;
reg 	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump;

parameter R_Format = 6'b000000, LW = 6'b100011, SW = 6'b101011, BEQ=6'b000100, J=6'b000010, ANDI=6'b001100;
always @(opcode)begin
		R_Format:{RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 1001000100;
		LW: 	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 0111100000;
		SW: 	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b x1x0010000;
		BEQ:	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b x0x0001010;
		J:		 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b xxxxxxxxx1;
		ANDI:	 {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b 0101000110; 
		// .... Add more instructions here
		default: {RegDst,ALUSrc,MemtoReg,RegWrite,MemRead,MemWrite,Branch,ALUOp,Jump}= 10'b xxxxxxxxxx;

// Datapath
module DataPath(RegDst, Branch, MemRead, MemtoReg, ALUOp, MemWrite,
ALUSrc, RegWrite, Jump, clock, reset, opcode, X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut, DReadData,Instruction,PC);

input 	RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump,clock,reset;
input 	[1:0] 	ALUOp;
output 	[5:0] 	opcode;
output	[27:0]	X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut ,DReadData;
output	[31:0]	PC, Instruction;
reg 	[31:0] PC, InstructionMemory[0:31];
wire 	[31:0] JAddress;
wire 	[27:0] SignExtendOffset, PCOffset, PCValue, ALUResultOut,
		IAddress, DAddress, IMemOut, DmemOut, DWriteData,
		RWriteData, DReadData, ALUAin, ALUBin;
wire 	[3:0] ALUctl;
wire 	Zero;
wire 	[4:0] WriteReg;

//Instruction fields, to improve code readability
wire [5:0] 	funct;
wire [4:0] 	rs, rt, rd, shamt;
wire [15:0] offset;

assign	JAddress={PC[31:28],(Instruction[25:0] << 2)};

//Instantiate local ALU controller
ALUControl alucontroller(ALUOp,funct,ALUctl);

// Instantiate ALU
MIPSALU ALU(ALUctl, ALUAin, ALUBin, ALUResultOut, Zero);

// Instantiate Register File
RegisterFile REG(rs, rt, WriteReg, RWriteData, RegWrite, ALUAin, DWriteData, X,Y,Z,T, clock,reset);

// Instantiate Data Memory
DataMemory datamemory(ALUResultOut, DWriteData, MemRead, MemWrite, clock, reset, DReadData);

// Instantiate Instruction Memory
IMemory IMemory_inst (
	.address ( PC[6:2] ),
	.q ( Instruction )
// Synthesize multiplexers
assign 	WriteReg	= (RegDst)			? rd 				: rt;
assign	ALUBin		= (ALUSrc) 			? SignExtendOffset 	: DWriteData;
assign	PCValue		= (Branch & Zero)	? PC+4+PCOffset 	: ((Jump)		? JAddress	: PC+4);
assign	RWriteData 	= (MemtoReg)		? DReadData			: ALUResultOut;	

// Acquire the fields of the R_Format Instruction for clarity	
assign {opcode, rs, rt, rd, shamt, funct} = Instruction;
// Acquire the immediate field of the I_Format instructions
assign offset = Instruction[15:0];
//sign-extend lower 16 bits
assign SignExtendOffset = { {16{offset[15]}} , offset[15:0]};
// Multiply by 4 the PC offset
assign PCOffset = SignExtendOffset << 2;
// Write the address of the next instruction into the program counter 
always @(posedge clock ) begin
if (reset) PC<=32'h00000000; else
	PC <= PCValue;

module MIPS1CYCLE(clock, reset,opcode, ALUResultOut ,DReadData, X,Y,Z,T,Instruction,PC);
	input 	clock, 	reset;
	output	[5:0] 	opcode;
	output	[27:0]	ALUResultOut ,DReadData; // For simulation purposes
	output	[27:0]	X,Y,Z,T;
	output	[31:0]	PC;
	output	[31:0]	Instruction;
	wire [1:0] ALUOp;
	wire [5:0] opcode;
	wire [27:0] SignExtend,ALUResultOut, Instruction;
	wire RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite;

	// Instantiate the Datapath
	DataPath MIPSDP (RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,
	MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump,clock, reset, opcode, X,Y,Z,T, ALUResultOut ,DReadData,Instruction,PC);

	//Instantiate the combinational control unit
	Control MIPSControl (opcode,RegDst,Branch,MemRead,MemtoReg,ALUOp,MemWrite,ALUSrc,RegWrite,Jump);


This is a personal implement of XJTLU EEE339 HDL assignemt2.






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