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forked from re2x/WebRTC

The full source code of XSockets.NET WebRTC (experiment) implementation. Includes C# and JavaScript & a simple sample


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#XSockets.NET - WebRTC

This repo contains the full source code of the XSockets.NET WebRTC (experiments)


In order to be able to use the XSockets.NET PeerBroker and the WebRTC JavaScript API's of ours. You need to install XSockets.NET into your application. Since you are going to have a web-application we recomend you to use MVC, but it is up to you.

Install XSockets.NET Realtime framework into your Visual Studio solution by using the [Nuget][2] package.

Open the Package Manager console and type the following command.

PM> Install-Package XSockets.Sample.WebRTC

##Testing WebRTC When installation is completed just follow these steps

  1. Under WebRTCSample\Client right click on index.html and select "set as startpage"
  2. Right click the project and select properties.
  3. Under the "Web" tab go to the "Servers" section and set Use Visual Studio Development Server
  4. Open a few instances of chrome to the same URL and try it out.

To build your own conference solution is really easy. Consult the XSockets.NET developer forum for help and guidance.

NOTE: Remember to use Chrome!

To learn more about the WebRTC API, read the API-Guide below

##JavaScript API - Documentation

Here follows a brief description of the JavaScript API.

###Create a PeerConnection In order to create a PeerConnection (XSockets.WebRTC) you need a PeerBroker to broker connections.

var broker = new XSockets.WebSocket("ws://localhost:4502/MyCustomBroker");
broker.subscribe(, function(brokerClient) {
 console.log("Broker Connected and client Created", brokerClient)
 // Create the PeerConnection ( XSockets.WebRTC object )
 rtc = new XSockets.WebRTC(broker);


###Context Events ####OnContextCreated This fires when you have a connection to the Broker controller

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onContextCreated, function(ctx){

####OnContextChange This fires when something happens on the context. Someone joins or leaves! You will get a list of peers on the current context.

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onContextChange, function(ctx){

###Context Methods ####Change Context Changes your context on the broker. Pass in the Id of the context to join!


####Leave Context Leave the current context... Hang up on all other peers


###Peer Events ####OnPeerConnectionStarted Fires when the client starts to negotiate with the server

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onPeerConnectionStarted, function(peer){

####OnPeerConnectionCreated Fires when the client has established a peer connectiond

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onPeerConnectionCreated, function(peer){

####OnPeerConnectionLost Fires when a peer connection is lost (destroyed)

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onPeerConnectionLost, function(peer){

###Peer Methods ####Remove Peer Connection Lets you remove a connection from the current context.


####Get Remote Peers Get alist of peerId's on the current context


###MediaStream Methods


Attach a local media stream ( camera / audio ) to the PeerConnection by calling .getUserMedia(constrints,success,failure)

rtc.getUserMedia(rtc.userMediaConstraints.hd(true), function(result){

console.log("MediaStream using HD constrints and audio is added to the PeerConnection"



If you want to a (external) media stream to the PeerConnection (local) call the addMediaStream(mediaStream,callback)

  window.getUserMedia(rtc.userMediaConstraints.qvga(false), function (stream) {
                     // Add the MediaStream capured
                     rtc.addLocalStream(stream, function () {
                     console.log("Added yet another media stream...");


To remove a local media stream from the PeerConnection and all connected remote peerconnection call the .removeStream(streamID) method

 rtc.removeStream(streamId, function(id) {
                         console.log("local stream removed", id);


When a media stream is added by using the .getUserMedia or .addMediaStream event you need to call refreshStreams method to initialize a renegotiation.

rtc.refreshStreams(peerId, function (id) {
    console.log("Streams refreshed and renegotiation is done..");

** to get a list of all remote peerconnections call the .getRemotePeers() method.


To get a list of the peerconnection (clients ) media-streams call the .getLocalStreams() method

var myLocalStreams = rtc.getLocalStreams();

###MediaStream Events


When a media stream is attached to the PeerConnection using getUserMedia och addMediaStream the API fires the onLocalStream(stream) event.

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onLocalStream, function(stream) {

// attach the stream to your <video> element or create a new <video> as you can add multiple streams to a PeerConnection



When a remote PeerConnection is connected the API fires the onRemoteStream(event) .

rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onRemoteSteam, function(event) {
   // event: {
   //  PeerId: 'Guid' // Identity if the RemotePeerConnection,
   //  stream: MediaStream
   // Attach the remote stream to a <video> an exisiting <video> element


When a remote stream removes a stream (.removeStream(mediaStreamId)) the JavaScript API fires the onRemoteStreamLost(streamId) event

 rtc.bind(XSockets.WebRTC.Events.onRemoteStreamLost, function(event) {
    console.log("a remote peerconnection removed a stream", event);
     // remove video element by using the event.StreamID property


The full source code of XSockets.NET WebRTC (experiment) implementation. Includes C# and JavaScript & a simple sample







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