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Couchbase on Kubernetes

Start Kubernetes cluster


Create Couchbase Service and Expose as LB

Create a Service, Replication Controller with 1 replica, and expose all of this as a Load Balancer

./cluster/ -f couchbase-service.yml

Couchbase Cluster

Implicitly (preferred)


  1. Create Couchbase Replication Controller with 2 replicas:

    ./cluster/ -f couchbase-rc.yml
  2. Get pods in the RC:

    ./kubernetes/cluster/ get po
  3. Get IP address of the two pods:

    ./kubernetes/cluster/ describe <pod-1>
    ./kubernetes/cluster/ describe <pod-2>
  4. Create the cluster and rebalance:

    couchbase-cli rebalance --cluster=<pod-1-ip>:8091 --user Administrator --password password --server-add=<pod-2-ip> --server-add-username=Administrator --server-add-password=password