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Post Data Consumption Process with Spring Boot and Kafka

This project implements a post data consumption process using Spring Boot and Kafka. The process involves four components:



  1. Post Data Producer:

    • Fetches post data from an external API and sends it to a Kafka topic.
  2. Post Topic:

    • Receives post data from the Post Data Producer and forwards it to the Post Data Consumers.
  3. Post Data Consumer 1:

    • Consumes post data from the Post Topic and persists it to an in-memory H2 database.
  4. Post Data Consumer 2:

    • Consumes post data from the Post Topic and persists it to a NoSQL document database (Firebase Firestore).

Getting Started

To set up and run the project, you need to:

  • Install Kafka.
  • Create a Kafka topic called post-data-topic.
  • Build and run the Post Data Producer, Post Data Consumer 1, and Post Data Consumer 2 components.


  • To send post data to the system, use the Post Data Producer component. The component accepts post data in JSON format.
  • To consume post data from the system, use either Post Data Consumer 1 or Post Data Consumer 2. Post Data Consumer 1 persists post data to a relational database, while Post Data Consumer 2 persists post data to a document database.
  • To use the post data consumer 2 make sure to replace the actual firebase api key in application.yaml.

Setup Instructions

  1. Install Kafka.
  2. Create a Kafka topic named post-data-topic.
  3. Build and run the following components:
    • Post Data Producer
    • Post Data Consumer 1
    • Post Data Consumer 2

Example Usage

# Build and run Post Data Producer
./gradlew :post_producer:bootRun

# Build and run Post Data Consumer 1
./gradlew :post_consumer1:bootRun

# Build and run Post Data Consumer 2
./gradlew :post_consumer2:bootRun