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Add Calibration class to simplify becquerel's calibration regime
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markbandstra committed Mar 16, 2021
1 parent 69ef720 commit 8eca573
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316 changes: 316 additions & 0 deletions becquerel/core/
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
"""Generic calibration class."""

import copy
import asteval
import black
import numpy as np
import scipy.optimize
from .. import io

safe_eval = asteval.Interpreter(use_numpy=True)

class CalibrationError(Exception):
"""Base class for calibration errors."""


class Calibration(object):
"""Base class for calibrations.
A calibration is a nonnegative scalar function of a nonnegative scalar
argument, parametrized by an array of scalars. Examples of calibrations are
energy calibrations (mapping raw channels to energy in keV), energy
resolution calibrations (mapping energy to energy FWHM or sigma), and
efficiency calibrations (mapping energy to fraction of photopeak

def __init__(self, expression: str, params, **attrs):
"""Create a calibration described by the expression and parameters.
expression : string
The expression that defines the calibration function as a
function of argument "x". Parameters are referenced as "p",
i.e., "p[j]" is the jth parameter, and all parameters must be
present in the expression. Can be a single-line formula like
"p[0] + p[1] * x" or a code block.
params : array_like
List of floating point parameters for the calibration function
attrs : dict
Other information to be stored with the calibration.
if "expression" in attrs.keys():
raise CalibrationError(
f'Keyword "expression" cannot be used in attrs: {attrs}'
self.expression = expression
self.params = params
self.attrs = attrs

def eval_expression(expression, params, x):
"""Evaluate the expression at x.
TODO: docstring
x = np.asarray(x)
assert np.all(x >= 0)
safe_eval.symtable["p"] = params
safe_eval.symtable["x"] = x
y = safe_eval(expression)
assert np.all(y >= 0)
return y

def validate_expression(expr, params=None):
"""Perform checks on the expression.
expression : string
The expression that defines the calibration function. It will
be checked for syntax, whether it uses all the parameters,
and whether it can be evaluated.
params : array_like
List of floating point parameters for the calibration function.
The expression will be checked whether it includes all of
the parameters.
expression : string
Expression having been validated and reformatted using black.
print("Initial expression:", expr)
# apply black formatting for consistency and error checking
expr = black.format_str(expr, mode=black.FileMode())
print("After black: ", expr)

# make sure all parentheses match
left_parens = []
for j, char in enumerate(expr):
if char in ["(", "["]:
elif char == ")":
assert left_parens[-1] == "("
left_parens = left_parens[:-1]
elif char == "]":
assert left_parens[-1] == "["
left_parens = left_parens[:-1]

# make sure square brackets only occur with "p"
for j in range(1, len(expr)):
if expr[j] == "[":
if expr[j - 1] != "p":
raise CalibrationError(
f"Character preceding '[' must be 'p':\n{expr[:j]} {expr[j:]}"

# make sure each parameter appears at least once
tokens = expr.split("p[")
print("tokens:", tokens)
param_indices = [int(token.split("]")[0]) for token in tokens[1:]]
param_indices = np.array(sorted(np.unique(param_indices)))
print("indices:", param_indices)
if param_indices.min() != 0:
raise CalibrationError(
f"Minimum parameter index in expression is not 0:\n{expr}\n{param_indices}"
if not np.allclose(np.diff(param_indices), 1):
raise CalibrationError(
f"Parameter indices in expression are not contiguous:\n{expr}\n{param_indices}"
if params is not None:
if param_indices.max() != len(params) - 1:
raise CalibrationError(
f"Maximum parameter index in expression is not {len(params) - 1}:\n{expr}\n{param_indices}"
if len(param_indices) != len(params):
raise CalibrationError(
f"Not enough parameter indices in expression:\n{expr}\n{param_indices}"

# make sure the expression can be evaluated
if params is not None:
y = Calibration.eval_expression(expr, params, 200.0)
print("y:", y)
except (NotImplementedError,):
raise CalibrationError(
f"Cannot evaluate expression for a float:\n{expr}\n{safe_eval.symtable['x']}"
y = Calibration.eval_expression(expr, params, [200.0, 500.0])
print("y:", y)
except (NotImplementedError,):
raise CalibrationError(
f"Cannot evaluate expression for an array:\n{expr}\n{safe_eval.symtable['x']}"

print("Final expression: ", expr)
return expr

def expression(self):
return self._expression

def expression(self, expr):
expr = self.validate_expression(expr)
self._expression = expr

def params(self):
return self._params

def params(self, p):
params = np.array(p)
if params.ndim != 1:
raise CalibrationError(f"Parameters must be a 1-D array: {params}")
self.validate_expression(self.expression, params=params)
self._params = params

def attrs(self):
return self._attrs

def attrs(self, attrs):
self._attrs = copy.deepcopy(attrs)

def __eq__(self, other):
"""Determine if the two calibrations are identical."""
if not isinstance(other, Calibration):
raise CalibrationError(
f"Attempting to compare {self.__class__} and {other.__class__}"
if len(self.params) != len(other.params):
return False
return (self.expression == other.expression) and np.allclose(
self.params, other.params

def copy(self):
"""Make a complete copy of the calibration."""
return Calibration(self.expression, self.params, **self.attrs)

def __call__(self, x):
"""Call the calibration function.
x : float or array_like
The nonnegative scalar argument to the function (e.g., raw channel).
calibration : float or np.ndarray
The value of the calibration function at x.
return self.eval_expression(self.expression, self.params, x)

def read(cls, name):
"""Read the class from HDF5.
name : str, h5py.File, h5py.Group
The filename or an open h5py File or Group.
calibration : becquerel.Calibration
dsets, attrs, skipped = io.h5.read_h5(name)
assert len(dsets.keys()) == 1
assert "params" in dsets.keys()
assert "expression" in attrs.keys()
expr = attrs.pop("expression")
cal = cls(expr, dsets["params"], **attrs)
return cal

def write(self, name):
"""Write the class to HDF5.
TODO: docstring
dsets = {"params": self.params}
attrs = copy.deepcopy(self.attrs)
attrs["expression"] = self.expression
io.h5.write_h5(name, dsets, attrs)

class LinearCalibration(Calibration):
"""Linear calibration."""

def __init__(self, params, **attrs):
"""Create a linear calibration with the given parameters.
Calibration expression is "p[0] + p[1] * x".
params : array_like
Coefficients beginning with 0th order.
attrs : dict
Other information to be stored with the calibration.
assert len(params) == 2
expr = "p[0] + p[1] * x"
super().__init__(expr, params, **attrs)

class PolynomialCalibration(Calibration):
"""Polynomial calibration of any order."""

def __init__(self, params, **attrs):
"""Create a polynomial calibration with the given parameters.
Calibration expression is
"p[0] + p[1] * x + p[2] * x**2 + ..."
params : array_like
Coefficients beginning with 0th order.
attrs : dict
Other information to be stored with the calibration.
order = len(params) - 1
assert order >= 0
expr = "p[0]"
for n in range(1, order + 1):
expr += f" + p[{n}] * x ** {n}"
super().__init__(expr, params, **attrs)

class SqrtPolynomialCalibration(Calibration):
"""Square root of a polynomial of any order."""

def __init__(self, params, **attrs):
"""Create a square root of a polynomial with the given parameters.
Calibration expression is
"sqrt(p[0] + p[1] * x + p[2] * x**2 + ...)"
params : array_like
Coefficients beginning with 0th order.
attrs : dict
Other information to be stored with the calibration.
order = len(params) - 1
assert order >= 0
expr = "sqrt(p[0]"
for n in range(1, order + 1):
expr += f" + p[{n}] * x ** {n}"
expr += ")"
super().__init__(expr, params, **attrs)

38 changes: 38 additions & 0 deletions tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"""Test Calibration class."""

import os
from becquerel.core.calibration import (
import pytest
from h5_tools_test import TEST_IO

"name, cls, args",
["cal1", Calibration, ("p[0]", [1.0])],
["cal2", Calibration, ("p[0] + p[1] * x", [1.0, 5.0])],
["cal3", Calibration, ("sqrt(p[0] + p[1] * x)", [1.0, 5.0])],
["lin", LinearCalibration, ([2.0, 3.0],)],
["poly2", PolynomialCalibration, ([2.0, 3.0],)],
["poly3", PolynomialCalibration, ([2.0, 3.0, 7.0],)],
["poly4", PolynomialCalibration, ([2.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0],)],
["sqrt4", SqrtPolynomialCalibration, ([2.0, 3.0, 7.0, 5.0],)],
def test_calibration(name, cls, args):
"""Test the Calibration class."""
fname = os.path.join(TEST_IO, f"__test_calibration_{name}.h5")
cal = cls(*args, comment="Test of class " + cls.__name__)
print("attrs (test):", cal.attrs)
cal2 =
assert cal2 == cal
cal3 = cal.copy()
assert cal3 == cal

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