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Ruby wrapper for the Mt. Gox Trade API.

This Fork

This is a fork of This fork features a rework of the original business domain entities into new Models, with an intent to make these Models ActiveModel-compliant in future.


gem install mt_gox


After installing the gem, you can get the current price for 1 BTC in USD by typing btc in your bash shell simply by setting the following alias:

alias btc='ruby -r rubygems -r mtgox -e "puts MtGox.ticker.sell"'

Usage Examples

require 'rubygems'
require 'mtgox'

# Fetch the latest price for 1 BTC in USD
puts MtGox.ticker.sell

# Fetch open asks
puts MtGox.asks

# Fetch open bids
puts MtGox.bids

# Fetch the last 48 hours worth of trades (takes a minute)
puts MtGox.trades

# Certain methods require authentication
MtGox.configure do |config|
  config.key = YOUR_MTGOX_KEY
  config.secret = YOUR_MTGOX_SECRET

# Fetch your current balance
puts MtGox.balance

# Place a limit order to buy one bitcoin for $0.011! 1.0, 0.011

# Place a limit order to sell one bitcoin for $100
MtGox.sell! 1.0, 100.0

# Cancel order #1234567890
MtGox.cancel 1234567890

# Withdraw 1 BTC from your account
MtGox.withdraw! 1.0, "1KxSo9bGBfPVFEtWNLpnUK1bfLNNT4q31L"


Copyright (c) 2011 Erik Michaels-Ober. Copyright (c) 2012 Arvicco (extensions).

See LICENSE for details.